
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

2 Crónicas 6

1 Entonces dijo Salomón: «Yahveh quiere habitar en densa nube.1 Then Solomon said: “The Lord has promised that he would dwell in a cloud.
2 He querido erigirte una morada, un lugar donde habites para siempre».2 But I have built a house to his name, so that he may dwell there forever.”
3 Se volvió el rey y bendijo a toda la asamblea de Israel, mientras toda la asamblea de Israel estaba en pie.3 And the king turned his face, and he blessed the entire multitude of Israel, (for the whole crowd was standing and attentive) and he said:
4 Dijo: «Bendito sea Yahveh, Dios de Israel, que habló por su boca a mi padre David, y ha cumplido por su mano lo que dijo:4 “Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, who has completed the work that he spoke to David my father, saying:
5 “Desde el día en que saqué a mi pueblo de la tierra de Egipto, no he elegido ninguna ciudad entre todas las tribus de Israel, para edificar una Casa en la que esté mi Nombre; ni elegí varón que fuese caudillo de mi pueblo Israel;5 ‘From the day when I led my people away from the land of Egypt, I did not choose a city from all the tribes of Israel, so that a house would be built in it to my name. And I did not choose any other man, so that he would be the ruler of my people Israel.
6 pero elijo a Jerusalén, para que esté allí mi Nombre, y elijo a David para que sea jefe de mi pueblo Israel.”6 But I chose Jerusalem, so that my name would be in it. And I chose David, so that I might appoint him over my people Israel.’
7 «Mi padre David pensó en su corazón edificar una Casa al Nombre de Yahveh, Dios de Israel.7 And though David, my father, had decided that he would build a house to the name of the Lord God of Israel,
8 Pero Yahveh dijo a mi padre David: “Cuanto a haber pensado en tu corazón edificar una Casa a mi Nombre, bien has hecho en tener tal voluntad.8 the Lord said to him: ‘In so far as it was your will that you build a house to my name, certainly you have done well in having such a will.
9 Pero no edificarás tú la Casa, sino que será un hijo tuyo, salido de tus entrañas, quien edifique la Casa a mi Nombre.”9 But you shall not build the house. Truly, your son, who will go forth from your loins, shall build a house to my name.’
10 Yahveh ha cumplido la promesa que dijo; he sucedido a mi padre David, me he sentado en el trono de Israel, como Yahveh había dicho, y he construido la Casa al Nombre de Yahveh, Dios de Israel;10 Therefore, the Lord has accomplished his word, which he had spoken. And I have risen up in place of my father David, and I sit upon the throne of Israel, just as the Lord spoke. And I have built a house to the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
11 y he puesto allí el arca, en la cual está la alianza de Yahveh, que él pactó con los israelitas».11 And I have placed in it the ark, in which is the covenant of the Lord that he formed with the sons of Israel.”
12 Salomón se puso ante el altar de Yahveh en presencia de toda la asamblea de Israel y extendió las manos.12 Then he stood before the altar of the Lord, facing the entire multitude of Israel, and he extended his hands.
13 Salomón había hecho un estrado de bronce de cinco codos de largo, cinco codos de ancho, y tres codos de alto, que había colocado en medio del atrio; poniéndose sobre él se arrodilló frente a toda la asamblea de Israel. Y extendiendo sus manos hacia el cielo,13 For indeed, Solomon had made a bronze base, and he had positioned it in the midst of the hall; it held five cubits in length, and five cubits in width, and three cubits in height. And he stood upon it. And next, kneeling down while facing the entire multitude of Israel, and lifting up his palms towards heaven,
14 dijo: «Yahveh, Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como tú ni en el cielo ni en la tierra; tú que guardas la alianza y el amor a tus siervos que andan en tu presencia con todo su corazón;14 he said: “O Lord God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven or on earth. You preserve covenant and mercy with your servants, who walk before you with all their hearts.
15 tú que has mantenido a mi padre David la promesa que le hiciste, pues por tu boca lo prometiste, y con tu mano lo has cumplido este día.15 You fulfilled for your servant David, my father, whatsoever you had said to him. And you carried out the deed that you promised with your mouth, just as the present time proves.
16 Ahora, pues Yahveh, Dios de Israel, mantén a tu siervo David, mi padre, la promesa que le hiciste, diciendo: “ Nunca será quitado de mi presencia uno de los tuyos, que se siente en el trono de Israel, con tal que tus hijos guarden su camino andando en mi Ley, como tú has andado delante de mí.”16 Now then, O Lord God of Israel, fulfill for your servant David, my father, whatsoever you said to him, saying: ‘There shall not fail to be a man from you before me, who will sit upon the throne of Israel, yet only if your sons will guard their ways, and will walk in my law, just as you also have walked before me.’
17 Ahora, Yahveh, Dios de Israel, que se cumpla la palabra que dijiste a tu siervo David.17 And now, O Lord God of Israel, let your word be confirmed that you spoke to your servant David.
18 Pero ¿es que verdaderamente habitará Dios con los hombres sobre la tierra? Si los cielos y los cielos de los cielos no pueden contenerte, ¡cuánto menos esta Casa que yo te he construido!18 How then is it to be believe that God would dwell with men upon the earth? If heaven and the heavens of the heavens do not contain you, how much less this house that I have built?
19 Atiende a la plegaria de tu siervo y a su petición, Yahveh, Dios mío, y escucha el clamor y la plegaria que tu siervo hace en tu presencia.19 But it has been done for this only, so that you may look with favor upon the prayer of your servant, and on his supplication, O Lord my God, and so that you may hear the prayers which your servant pours out before you,
20 ¡Que tus ojos estén abiertos día y noche sobre esta Casa, sobre este lugar del que dijiste que pondrías en él tu Nombre para escuchar la oración que dirige tu siervo hacia este lugar!20 and so that you may open your eyes over this house, day and night, over the place where you promised that your name would be invoked,
21 «Oye, pues, las plegarias de tu siervo Israel, tu pueblo, cuando oren hacia este lugar. Escucha tú desde el lugar de tu morada, desde los cielos; escucha y perdona.21 and so that you may heed the prayer which your servant is praying within it, and so that you may heed the prayers of your servant and of your people Israel. Whoever will pray in this place, listen from your habitation, that is, from heaven, and forgive.
22 «Cuando un hombre peque contra su prójimo, y éste pronuncie una imprecación sobre él, haciéndole jurar delante de tu altar en esta Casa,22 If anyone will have sinned against his neighbor, and he arrives to swear against him, and to bind himself with a curse before the altar in this house,
23 escucha tú desde los cielos y obra; juzga a tus siervos. Da su merecido al inicuo, haciendo recaer su conducta sobre su cabeza y declarando inocente al justo, para darle según su justicia.23 you will hear him from heaven, and you will execute justice for your servants, so that you return, to the iniquitous man, his own way upon his own head, and so that you vindicate the just man, repaying him according to his own justice.
24 «Si Israel, tu pueblo, es batido por el enemigo por haber pecado contra ti, y ellos se vuelven y alaban tu Nombre orando y suplicando ante ti en esta Casa,24 If your people Israel will have been overwhelmed by their enemies, (for they will sin against you) and having been converted will do penance, and if they will have beseeched your name, and will have prayed in this place,
25 escucha tú desde los cielos, perdona el pecado de tu pueblo Israel, y vuélvelos a la tierra que les diste a ellos y a sus padres.25 you will heed them from heaven, and you will forgive the sin of your people Israel, and you will lead them back into the land that you gave to them and to their fathers.
26 «Cuando los cielos estén cerrados y no haya lluvia porque pecaron contra ti, si oran en este lugar y alaban tu nombre, y se convierten de su pecado porque les humillaste,26 If the heavens have been closed, so that rain does not fall, because of the sin of the people, and if they will petition you in this place, and confess to your name, and be converted from their sins when you will afflict them,
27 escucha tú desde los cielos y perdona el pecado de tus siervos y de tu pueblo Israel, pues les enseñarás el camino bueno por el que deben andar, y envía lluvia sobre tu tierra, la que diste a tu pueblo por herencia.27 heed them from heaven, O Lord, and forgive the sins of your servants and of your people Israel, and teach them the good way, by which they may advance, and give rain to the land that you gave to your people as a possession.
28 «Cuando haya hambre en esta tierra, cuando haya peste, tizón, añublo, langosta o pulgón, cuando su enemigo le asedie en una de sus puertas, en todo azote y toda enfermedad,28 If a famine will have risen up in the land, or pestilence, or fungus, or mildew, or locusts, or beetles, or if enemies will have laid waste to the countryside and will have besieged the gates of the cities, or whatever scourge or infirmity will have pressed upon them,
29 si un hombre cualquiera, o todo Israel, tu pueblo, hace oraciones y súplicas, y, reconociendo su pena y su dolor, tiende sus manos hacia esta Casa,29 if anyone from your people Israel, knowing his own scourge and infirmity, will have made supplication and will have extended his hands in this house,
30 escucha tú desde los cielos, lugar de tu morada, y perdona, dando a cada uno según todos sus caminos, pues tú conoces su corazón - y sólo tú conoces el corazón de todos los hijos de los hombres -30 you will heed him from heaven, indeed from your sublime habitation, and you will forgive, and you will repay each one according to his ways, which you know him to hold in his heart. For you alone know the hearts of the sons of men.
31 para que teman y sigan tus caminos todos los días que vivan sobre la haz de la tierra que has dado a nuestros padres.31 So may they fear you, and so may they walk in your ways, during all the days that they live upon the face of the land, which you gave to our fathers.
32 «También al extranjero, que no es de tu pueblo Israel, el que viene de un país lejano a causa de tu gran Nombre, tu mano fuerte y tu tenso brazo, cuando venga a orar en esta Casa,32 Also, if the outsider, who is not from your people Israel, will have arrived from a far away land, because of your great name, and because of your robust hand and your outstretched arm, and if he will adore in this place,
33 escucha tú desde los cielos, lugar de tu morada, y haz cuanto te pida el extranjero, para que todos los pueblos de la tierra conozcan tu Nombre y te teman, como tu pueblo Israel, y sepan que tu Nombre es invocado sobre esta Casa que yo he construido.33 you will heed him from heaven, your most firm habitation, and you will accomplish all the things about which this sojourner will have called out to you, so that all the people of the earth may know your name, and may fear you, just as your people Israel do, and so that they may know that your name is invoked over this house, which I have built.
34 «Si tu pueblo va a la guerra contra sus enemigos por el camino por el que tú le envíes, si oran a ti, vueltos hacia esta ciudad que tú has elegido, y hacia la Casa que yo he construido a tu Nombre,34 If, having gone out to war against their adversaries along the way that you will send them, your people adore you facing in the direction of this city, which you have chosen, and of this house, which I have built to your name,
35 escucha tú desde los cielos su oración y su plegaria y hazles justicia.35 you will heed their prayers from heaven, and their supplications, and you will vindicate them.
36 Cuando pequen contra ti - pues no hay hombre que no peque - y tú, irritado contra ellos, los entregues al enemigo, y sus conquistadores los lleven cautivos a un país lejano o cercano,36 But if they will have sinned against you (for there is no man who does not sin) and you will have become angry against them, and if you will have delivered them to their enemies, and so they lead them away as captives to a far away land, or even to one that is near,
37 si se convierten en su corazón en la tierra a que hayan sido llevados, si se arrepienten y te suplican en la tierra de su cautividad, diciendo: “Hemos pecado, hemos sido perversos, somos culpables”;37 and if, having been converted in their heart in the land to which they had been led as captives, they will do penance, and beseech you in the land of their captivity, saying, ‘We have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have acted unjustly,’
38 si se vuelven a ti con todo su corazón y con toda su alma en el país de la cautividad al que fueren deportados, y te suplican vueltos hacia la tierra que tú diste a sus padres y hacia la ciudad que tú has elegido y hacia la Casa que yo he edificado a tu Nombre,38 and if they will have returned to you, with their whole heart and with their whole soul, in the land of their captivity to which they were led away, and if they will adore you in the direction of their own land, which you gave to their fathers, and of the city, which you have chosen, and of the house, which I have built to your name,
39 escucha tú desde los cielos, lugar de tu morada, su oración y su plegaria; hazles justicia y perdona a tu pueblo los pecados cometidos contra ti.39 from heaven, that is, from your firm habitation, you will heed their prayers, and you will accomplish judgment, and you will forgive your people, even though they are sinners.
40 «Que tus ojos, Dios mío, estén abiertos, y tus oídos atentos a la oración que se haga en este lugar.40 For you are my God. Let your eyes be open, I beg you, and let your ears be attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.
41 Y ahora ¡levántate, Yahveh Dios, hacia tu reposo, tú y el arca de tu fuerza! ¡Que tus sacerdotes, Yahveh Dios, se revistan de salvación. y tus fieles gocen de la felicidad!41 Now therefore, rise up, O Lord God, to your resting place, you and the ark of your strength. Let your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let your holy ones rejoice in what is good.
42 Yahveh, Dios mío, no rehaces el rostro de tu Ungido; acuérdate de las misericordias otorgadas a David tu siervo».42 O Lord God, may you not turn away from the face of your Christ. Remember the mercies of your servant, David.”