
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Salmi 20

1 'Al maestro del coro. Salmo. Di Davide.'

1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David.
2 Ti ascolti il Signore nel giorno della prova,
ti protegga il nome del Dio di Giacobbe.
2 In your virtue, Lord, the king will rejoice, and over your salvation, he will exult exceedingly.
3 Ti mandi l'aiuto dal suo santuario
e dall'alto di Sion ti sostenga.

3 You have granted him the desire of his heart, and you have not cheated him of the wish of his lips.
4 Ricordi tutti i tuoi sacrifici
e gradisca i tuoi olocausti.
4 For you have gone ahead of him with blessings of sweetness. You have placed a crown of precious stones on his head.
5 Ti conceda secondo il tuo cuore,
faccia riuscire ogni tuo progetto.
5 He petitioned you for life, and you have granted him length of days, in the present time, and forever and ever.
6 Esulteremo per la tua vittoria,
spiegheremo i vessilli in nome del nostro Dio;
adempia il Signore tutte le tue domande.

6 Great is his glory in your salvation. Glory and great adornment, you will lay upon him.
7 Ora so che il Signore salva il suo consacrato;
gli ha risposto dal suo cielo santo
con la forza vittoriosa della sua destra.
7 For you will give him as a blessing forever and ever. You will make him rejoice with gladness in your presence.
8 Chi si vanta dei carri e chi dei cavalli,
noi siamo forti nel nome del Signore nostro Dio.
8 Because the king hopes in the Lord, and in the mercy of the Most High, he will not be disturbed.
9 Quelli si piegano e cadono,
ma noi restiamo in piedi e siamo saldi.

9 May your hand be found by all your enemies. May your right hand discover all those who hate you.
10 Salva il re, o Signore,
rispondici, quando ti invochiamo.
10 You will make them like an oven of fire, in the time of your presence. The Lord will stir them up with his wrath, and fire will devour them.
11 You will destroy their fruit from the earth and their offspring from the sons of men.
12 For they have turned evils upon you; they have devised plans, which they have not been able to accomplish.
13 For you will make them turn their back; with your remnants, you will prepare their countenance.
14 Be exalted, Lord, by your own power. We will play music and sing psalms to your virtues.