
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Judith 14

1 Judith said, 'Listen to me, brothers. Take this head and hang it on your battlements.1 Então Judite disse a todo o povo: Ouvi-me, irmãos, pendurai esta cabeça no alto de nossas muralhas.
2 When morning comes and the sun is up, let every man take his arms and every able-bodied man leavethe town. Appoint a leader for them, as if you meant to march down to the plain against the Assyrian advancedpost. But you must not do this.2 Quando o sol se levantar, tome cada um as suas armas e saí com ímpeto, não para descerdes simplesmente (até o vale), mas como para atacá-los.
3 The Assyrians wil gather up their equipment, make for their camp and wake up their commanders; theyin turn will rush to the tent of Holofernes and not be able to find him. They will then be seized with panic and fleeat your advance.3 Será necessário que as sentinelas corram a acordar o seu general para o combate.
4 Al you and the others who live in the territory of Israel wil have to do is to give chase and slaughterthem as they retreat.4 Quando os seus chefes tiverem corrido à tenda de Holofernes e o encontrarem decapitado, jazendo no seu próprio sangue, serão tomados de pavor.
5 'But before you do this, cal me Achior the Ammonite, for him to see and identify the man who held theHouse of Israel in contempt, the man who sent him to us as someone already doomed to die.'5 E quando os virdes fugir, persegui-os destemidamente, porque o Senhor os esmagará sob os vossos pés.
6 So they had Achior brought from Uzziah's house. No sooner had he arrived and seen the head ofHolofernes held by a member of the people's assembly than he fel on his face in a faint.6 Então Aquior, vendo o poder que manifestara o Deus de Israel, abandonou o culto pagão, creu em Deus, circuncidou-se e foi incorporado ao povo de Israel, assim como toda a sua descendência até o dia de hoje.
7 They lifted him up. He then threw himself at Judith's feet and, prostrate before her, exclaimed: May yoube blessed in al the tents of Judah and in every nation; those who hear your name wil be seized with dread!7 Logo que raiou o dia, penduraram nas muralhas a cabeça de Holofernes, cada um tomou as suas armas e saíram fazendo um grande alarido e soltando gritos agudos.
8 'Now tel me everything that you have done in these past few days.' And surrounded by the people,Judith told him everything she had done from the day she left Bethulia to the moment when she was speaking.8 Vendo isto, correram as sentinelas à tenda de Holofernes.
9 When she came to the end, the people cheered at the top of their voices until the town echoed.9 Os que estavam na tenda vieram (ver) e fizeram grande barulho à porta do quarto para o despertar, e aumentavam cada vez mais o tumulto para que Holofernes acordasse com o ruído, sem que houvesse necessidade (de entrar) para o acordar.
10 Achior, recognising al that the God of Israel had done, believed ardently in him and, acceptingcircumcision, was permanently incorporated into the House of Israel.10 Porque ninguém ousava bater na porta nem entrar no quarto do marechal dos assírios.
11 At daybreak they hung the head of Holofernes on the ramparts. Every man took his arms and they alwent out in groups to the slopes of the mountain.11 Mas chegando os generais com os tribunos e com todos os oficiais do exército do rei dos assírios, ordenaram aos camareiros:
12 Seeing this, the Assyrians sent word to their leaders, who in turn reported to the generals, thecaptains of thousands and al the other officers;12 Entrai e despertai-o, porque os ratos saíram de seus buracos e se atrevem a nos provocar ao combate.
13 and these in their turn reported to the tent of Holofernes. 'Rouse our master,' they said to his major-domo, 'these slaves have dared to march down on us to attack -- and to be wiped out to a man!'13 Então Vagao, entrando no quarto, parou diante da cortina e bateu com as mãos, porque supunha que ele dormia com Judite.
14 Bagoas went inside and struck the curtain dividing the tent, thinking that Holofernes was sleeping withJudith.14 Aplicando, porém, os ouvidos e não percebendo movimento algum de um homem que dorme, aproximou- se da cortina e a levantou. À vista do cadáver de Holofernes decapitado, que jazia por terra num charco de sangue, soltou um forte grito, rompeu em lágrimas e rasgou as suas vestes.
15 But as no one seemed to hear, he drew the curtain and went into the bedroom, to find him throwndown dead on the threshold, with his head cut off.15 Entrou então na tenda de Judite e não a encontrou. Correu para fora e disse ao povo:
16 He gave a great shout, wept, sobbed, shrieked and rent his clothes.16 Uma judia pôs a confusão na casa do rei Nabucodonosor: Holofernes jaz ali caído por terra, e a sua cabeça não está com o corpo!
17 He then went into the tent which Judith had occupied and could not find her either. Then, rushing outto the men, he shouted,17 Ouvindo estas palavras, todos os oficiais do exército assírio rasgaram suas vestes, um terror e um espanto extremos os invadiram, e os seus espíritos ficaram completamente desorientados, e um clamor indescritível levantou-se do acampamento.
18 'The slaves have rebel ed! A single Hebrew woman has brought shame on the House ofNebuchadnezzar. Holofernes is lying dead on the ground, without his head!'
19 When they heard this, the leaders of the Assyrian army tore their tunics in consternation, and thecamp rang with their wild cries and their shouting.