
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Job 21

1 Job spoke next. He said:1 فاجاب ايوب وقال
2 Listen careful y to my words; let this be the consolation you allow me.2 اسمعوا قولي سمعا وليكن هذا تعزيتكم.
3 Permit me to speak in my turn; you may jeer when I have spoken.3 احتملوني وانا اتكلم وبعد كلامي استهزئوا.
4 Is my complaint just about a fellow-mortal? I have good grounds to be perturbed!4 اما انا فهل شكواي من انسان. وان كانت فلماذا لا تضيق روحي.
5 Give your attention to me; you wil be dumbfounded and wil place your hand over your mouth.5 تفرسوا فيّ وتعجبوا وضعوا اليد على الفم
6 I myself am appalled at the very thought, and my flesh creeps.6 عندما اتذكر ارتاع واخذت بشري رعدة.
7 Why do the wicked stil live on, their power increasing with their age?7 لماذا تحيا الاشرار ويشيخون نعم ويتجبّرون قوة.
8 They see their posterity assured, and their offspring secure before their eyes.8 نسلهم قائم امامهم معهم وذريتهم في اعينهم.
9 The peace of their houses has nothing to fear, the rod that God wields is not for them.9 بيوتهم آمنة من الخوف وليس عليهم عصا الله.
10 No mishap with their bull at breeding-time, nor miscarriage with their cow at calving.10 ثورهم يلقح ولا يخطئ. بقرتهم تنتج ولا تسقط.
11 They let their infants frisk like lambs, their children dance like deer.11 يسرحون مثل الغنم رضّعهم واطفالهم ترقص.
12 They sing to the tambourine and harp, and rejoice to the sound of the pipe.12 يحملون الدف والعود ويطربون بصوت المزمار.
13 They end their lives in happiness and go down in peace to Sheol.13 يقضون ايامهم بالخير. في لحظة يهبطون الى الهاوية.
14 Yet these are the ones who say to God, 'Go away! We do not want to learn your ways.14 فيقولون للّه ابعد عنا. وبمعرفة طرقك لا نسرّ.
15 What is the point of our serving Shaddai? What should we gain from praying to him?'15 من هو القدير حتى نعبده وماذا ننتفع ان التمسناه
16 Surely they have won their own prosperity, since God is kept so far from their plans?16 هوذا ليس في يدهم خيرهم. لتبعد عني مشورة الاشرار.
17 Do we often see the light of the wicked put out, or disaster overtake him, or the retribution of Goddestroy his possessions,17 كم ينطفئ سراج الاشرار ويأتي عليهم بوارهم او يقسم لهم اوجاعا في غضبه
18 or the wind blow him away like a straw, or a whirlwind carry him off like chaff?18 او يكونون كالتبن قدام الريح وكالعاصفة التي تسرقها الزوبعة.
19 So God is storing up punishment for his children? But the wicked himself should be punished, andshould know it!19 الله يخزن اثمه لبنيه. ليجازه نفسه فيعلم.
20 He himself should witness his own ruin, and himself drink the anger of Shaddai.20 لتنظر عيناه هلاكه ومن حمة القدير يشرب.
21 Once he is gone, what joy can he gain from his family, once the number of his months has been cutoff?21 فما هي مسرّته في بيته بعده وقد تعيّن عدد شهوره
22 But who can teach wisdom to God, to him who is judge of those on high?22 أالله يعلم معرفة وهو يقضي على العالين.
23 And again: one person dies in the ful ness of strength, in all possible happiness and ease,23 هذا يموت في عين كماله. كله مطمئن وساكن.
24 thighs padded with fat and the marrow in the bones good and moist.24 احواضه ملآنة لبنا ومخ عظامه طريء.
25 Another dies in bitterness of heart, never having tasted happiness.25 وذلك يموت بنفس مرة ولم يذق خيرا.
26 They lie together down in the dust and the worms soon cover them both.26 كلاهما يضطجعان معا في التراب والدود يغشاهما
27 Oh, I know what is in your minds, what you so spiteful y think about me!27 هوذا قد علمت افكاركم والنيات التي بها تظلمونني.
28 'What has become of the great lord's house,' you say, 'where is the tent where the wicked used tolive?'28 لانكم تقولون اين بيت العاتي واين خيمة مساكن الاشرار.
29 Have you never questioned people who travel, do you not understand the testimony they give:29 أفلم تسالوا عابري السبيل ولم تفطنوا لدلائلهم.
30 on the day of disaster, the wicked is spared, on the day of retribution, he is kept safe?30 انه ليوم البوار يمسك الشرير ليوم السخط يقادون.
31 And who is there then to reproach him for his deeds and to pay him back for the things he has done?31 من يعلن طريقه لوجهه. ومن يجازيه على ما عمل.
32 He is carried away to the cemetery, and a watch is kept at his tomb.32 هو الى القبور يقاد وعلى المدفن يسهر.
33 The clods of the ravine lie easy on him, and the whole population walk behind.33 حلو له مدر الوادي. يزحف كل انسان وراءه وقدامه ما لا عدد له.
34 So what sense is there in your empty consolation? your answers are the left-overs of infidelity!34 فكيف تعزونني باطلا واجوبتكم بقيت خيانة