
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Isaiah 36

1 In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of Assyria advanced on al the fortified townsof Judah and captured them.1 και εγενετο του τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατου ετους βασιλευοντος εζεκιου ανεβη σενναχηριμ βασιλευς ασσυριων επι τας πολεις της ιουδαιας τας οχυρας και ελαβεν αυτας
2 From Lachish the king of Assyria sent the cupbearer-in-chief with a large force to King Hezekiah inJerusalem. The cupbearer-in-chief took up position near the conduit of the upper pool on the road to the Ful er'sField.2 και απεστειλεν βασιλευς ασσυριων ραψακην εκ λαχις εις ιερουσαλημ προς τον βασιλεα εζεκιαν μετα δυναμεως πολλης και εστη εν τω υδραγωγω της κολυμβηθρας της ανω εν τη οδω του αγρου του γναφεως
3 The master of the palace, Eliakim son of Hilkiah, Shebna the secretary and the herald Joah son ofAsaph went out to him.3 και εξηλθεν προς αυτον ελιακιμ ο του χελκιου ο οικονομος και σομνας ο γραμματευς και ιωαχ ο του ασαφ ο υπομνηματογραφος
4 The cupbearer-in-chief said to them, 'Say to Hezekiah, "The great king, the king of Assyria, says this:What makes you so confident?4 και ειπεν αυτοις ραψακης ειπατε εζεκια ταδε λεγει ο βασιλευς ο μεγας βασιλευς ασσυριων τι πεποιθως ει
5 Do you think empty words are as good as strategy and military strength? Who are you relying on, todare to rebel against me?5 μη εν βουλη η λογοις χειλεων παραταξις γινεται και νυν επι τινι πεποιθας οτι απειθεις μοι
6 There you are, relying on that broken reed, Egypt, which pricks and pierces the hand of the person wholeans on it. That is what Pharaoh king of Egypt is like to al who rely on him.6 ιδου πεποιθως ει επι την ραβδον την καλαμινην την τεθλασμενην ταυτην επ' αιγυπτον ος αν επ' αυτην επιστηρισθη εισελευσεται εις την χειρα αυτου ουτως εστιν φαραω βασιλευς αιγυπτου και παντες οι πεποιθοτες επ' αυτω
7 You may say to me: We rely on Yahweh our God. But haven't his high places and altars beensuppressed by Hezekiah, who told Judah and Jerusalem: This is the altar before which you must worship?7 ει δε λεγετε επι κυριον τον θεον ημων πεποιθαμεν
8 Very wel , then, make a wager with my lord the king of Assyria: I wil give you two thousand horses ifyou can find horsemen to ride them.8 νυν μειχθητε τω κυριω μου τω βασιλει ασσυριων και δωσω υμιν δισχιλιαν ιππον ει δυνησεσθε δουναι αναβατας επ' αυτους
9 How could you repulse a single one of the least of my master's soldiers? And yet you have relied onEgypt for chariots and horsemen.9 και πως δυνασθε αποστρεψαι εις προσωπον τοπαρχου ενος οικεται εισιν οι πεποιθοτες επ' αιγυπτιοις εις ιππον και αναβατην
10 And lastly, have I marched on this country to lay it waste without warrant from Yahweh? Yahwehhimself said to me: March on this country and lay it waste."10 και νυν μη ανευ κυριου ανεβημεν επι την χωραν ταυτην πολεμησαι αυτην
11 Eliakim, Shebna and Joah said to the cupbearer-in-chief, 'Please speak to your servants in Aramaic,for we understand it; do not speak to us in the Judaean language within earshot of the people on the ramparts.'11 και ειπεν προς αυτον ελιακιμ και σομνας και ιωαχ λαλησον προς τους παιδας σου συριστι ακουομεν γαρ ημεις και μη λαλει προς ημας ιουδαιστι και ινα τι λαλεις εις τα ωτα των ανθρωπων των επι τω τειχει
12 But the cupbearer-in-chief said, 'Do you think my lord sent me here to say these things to your masteror to you? On the contrary, it was to the people sitting on the ramparts who, like you, are doomed to eat theirown dung and drink their own urine.'12 και ειπεν ραψακης προς αυτους μη προς τον κυριον υμων η προς υμας απεσταλκεν με ο κυριος μου λαλησαι τους λογους τουτους ουχι προς τους ανθρωπους τους καθημενους επι τω τειχει ινα φαγωσιν κοπρον και πιωσιν ουρον μεθ' υμων αμα
13 The cupbearer-in-chief then drew himself up and shouted loudly in the Judaean language, 'Listen tothe words of the great king, the king of Assyria.13 και εστη ραψακης και εβοησεν φωνη μεγαλη ιουδαιστι και ειπεν ακουσατε τους λογους του βασιλεως του μεγαλου βασιλεως ασσυριων
14 The king says this, "Do not let Hezekiah delude you! He wil be powerless to save you.14 ταδε λεγει ο βασιλευς μη απατατω υμας εζεκιας λογοις οι ου δυνησονται ρυσασθαι υμας
15 Do not let Hezekiah persuade you to rely on Yahweh by saying: Yahweh is sure to save us; this citywil not fal into the king of Assyria's clutches.15 και μη λεγετω υμιν εζεκιας οτι ρυσεται υμας ο θεος και ου μη παραδοθη η πολις αυτη εν χειρι βασιλεως ασσυριων
16 Do not listen to Hezekiah, for the king of Assyria says this: Make peace with me,16 μη ακουετε εζεκιου ταδε λεγει ο βασιλευς ασσυριων ει βουλεσθε ευλογηθηναι εκπορευεσθε προς με και φαγεσθε εκαστος την αμπελον αυτου και τας συκας και πιεσθε υδωρ του λακκου υμων
17 surrender to me, and every one of you wil be free to eat the fruit of his own vine and of his own figtree and to drink the water of his own storage-wel until I come and take you away to a country like your own, aland of corn and good wine, a land of bread and vineyards.17 εως αν ελθω και λαβω υμας εις γην ως η γη υμων γη σιτου και οινου και αρτων και αμπελωνων
18 Do not let Hezekiah delude you by saying: Yahweh will save us. Has any god of any nation been ableto save his country from the king of Assyria's clutches?18 μη υμας απατατω εζεκιας λεγων ο θεος υμων ρυσεται υμας μη ερρυσαντο οι θεοι των εθνων εκαστος την εαυτου χωραν εκ χειρος βασιλεως ασσυριων
19 Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim? Where are thenational gods of Samaria? Did they save Samaria from my clutches?19 που εστιν ο θεος αιμαθ και αρφαθ και που ο θεος της πολεως σεπφαριμ μη εδυναντο ρυσασθαι σαμαρειαν εκ χειρος μου
20 Of al the national gods, which ones have saved their countries from my clutches, that Yahweh shouldbe able to save Jerusalem from my clutches?" '20 τις των θεων παντων των εθνων τουτων ερρυσατο την γην αυτου εκ της χειρος μου οτι ρυσεται ο θεος ιερουσαλημ εκ χειρος μου
21 They, however, kept quiet and said nothing in reply, since the king had given the order, 'You are not toanswer him.'21 και εσιωπησαν και ουδεις απεκριθη αυτω λογον δια το προσταξαι τον βασιλεα μηδενα αποκριθηναι
22 The master of the palace, Eliakim son of Hilkiah, Shebna the secretary and the herald Joah son ofAsaph, with their clothes torn, went to Hezekiah and reported what the cupbearer-in-chief had said.22 και εισηλθεν ελιακιμ ο του χελκιου ο οικονομος και σομνας ο γραμματευς της δυναμεως και ιωαχ ο του ασαφ ο υπομνηματογραφος προς εζεκιαν εσχισμενοι τους χιτωνας και απηγγειλαν αυτω τους λογους ραψακου