
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 1

1 [The Law, the Prophets,and the other writers succeeding them have passed on to us great lessons,inconsequence of which Israel must be commended for learning and wisdom. Furthermore, it is a duty, not only toacquire learning by reading,but also, once having acquired it, to make oneself of use to people outsideby whatone can say or write. My grandfather Jesus, having long devoted himself to the readingof the Law,theProphetsand other books of the Fathersand having become very learned in them,himself decided to writesomething on the subjects of learning and wisdom,so that people who wanted to learn might, by themselvesaccepting these disciplines,learn how better to live according to the Law.You are therefore askedto read thisbookwith good wil and attentionand to show indulgencein those places where, notwithstanding our efforts atinterpretation, we may seemto have failed to give an adequate rendering of this or that expression;the fact is thatthere is no equivalentfor things original y written in Hebrew when it is a question of translating them into anotherlanguage;what is more,the Law itself, the Prophetsand the other booksdiffer considerably in translation fromwhat appears in the original text. It was in the thirty-eighth year of the late King Euergetesthat, coming to Egyptand spending some time here,and finding life here consistent with a high degree of wisdom,I became convincedof an immediate duty to apply myself in my turn with pains and diligence to the translation of the book thatfol ows;and I spent much time and learning on itin the course of this period,to complete the work and to publishthe bookfor the benefit of those too who, domiciled abroad, wish to study,to reform their behaviour, and to live asthe Law requires.] All wisdom comes from the Lord, she is with him for ever.1 Toute sagesse vient du Seigneur; elle reste auprès de lui pour toujours.
2 The sands of the sea, the drops of rain, the days of eternity -- who can count them?2 Les grains de sable au bord des mers, les gouttes de la pluie, les jours déjà écoulés: qui pourrait les compter?
3 The height of the sky, the breadth of the earth, the depth of the abyss -- who can explore them?3 La hauteur du ciel, l’étendue de la terre, les profondeurs de l’océan: qui peut les mesurer?
4 Wisdom was created before everything, prudent understanding subsists from remotest ages.4 La Sagesse, elle, fut créée avant toute chose, l’intelligence qui les dispose vient de plus loin que le début du temps.
6 For whom has the root of wisdom ever been uncovered? Her resourceful ways, who knows them?6 À qui la source de la sagesse a-t-elle été révélée?
7 7 Qui a connu ses intentions secrètes?
8 One only is wise, terrible indeed,8 Un seul est sage, très digne du plus haut respect: Celui qui siège sur son trône!
9 seated on his throne, the Lord. It was he who created, inspected and weighed her up, and then pouredher out on al his works-9 C’est le Seigneur qui a créé la sagesse; il l’a vue, il en a pris la mesure; il l’a répandue sur toutes ses œuvres,
10 as much to each living creature as he chose -- bestowing her on those who love him.10 sur tous les êtres vivants, selon sa générosité. Il l’a distribuée avec largesse à ceux qui l’aiment.
11 The fear of the Lord is glory and pride, happiness and a crown of joyfulness.11 La crainte du Seigneur est notre gloire et nous pouvons en être fiers; elle est joie et couronne de vainqueurs.
12 The fear of the Lord gladdens the heart, giving happiness, joy and long life.12 La crainte du Seigneur réjouit le cœur, elle donne bonne humeur, joie et longue vie.
13 For those who fear the Lord, all wil end wel : on their dying day they wil be blessed.13 Tout finira bien pour celui qui craint le Seigneur; au jour de sa mort il sera béni.
14 The basis of wisdom is to fear the Lord; she was created with the faithful in their mothers' womb;14 La crainte du Seigneur est le commencement de la sagesse; il a mis la sagesse au cœur de ses fidèles dès avant leur naissance.
15 she has made a home in the human race, an age -- old foundation, and to their descendants wil shefaithful y cling.15 Elle était en place dès avant le temps; elle a fait son nid chez des humains, et elle restera fidèle à leur descendance.
16 The ful ness of wisdom is to fear the Lord; she intoxicates them with her fruits;16 La crainte du Seigneur est la plénitude de la sagesse; elle te comble de ses fruits,
17 she fil s their entire house with treasures and their storerooms with her produce.17 remplissant toute ta maison de choses fort appréciables, et tes greniers, de ses richesses.
18 The crown of wisdom is to fear the Lord: she makes peace and health flourish.18 La crainte du Seigneur est le couronnement de la sagesse; elle fait fleurir paix et bonne santé.
19 The Lord has seen and assessed her, he has showered down knowledge and intelligence, he hasexalted the renown of those who possess her.19 Le Seigneur l’a vue et mesurée; il a fait tomber une pluie de savoir et d’intelligence; ceux qui ont la sagesse ne peuvent pas la dissimuler.
20 The root of wisdom is to fear the Lord, and her branches are long life.20 La crainte du Seigneur est la racine de la sagesse;
21 21 sa ramure s’appelle: longue vie.
22 The rage of the wicked cannot put him in the right, for the weight of his rage is his downfal .22 La violence injuste n’a aucune excuse, elle se détruit par ses propres excès.
23 A patient person puts up with things until the right time comes: but his joy wil break out in the end.23 L’homme patient tiendra bon aussi longtemps qu’il le faudra; à la fin la joie lui sera accordée;
24 Til the time comes he keeps his thoughts to himself, and many a lip will affirm how wise he is.24 il se retiendra de parler jusqu’au moment voulu, tous alors reconnaîtront sa valeur.
25 Wisdom's treasuries contain the maxims of knowledge, the sinner, however, holds piety in abhorrence.25 La sagesse garde dans ses réserves des maximes d’un riche contenu, mais le pécheur n’a nul souci des choses de Dieu.
26 If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will bestow it on you.26 Désires-tu la sagesse? Observe les commandements, et le Seigneur te l’accordera généreusement.
27 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and instruction, and what pleases him is faithfulness and gentleness.27 Car la crainte du Seigneur est sagesse et doctrine; ce qui lui plaît, c’est la fidélité et la douceur.
28 Do not stand out against fear of the Lord, do not practise it with a double heart.28 Ne te détourne pas de la crainte du Seigneur, viens à elle d’un cœur entier.
29 Do not act a part in public, keep watch over your lips.29 Ne sois pas hypocrite devant les gens, mais surveille tes paroles.
30 Do not grow too high and mighty, for fear you fal and cover yourself in disgrace; for the Lord wouldthen reveal your secrets and overthrow you before the whole community for not having practised fear of the Lordand for having a heart ful of deceit.30 Ne chante pas tes propres louanges, tu pourrais tomber et t’attirer le déshonneur. Si tu n’as pas la crainte du Seigneur et que tu vis dans le mensonge, lui révélera tes secrets et te renversera en public.