
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Livre de Daniel 2

1 En l'an deux du règne de Nabuchodonosor, Nabuchodonosor eut des songes, son esprit en fut troublé,le sommeil le quitta.1 In the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar saw a dream, and his spirit was terrified, and his dream fled from him.
2 Le roi ordonna d'appeler magiciens et devins, enchanteurs et Chaldéens pour dire au roi quels avaientété ses songes. Ils vinrent donc et se tinrent devant le roi.2 Yet the king commanded that the seers, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans be gathered together to reveal to the king his dreams. When they arrived, they stood in front of the king.
3 Le roi leur dit: "J'ai fait un songe et mon esprit s'est troublé du désir de comprendre ce rêve."3 And the king said to them, “I saw a dream, and, being confused in mind, I do not know what I saw.”
4 Les Chaldéens répondirent au roi: (Araméen) "O roi, vis à jamais! Raconte le songe à tes serviteurset nous t'en découvrirons l'interprétation."4 And the Chaldeans answered the king in Syriac, “O king, live forever. Tell the dream to your servants, and we will reveal its interpretation.”
5 Le roi répondit et dit aux Chaldéens: "Que mon propos vous soit connu: si vous ne me faites pasconnaître le songe et son interprétation, on vous mettra en pièces et vos maisons seront changées en bourbier.5 And in answer, the king said to the Chaldeans, “The memory of it has slipped away from me. Unless you reveal the dream to me, and its meaning, you will be put to death, and your houses will be confiscated.
6 Mais si vous me découvrez mon songe et son interprétation, vous recevrez de moi présents etcadeaux et grands honneurs. Ainsi donc découvrez-moi mon songe et son interprétation."6 But if you explain the dream and its meaning, you will receive from me rewards, and gifts, and great honor. Therefore, reveal to me the dream and its interpretation.”
7 Ils reprirent: "Que le roi dise le songe à ses serviteurs et nous lui en découvrirons l'interprétation."7 They answered again and said, “Let the king tell the dream to his servants, and we will reveal its interpretation.”
8 Mais le roi: "Je vois bien que vous voulez gagner du temps, sachant que mon propos est proclamé.8 The king answered and said, “I am certain that you are stalling for time because you know that the memory of it has slipped away from me.
9 Si vous ne me faites pas connaître mon songe, une même sentence vous sera appliquée; vous vousêtes entendus pour forger des discours mensongers et pervers devant moi pendant que le temps passe. Aussi,rapportez-moi mon songe et je saurai que vous pouvez m'en découvrir le sens."9 Therefore, if you do not reveal to me the dream, there is only one conclusion to be reached about you, that the interpretation is likewise false, and packed full of deception, so as to speak before me until the time passes away. And so, tell me the dream, so that I will also know that the interpretation that you tell me is likewise true.”
10 Les Chaldéens répondirent au roi: "Il n'est personne sur terre pour découvrir la chose du roi. Etaussi bien, il n'est roi, gouverneur ou chef pour poser pareille question à magicien, devin ou Chaldéen.10 Then the Chaldeans answered before the king, and they said, “There is no man on earth who can accomplish your word, O king. For neither has any king, however great and mighty, asked for an answer of this kind from every seer, and astrologer, and Chaldean.
11 La question que pose le roi est difficile et nul ne peut la découvrir devant le roi, sinon les dieux dontla demeure n'est point parmi les êtres de chair."11 For the answer that you seek, O king, is very difficult. Neither can anyone be found who can reveal it in the sight of the king, except the gods, whose conversation is not with men.”
12 Alors le roi s'emporta furieusement et ordonna de faire périr tous les sages de Babylone.12 When he heard this, the king commanded, in fury and in great wrath, that all the wise men of Babylon should be destroyed.
13 Quand le décret de tuer les sages fut promulgué, on chercha Daniel et ses compagnons pour les tuer.13 And when the decree had gone forth, the wise men were put to death; and Daniel and his companions were sought, to be destroyed.
14 Mais Daniel s'adressa en paroles prudentes et avisées à Aryok, chef des bourreaux du roi, en routepour tuer les sages de Babylone.14 Then Daniel inquired, about the law and the sentence, of Arioch, the general of the king’s army, who had gone forth to execute the wise men of Babylon.
15 Il dit à Aryok, officier du roi: "Pourquoi le roi a-t-il rendu si pressant décret?" Aryok raconta lachose à Daniel,15 And he asked him, who had received the orders of the king, for what reason such a cruel sentence had gone forth from the face of the king. And so, when Arioch had revealed the matter to Daniel,
16 et Daniel s'en alla demander au roi de lui accorder un délai pour lui permettre de découvrir au roison interprétation.16 Daniel went in and asked of the king that he would grant him time to reveal the solution to the king.
17 Daniel rentra dans sa maison et fit part de la chose à Ananias, Misaël et Azarias, ses compagnons,17 And he went into his house and explained the task to Hananiah, and Mishael, and Azariah, his companions,
18 les engageant à implorer la miséricorde du Dieu du Ciel au sujet de ce mystère, pour qu'il soitépargné à Daniel et à ses compagnons de périr avec les autres sages de Babylone.18 so that they would seek mercy before the face of the God of heaven, about this mystery, and so that Daniel and his companions might not perish with the other wise men of Babylon.
19 Alors le mystère fut révélé à Daniel dans une vision nocturne. Et Daniel fit bénédiction au Dieu duCiel.19 Then the secret was revealed to Daniel by a vision in the night. And Daniel blessed the God of heaven,
20 Daniel prit la parole et dit: "Que soit le Nom de Dieu béni de siècle en siècle, car à lui la sagesse etla force.20 and speaking aloud, he said, “May the name of the Lord be blessed by the present generation and for ever; for wisdom and fortitude are his.
21 C'est lui qui fait alterner périodes et temps, qui fait tomber les rois, qui établit les rois, qui donneaux sages la sagesse et la science à ceux qui savent discerner.21 And he alters the times and the ages. He takes away kingdoms and he establishes them. He gives wisdom to those who are wise and teaching skills to those who understand.
22 Lui qui révèle profondeurs et secrets connaît ce qui est dans les ténèbres, et la lumière réside auprèsde lui.22 He reveals deep and hidden things, and he knows what has been established in darkness. And the light is with him.
23 A toi, Dieu de mes pères, je rends grâces et je te loue de m'avoir accordé sagesse et force: voici quetu m'as fait connaître ce que nous t'avons demandé; les choses du roi, tu nous les as fait connaître."23 To you, God of our fathers, I confess, and you, I praise. For you have given wisdom and fortitude to me, and now you have revealed to me what we asked of you, for you have uncovered for us the king’s thoughts.”
24 Daniel s'en fut donc chez Aryok que le roi avait chargé de faire périr les sages de Babylone. Il entraet lui dit: "Ne fais pas périr les sages de Babylone. Fais-moi pénétrer devant le roi et je révélerai au roil'interprétation."24 After this, Daniel went in to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon, and he spoke to him in this way, “Do not destroy the wise men of Babylon. Bring me in before the king, and I will explain the solution to the king.”
25 Aryok s'empressa de faire paraître Daniel devant le roi et lui dit: "J'ai trouvé parmi les gens de ladéportation de Juda un homme qui fera connaître au roi son interprétation."25 Then Arioch quickly brought Daniel to the king, and he said to him, “I have found a man of the sons of the transmigration of Judah, who would announce the solution to the king.”
26 Le roi dit à Daniel (surnommé Baltassar): "Es-tu capable de me faire connaître le songe que j'ai euet son interprétation?"26 The king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, “Do you really think that you can reveal to me the dream that I saw and its interpretation?”
27 Daniel répondit devant le roi: "Le mystère que poursuit le roi, sages, devins, magiciens et exorcistesn'ont pu le découvrir au roi;27 And Daniel, facing the king, answered and said, “The secret that the king seeks, the wise men, the seers, and the soothsayers are unable to reveal to the king.
28 mais il y a un Dieu dans le ciel, qui révèle les mystères et qui a fait connaître au roiNabuchodonosor ce qui doit arriver à la fin des jours. Ton songe et les visions de ta tête sur ta couche, les voici:28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, who has revealed to you, king Nebuchadnezzar, what will happen in the latter times. Your dream and the visions of your head upon your bed, are such as these.
29 "O roi, sur ta couche, tes pensées s'élevèrent concernant ce qui doit arriver plus tard, et le révélateurdes mystères t'a fait connaître ce qui doit arriver.29 You, O king, began to think, while in your blanket, about what will be hereafter. And he who reveals secrets showed you what will happen.
30 A moi, sans que j'aie plus de sagesse que quiconque, ce mystère a été révélé, à seule fin de fairesavoir au roi son sens, et pour que tu connaisses les pensées de ton coeur.30 To me, likewise, this mystery is revealed, not according to the wisdom that is in me more than in other living things, but so that the interpretation might be made manifest to the king, and so that you may know the thoughts of your mind.
31 "Tu as eu, ô roi, une vision. Voici: une statue, une grande statue, extrêmement brillante, se dressaitdevant toi, terrible à voir.31 You, O king, saw, and behold, something like a great statue. This statue, which was great and high, stood exalted above you, and you considered how terrible it was.
32 Cette statue, sa tête était d'or fin, sa poitrine et ses bras étaient d'argent, son ventre et ses cuisses debronze,32 The head of this statue was of the finest gold, but the breast and the arms were of silver, and further on, the belly and the thighs were of brass;
33 ses jambes de fer, ses pieds partie fer et partie argile.33 but the shins were of iron, a certain part of the feet were of iron and another part were of clay.
34 Tu regardais: soudain une pierre se détacha, sans que main l'eût touchée, et vint frapper la statue,ses pieds de fer et d'argile, et les brisa.34 And so you looked until a stone was broken off without hands from a mountain, and it struck the statue on its feet, which were of iron and clay, and it shattered them.
35 Alors se brisèrent, tout à la fois, fer et argile, bronze, argent et or, devenus semblables à la bale surl'aire en été; le vent les emporta sans laisser de traces. Et la pierre qui avait frappé la statue devint une grandemontagne qui remplit toute la terre.35 Then the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold were crushed together and diminished like the ashes of a summer courtyard, and they were quickly taken away by the wind, and no place was found for them; but the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
36 Tel fut le songe; et son interprétation, nous la dirons devant le roi.36 This is the dream; we will also tell its interpretation before you, O king.
37 C'est toi, ô roi, roi des rois, à qui le Dieu du Ciel a donné royaume, pouvoir, puissance et honneur --37 You are a king among kings, and the God of heaven has given to you a kingdom, and fortitude, and power, and glory,
38 les enfants des hommes, les bêtes des champs, les oiseaux du ciel, en quelque lieu qu'ils demeurent,il les a remis entre tes mains et t'a fait souverain sur eux tous --, la tête d'or, c'est toi.38 and all the places wherein the sons of men and the beasts of the field dwell. He has likewise given the flying creatures of the air into your hand, and he has placed all things under your realm. Therefore, you are the head of gold.
39 Et après toi se dressera un autre royaume, inférieur à toi, et un troisième royaume ensuite, debronze, qui dominera la terre entière.39 And after you, another kingdom will rise up, inferior to you, of silver, and another third kingdom of brass, which will rule over the whole world.
40 Et il y aura un quatrième royaume, dur comme le fer, comme le fer qui réduit tout en poudre etécrase tout; comme le fer qui brise, il réduira en poudre et brisera tous ceux-là.40 And the fourth kingdom will be like iron. Just as iron shatters and conquers all things, so will it shatter and crush all these.
41 Ces pieds que tu as vus, partie terre cuite et partie fer, c'est un royaume qui sera divisé; il aura part àla force du fer, selon que tu as vu le fer mêlé à l'argile de la terre cuite.41 Furthermore, because you saw the feet and the toes to be part of potter’s clay and part of iron, the kingdom will be divided, but still, from the slip of iron it will take its origin, since you saw the iron mingled with the earthenware from clay.
42 Les pieds, partie fer et partie argile de potier: le royaume sera partie fort et partie fragile.42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, part the kingdom will be strong and part will be crushed.
43 Selon que tu as vu le fer mêlé à l'argile de la terre cuite, ils se mêleront en semence d'homme, maisils ne tiendront pas ensemble, de même que le fer ne se mêle pas à l'argile.43 Yet, because you saw the iron mingled with pottery from the earth, they will indeed be combined together with the offspring of man, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron cannot be mixed with earthenware.
44 Au temps de ces rois, le Dieu du Ciel dressera un royaume qui jamais ne sera détruit, et ce royaumene passera pas à un autre peuple. Il écrasera et anéantira tous ces royaumes, et lui-même subsistera à jamais:44 But in the days of those kingdoms, the God of heaven will inspire a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and his kingdom will not be handed over to another people, and it will crush and will consume all these kingdoms, and this kingdom itself will stand in eternity.
45 de même, tu as vu une pierre se détacher de la montagne, sans que main l'eût touchée, et réduire enpoussière fer, bronze, terre cuite, argent et or. Le Grand Dieu a fait connaître au roi ce qui doit arriver. Tel estvéritablement le songe, et sûre en est l'interprétation."45 In accordance with what you saw, because the stone was torn away from the mountain without hands, and it crushed the earthenware, and the iron, and the brass, and the silver, and the gold, the great God has shown the king what will happen after this. And the dream is true, and its interpretation is faithful.”
46 Alors le roi Nabuchodonosor tomba face contre terre et se prosterna devant Daniel. Il ordonna qu'onlui offrît oblation et sacrifice d'agréable odeur.46 Then king Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and adored Daniel, and he commanded that they should offer in sacrifice to him victims and incense.
47 Et le roi dit à Daniel: "En vérité votre dieu est le Dieu des dieux et le maître des rois, le révélateurdes mystères, puisque tu as pu révéler ce mystère."47 And so the king spoke with Daniel and said, “Truly, your God is the God of gods, and Lord of kings, and also a revealer of secrets, since you could uncover this mystery.”
48 Alors le roi conféra à Daniel un rang élevé et lui donna nombre de magnifiques présents. Il le fitgouverneur de toute la province de Babylone et supérieur de tous les sages de Babylone.48 Then the king raised Daniel to a high rank and gave him many great gifts, and he appointed him as leader over all the provinces of Babylon and as chief of the magistrates over all the other wise men of Babylon.
49 Daniel demanda au roi d'assigner aux affaires de la province de Babylone Shadrak, Méshak etAbed-Nego, Daniel lui-même demeurant à la cour du roi.49 However, Daniel required of the king that he appoint Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the works of the province of Babylon. But Daniel himself was at the king’s door.