
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Jeremiah 14

1 The word of Yahweh that came to Jeremiah on the occasion of the drought.1 και εγενετο λογος κυριου προς ιερεμιαν περι της αβροχιας
2 'Judah is in mourning, her towns are pining, sinking to the ground; a cry goes up from Jerusalem.2 επενθησεν η ιουδαια και αι πυλαι αυτης εκενωθησαν και εσκοτωθησαν επι της γης και η κραυγη της ιερουσαλημ ανεβη
3 The nobles send their servants for water, they come to the water-tanks, find no water, and return withtheir pitchers empty. Dismayed and bewildered, they cover their heads.3 και οι μεγιστανες αυτης απεστειλαν τους νεωτερους αυτων εφ' υδωρ ηλθοσαν επι τα φρεατα και ουχ ευροσαν υδωρ και απεστρεψαν τα αγγεια αυτων κενα
4 Because the soil is al cracked since the country has had no rain; the farmers are dismayed, they covertheir heads.4 και τα εργα της γης εξελιπεν οτι ουκ ην υετος ησχυνθησαν γεωργοι επεκαλυψαν την κεφαλην αυτων
5 Even the doe in the countryside giving birth abandons her young, for there is no grass;5 και ελαφοι εν αγρω ετεκον και εγκατελιπον οτι ουκ ην βοτανη
6 the wild donkeys standing on the bare heights gasp for air like jackals: their eyes grow dim for lack ofpasture.'6 ονοι αγριοι εστησαν επι ναπας ειλκυσαν ανεμον εξελιπον οι οφθαλμοι αυτων οτι ουκ ην χορτος απο λαου αδικιας
7 Although our sins witness against us, Yahweh, for your name's sake, intervene! Yes, our acts ofinfidelity have been many, we have sinned against you!7 ει αι αμαρτιαι ημων αντεστησαν ημιν κυριε ποιησον ημιν ενεκεν σου οτι πολλαι αι αμαρτιαι ημων εναντιον σου οτι σοι ημαρτομεν
8 Yahweh, hope of Israel, its Saviour in time of distress, why are you like a stranger in this country, like atravel er staying only for one night?8 υπομονη ισραηλ κυριε και σωζεις εν καιρω κακων ινα τι εγενηθης ωσει παροικος επι της γης και ως αυτοχθων εκκλινων εις καταλυμα
9 Why are you like someone bemused, like a warrior who has no power to rescue? And yet, Yahweh,you are among us, we are called by your name. Do not desert us!9 μη εση ωσπερ ανθρωπος υπνων η ως ανηρ ου δυναμενος σωζειν και συ εν ημιν ει κυριε και το ονομα σου επικεκληται εφ' ημας μη επιλαθη ημων
10 Yahweh says this about this people, 'They take such pleasure in darting hither and thither, theycannot restrain their feet! But Yahweh takes pleasure in them no longer; now he wil keep their guilt in mind andpunish their sins.'10 ουτως λεγει κυριος τω λαω τουτω ηγαπησαν κινειν ποδας αυτων και ουκ εφεισαντο και ο θεος ουκ ευδοκησεν εν αυτοις νυν μνησθησεται των αδικιων αυτων
11 Yahweh then said to me, 'Do not intercede for this people or their welfare.11 και ειπεν κυριος προς με μη προσευχου περι του λαου τουτου εις αγαθα
12 If they fast, I wil not listen to their plea; if they offer burnt offerings and cereal offerings I wil notaccept them. Rather, I shal make an end of them by sword, famine and plague.'12 οτι εαν νηστευσωσιν ουκ εισακουσομαι της δεησεως αυτων και εαν προσενεγκωσιν ολοκαυτωματα και θυσιας ουκ ευδοκησω εν αυτοις οτι εν μαχαιρα και εν λιμω και εν θανατω εγω συντελεσω αυτους
13 'Ah, Lord Yahweh,' I answered, 'here are the prophets telling them, "You will not see the sword,famine wil not touch you; I promise you true peace in this place." '13 και ειπα ω κυριε ιδου οι προφηται αυτων προφητευουσιν και λεγουσιν ουκ οψεσθε μαχαιραν ουδε λιμος εσται εν υμιν οτι αληθειαν και ειρηνην δωσω επι της γης και εν τω τοπω τουτω
14 Then Yahweh said to me, 'The prophets are prophesying lies in my name; I have not sent them, Igave them no orders, I never spoke to them. Delusive visions, hol ow predictions, daydreams of their own, that iswhat they prophesy to you.14 και ειπεν κυριος προς με ψευδη οι προφηται προφητευουσιν επι τω ονοματι μου ουκ απεστειλα αυτους και ουκ ενετειλαμην αυτοις και ουκ ελαλησα προς αυτους οτι ορασεις ψευδεις και μαντειας και οιωνισματα και προαιρεσεις καρδιας αυτων αυτοι προφητευουσιν υμιν
15 Therefore, Yahweh says this: The prophets who prophesy in my name when I have not sent them,and tel you there will be no sword or famine in this country, these same prophets will meet their end by swordand famine.15 δια τουτο ταδε λεγει κυριος περι των προφητων των προφητευοντων επι τω ονοματι μου ψευδη και εγω ουκ απεστειλα αυτους οι λεγουσιν μαχαιρα και λιμος ουκ εσται επι της γης ταυτης εν θανατω νοσερω αποθανουνται και εν λιμω συντελεσθησονται οι προφηται
16 And as for the people to whom they prophesy, they wil be tossed into the streets of Jerusalem,victims of famine and the sword, with not a soul to bury them: neither them nor their wives, nor their sons, northeir daughters. I shall pour their own wickedness down on them.16 και ο λαος οις αυτοι προφητευουσιν αυτοις και εσονται ερριμμενοι εν ταις διοδοις ιερουσαλημ απο προσωπου μαχαιρας και του λιμου και ουκ εσται ο θαπτων αυτους και αι γυναικες αυτων και οι υιοι αυτων και αι θυγατερες αυτων και εκχεω επ' αυτους τα κακα αυτων
17 'So say this word to them: May my eyes shed tears night and day, unceasingly, since the daughter ofmy people has sustained a fearsome wound, a crippling injury.17 και ερεις προς αυτους τον λογον τουτον καταγαγετε επ' οφθαλμους υμων δακρυα ημερας και νυκτος και μη διαλιπετωσαν οτι συντριμματι συνετριβη θυγατηρ λαου μου και πληγη οδυνηρα σφοδρα
18 If I go into the countryside, there lie those killed by the sword; if I go into the city, I see people torturedwith hunger; even prophets and priests roam the country at their wits' end.'18 εαν εξελθω εις το πεδιον και ιδου τραυματιαι μαχαιρας και εαν εισελθω εις την πολιν και ιδου πονος λιμου οτι ιερευς και προφητης επορευθησαν εις γην ην ουκ ηδεισαν
19 Have you rejected Judah altogether? Does your very soul revolt at Zion? Why have you struck usdown without hope of cure? We were hoping for peace -- no good came of it! For the moment of cure -- nothingbut terror!19 μη αποδοκιμαζων απεδοκιμασας τον ιουδαν και απο σιων απεστη η ψυχη σου ινα τι επαισας ημας και ουκ εστιν ημιν ιασις υπεμειναμεν εις ειρηνην και ουκ ην αγαθα εις καιρον ιασεως και ιδου ταραχη
20 Yahweh, we acknowledge our wickedness and our ancestors' guilt: we have indeed sinned againstyou.20 εγνωμεν κυριε αμαρτηματα ημων αδικιας πατερων ημων οτι ημαρτομεν εναντιον σου
21 For your name's sake do not reject us, do not dishonour the throne of your glory. Remember us; donot break your covenant with us.21 κοπασον δια το ονομα σου μη απολεσης θρονον δοξης σου μνησθητι μη διασκεδασης την διαθηκην σου την μεθ' ημων
22 Can any of the nations' Futile Ones make it rain? Can the heavens of their own accord give showers?Are you not the one, Yahweh our God? In you is our hope, since you make al these things.22 μη εστιν εν ειδωλοις των εθνων υετιζων και ει ο ουρανος δωσει πλησμονην αυτου ουχι συ ει αυτος και υπομενουμεν σε οτι συ εποιησας παντα ταυτα