
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Daniel 7

1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions that passed through hishead as he lay in bed. He wrote the dream down, and this is how the narrative began:1 في السنة الاولى لبيلشاصر ملك بابل رأى دانيال حلما ورؤى راسه على فراشه. حينئذ كتب الحلم واخبر براس الكلام.
2 Daniel said, 'I have been seeing visions in the night. I saw that the four winds of heaven were stirring upthe Great Sea;2 اجاب دانيال وقال. كنت ارى في رؤياي ليلا واذا باربع رياح السماء هجمت على البحر الكبير.
3 four great beasts emerged from the sea, each different from the others.3 وصعد من البحر اربعة حيوانات عظيمة هذا مخالف ذاك.
4 The first was like a lion with eagle's wings and, as I looked, its wings were torn off, and it was lifted offthe ground and set standing on its feet like a human; and it was given a human heart.4 الاول كالاسد وله جناحا نسر. وكنت انظر حتى انتتف جناحاه وانتصب على الارض وأوقف على رجلين كانسان وأعطي قلب انسان.
5 And there before me was a second beast, like a bear, rearing up on one side, with three ribs in itsmouth, between its teeth. "Up!" came the command. "Eat quantities of flesh!"5 واذا بحيوان آخر ثان شبيه بالدب فارتفع على جنب واحد وفي فمه ثلاثة اضلع بين اسنانه فقالوا له هكذا. قم كل لحما كثيرا.
6 After this I looked; and there before me was another beast, like a leopard, and with four bird's wings onits flanks; it had four heads and was granted authority.6 وبعد هذا كنت ارى واذا بآخر مثل النمر وله على ظهره اربعة اجنحة طائر. وكان للحيوان اربعة رؤوس وأعطي سلطانا.
7 Next, in the visions of the night, I saw another vision: there before me was a fourth beast, fearful,terrifying, very strong; it had great iron teeth, and it ate its victims, crushed them, and trampled their remainsunderfoot. It was different from the previous beasts and had ten horns.7 بعد هذا كنت ارى في رؤى الليل واذا بحيوان رابع هائل وقوي وشديد جدا وله اسنان من حديد كبيرة. اكل وسحق وداس الباقي برجليه. وكان مخالفا لكل الحيوانات الذين قبله وله عشرة قرون.
8 'While I was looking at these horns, I saw another horn sprouting among them, a little one; three of theoriginal horns were pul ed out by the roots to make way for it; and in this horn I saw eyes like human eyes, and amouth ful of boasting.8 كنت متأملا بالقرون واذا بقرن آخر صغير طلع بينها وقلعت ثلاثة من القرون الاولى من قدامه واذا بعيون كعيون الانسان في هذا القرن وفم متكلم بعظائم.
9 While I was watching, thrones were set in place and one most venerable took his seat. His robe waswhite as snow, the hair of his head as pure as wool. His throne was a blaze of flames, its wheels were a burningfire.9 كنت ارى انه وضعت عروش وجلس القديم الايام. لباسه ابيض كالثلج وشعر راسه كالصوف النقي وعرشه لهيب نار وبكراته نار متقدة.
10 A stream of fire poured out, issuing from his presence. A thousand thousand waited on him, tenthousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was in session and the books lay open.10 نهر نار جرى وخرج من قدامه. ألوف ألوف تخدمه وربوات ربوات وقوف قدامه. فجلس الدين وفتحت الاسفار.
11 'I went on watching: then, because of the noise made by the boastings of the horn, as I watched, thebeast was put to death, and its body destroyed and committed to the flames.11 كنت انظر حينئذ من اجل صوت الكلمات العظيمة التي تكلم بها القرن. كنت ارى الى ان قتل الحيوان وهلك جسمه ودفع لوقيد النار.
12 The other beasts were deprived of their empire, but received a lease of life for a season and a time.12 اما باقي الحيوانات فنزع عنهم سلطانهم ولكن اعطوا طول حياة الى زمان ووقت
13 I was gazing into the visions of the night, when I saw, coming on the clouds of heaven, as it were ason of man. He came to the One most venerable and was led into his presence.13 كنت ارى في رؤى الليل واذا مع سحب السماء مثل ابن انسان اتى وجاء الى القديم الايام فقربوه قدامه.
14 On him was conferred rule, honour and kingship, and all peoples, nations and languages became hisservants. His rule is an everlasting rule which wil never pass away, and his kingship wil never come to an end.14 فأعطي سلطانا ومجدا وملكوتا لتتعبّد له كل الشعوب والامم والألسنة. سلطانه سلطان ابدي ما لن يزول وملكوته ما لا ينقرض
15 'I, Daniel, was deeply disturbed and the visions that passed through my head alarmed me.15 اما انا دانيال فحزنت روحي في وسط جسمي وافزعتني رؤى راسي.
16 So I approached one of those who were standing by and asked him about al this. And in reply herevealed to me what these things meant.16 فاقتربت الى واحد من الوقوف وطلبت منه الحقيقة في كل هذا. فاخبرني وعرّفني تفسير الامور.
17 "These four great beasts are four kings who will rise up from the earth.17 هؤلاء الحيوانات العظيمة التي هي اربعة هي اربعة ملوك يقومون على الارض.
18 Those who receive royal power are the holy ones of the Most High, and kingship will be theirs for ever,for ever and ever."18 اما قديسوا العلي فيأخذون المملكة ويمتلكون المملكة الى الابد والى ابد الآبدين.
19 Then I asked about the fourth beast, different from al the rest, very terrifying, with iron teeth andbronze claws; it ate its victims, crushed them, and trampled their remains underfoot;19 حينئذ رمت الحقيقة من جهة الحيوان الرابع الذي كان مخالفا لكلها وهائلا جدا واسنانه من حديد واظفاره من نحاس وقد اكل وسحق وداس الباقي برجليه.
20 and about the ten horns on its head -- and why the other horn sprouted and the three original hornsfel , and why this horn had eyes and a mouth ful of boasting, and why it looked more impressive than its fel ows.20 وعن القرون العشرة التي براسه وعن الآخر الذي طلع فسقطت قدامه ثلاثة وهذا القرن له عيون وفم متكلم بعظائم ومنظره اشد من رفقائه.
21 This was the horn I had watched making war on the holy ones and proving the stronger,21 وكنت انظر واذا هذا القرن يحارب القديسين فغلبهم
22 until the coming of the One most venerable who gave judgement in favour of the holy ones of the MostHigh, when the time came for the holy ones to assume kingship.22 حتى جاء القديم الايام وأعطي الدين لقديسي العلي وبلغ الوقت فامتلك القديسون المملكة
23 This is what he said: "The fourth beast is to be a fourth kingdom on earth, different from al otherkingdoms. It will devour the whole world, trample it underfoot and crush it.23 فقال هكذا. اما الحيوان الرابع فتكون مملكة رابعة على الارض مخالفة لسائر الممالك فتاكل الارض كلها وتدوسها وتسحقها.
24 As for the ten horns: from this kingdom will rise ten kings, and another after them; this one will bedifferent from the previous ones and wil bring down three kings;24 والقرون العشرة من هذه المملكة هي عشرة ملوك يقومون ويقوم بعدهم آخر وهو مخالف الاولين ويذل ثلاثة ملوك.
25 he wil insult the Most High, and torment the holy ones of the Most High. He will plan to alter theseasons and the Law, and the Saints wil be handed over to him for a time, two times, and half a time.25 ويتكلم بكلام ضد العلي ويبلي قديسي العلي ويظن انه يغيّر الاوقات والسّنّة ويسلمون ليده الى زمان وازمنة ونصف زمان.
26 But the court will sit, and he wil be stripped of his royal authority which wil be final y destroyed andreduced to nothing.26 فيجلس الدين وينزعون عنه سلطانه ليفنوا ويبيدوا الى المنتهى.
27 And kingship and rule and the splendours of all the kingdoms under heaven will be given to the peopleof the holy ones of the Most High, whose royal power is an eternal power, whom every empire wil serve andobey."27 والمملكة والسلطان وعظمة المملكة تحت كل السماء تعطى لشعب قديسي العلي. ملكوته ملكوت ابدي وجميع السلاطين اياه يعبدون ويطيعون.
28 'Here the narrative ends. 'I, Daniel, was greatly disturbed in mind, and I grew pale; but I kept thesethings to myself.'28 الى هنا نهاية الامر. اما انا دانيال فافكاري افزعتني كثيرا وتغيّرت عليّ هيئتي وحفظت الأمر في قلبي