
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Numbers 36

1 Then the heads of families of the clan descended from Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, oneof the clans descended from Joseph, came forward and, addressing Moses and the leaders, the Israelite headsof families,1 The heads of the ancestral houses in the clan of descendants of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh-one of the Josephite clans-came up and laid this plea before Moses and the priest Eleazar and before the princes who were the heads of the ancestral houses of the other Israelites.
2 they said: 'Yahweh has ordered my lord to apportion the Israelites' heritages in the country by lot andmy lord has been ordered by Yahweh to give the heritage of our brother Zelophehad to his daughters.2 They said: "The LORD commanded you, my lord, to apportion the land by lot among the Israelites; and you, my lord, were also commanded by the LORD to give the heritage of our kinsman Zelophehad to his daughters.
3 Now, if they marry someone from another Israelite tribe, their heritage wil be alienated from ourancestral heritage. The heritage of the tribe to which they wil then belong wil be increased, and the heritage al otted to us will be diminished.3 But if they marry into one of the other Israelite tribes, their heritage will be withdrawn from our ancestral heritage and will be added to that of the tribe into which they marry; thus the heritage that fell to us by lot will be diminished.
4 And when the jubilee for the Israelites comes round, these women's heritage will become part of theheritage of the tribe to which they then belong, and be alienated from the heritage of our ancestral tribe.'4 When the Israelites celebrate the jubilee year, the heritage of these women will be permanently added to that of the tribe into which they marry and will be withdrawn from that of our ancestral tribe."
5 At Yahweh's bidding, Moses gave the Israelites this order. He said: 'What the Josephite tribe says istrue.5 So Moses gave this regulation to the Israelites according to the instructions of the LORD: "The tribe of the Josephites are right in what they say.
6 This is Yahweh's ruling for Zelophehad's daughters: "They may marry whom they please, providingthey marry into a clan of their father's tribe.6 This is what the LORD commands with regard to the daughters of Zelophehad: They may marry anyone they please, provided they marry into a clan of their ancestral tribe,
7 But the heritages of Israelites are not to be transferred from tribe to tribe; each Israelite wil stick tothe heritage of his own tribe.7 so that no heritage of the Israelites will pass from one tribe to another, but all the Israelites will retain their own ancestral heritage.
8 Any daughter who owns a heritage in an Israelite tribe will marry into a clan of her own paternal tribe,so that the Israelites may each preserve the heritage of his father.8 Therefore, every daughter who inherits property in any of the Israelite tribes shall marry someone belonging to a clan of her own ancestral tribe, in order that all the Israelites may remain in possession of their own ancestral heritage.
9 No heritage may be transferred from one tribe to another; each Israelite tribe wil stick to its ownheritage." '9 Thus, no heritage can pass from one tribe to another, but all the Israelite tribes will retain their own ancestral heritage."
10 Zelophehad's daughters did as Yahweh had ordered Moses.10 The daughters of Zelophehad obeyed the command which the LORD had given to Moses.
11 Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah and Noah, daughters of Zelophehad, married the sons of theirfather's brothers.11 Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah and Noah, Zelophehad's daughters, married relatives on their father's side
12 Since they married into clans descended from Manasseh son of Joseph, their heritage reverted tothe tribe of their father's clan.12 within the clans of the descendants of Manasseh, son of Joseph; hence their heritage remained in the tribe of their father's clan.
13 Such were the commandments and laws that Yahweh prescribed for the Israelites through Moseson the Plains of Moab near the Jordan by Jericho.n13 These are the commandments and decisions which the LORD prescribed for the Israelites through Moses, on the plains of Moab beside the Jericho stretch of the Jordan.