
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Judges 19

1 In those days, when there was no king in Israel, there was a man, a Levite, whose home was deep inthe highlands of Ephraim. He took as concubine a woman from Bethlehem in Judah.1 وفي تلك الايام حين لم يكن ملك في اسرائيل كان رجل لاوي متغربا في عقاب جبل افرايم. فاتخذ له امرأة سرية من بيت لحم يهوذا.
2 In a fit of anger his concubine left him and went back to her father's house at Bethlehem in Judah, andshe stayed there for some time -- four months.2 فزنت عليه سريته وذهبت من عنده الى بيت ابيها في بيت لحم يهوذا وكانت هناك اياما اربعة اشهر.
3 Her husband then set out after her, to appeal to her affections and fetch her back; he had his servantand two donkeys with him. As he was arriving at the house of the girl's father, the father saw him and camehappily to meet him.3 فقام رجلها وسار وراءها ليطيّب قلبها ويردّها ومعه غلامه وحماران. فادخلته بيت ابيها. فلما رآه ابو الفتاة فرح بلقائه.
4 His father-in-law, the girl's father, kept him there; and he stayed with him for three days; they ate anddrank and spent the nights there.4 وامسكه حموه ابو الفتاة فمكث معه ثلاثة ايام فأكلوا وشربوا وباتوا هناك.
5 On the fourth day they got up early, and the Levite was preparing to leave when the girl's father said tohis son-in-law, 'Have something to eat to gather strength; you can leave later.'5 وكان في اليوم الرابع انهم بكروا صباحا وقام للذهاب. فقال ابو الفتاة لصهره اسند قلبك بكسرة خبز وبعد تذهبون.
6 So they sat down and began eating and drinking, the two of them together; then the girl's father said tothe young man, 'Please agree to spend tonight here too and enjoy yourself.'6 فجلسا وأكلا كلاهما معا وشربا. وقال ابو الفتاة للرجل ارتض وبتّ وليطب قلبك.
7 And when the man got up to leave, the father-in-law pressed him again, and he spent another nightthere.7 ولما قام الرجل للذهاب الحّ عليه حموه فعاد وبات هناك.
8 On the fifth day, the Levite got up early to leave, but the girl's father said to him, 'Please gatherstrength first!' So they stayed on until the sun began to go down, and the two men had a meal together.8 ثم بكر في الغد في اليوم الخامس للذهاب فقال ابو الفتاة اسند قلبك. وتوانوا حتى يميل النهار. واكلا كلاهما.
9 The husband was getting up to leave with his concubine and his servant when his father-in-law, thegirl's father, said, 'Look, day is fading into evening. Please spend the night here. Look, the day is nearly over.Spend the night here and enjoy yourself. Then, early tomorrow, you can leave on your journey and go backhome.'9 ثم قام الرجل للذهاب هو وسريته وغلامه فقال له حموه ابو الفتاة ان النهار قد مال الى الغروب. بيتوا الآن. هوذا آخر النهار. بتّ هنا وليطب قلبك وغدا تبكرون في طريقكم وتذهب الى خيمتك.
10 But the man, refusing to stay the night, got up and went on his way, until he arrived within sight ofJebus -- that is, Jerusalem. He had with him two donkeys saddled, his concubine and his servant.10 فلم يرد الرجل ان يبيت بل قام وذهب وجاء الى مقابل يبوس. هي اورشليم. ومعه حماران مشدودان وسريته معه
11 By the time they were near Jebus, the light was going fast. The servant said to his master, 'Come on,please, let us turn off into this Jebusite town and spend the night there.'11 وفيما هم عند يبوس والنهار قد انحدر جدا قال الغلام لسيده تعال نميل الى مدينة اليبوسيين هذه ونبيت فيها.
12 His master replied, 'We shal not turn off into a town of foreigners, of people who are not Israelites;we shal go on to Gibeah.'12 فقال له سيده لا نميل الى مدينة غريبة حيث ليس احد من بني اسرائيل هنا. نعبر الى جبعة.
13 He then said to his servant, 'Come on, we shal try to reach one or other of those places, eitherGibeah or Ramah, and spend the night there.'13 وقال لغلامه تعال نتقدم الى احد الاماكن ونبيت في جبعة او في الرامة.
14 So they kept going and went on with their journey. As they approached Gibeah in Benjamin, the sunwas setting.14 فعبروا وذهبوا وغابت لهم الشمس عند جبعة التي لبنيامين.
15 So they turned that way to spend the night in Gibeah. Once inside, the Levite sat down in the townsquare, but no one offered to take them in for the night.15 فمالوا الى هناك لكي يدخلوا ويبيتوا في جبعة. فدخل وجلس في ساحة المدينة ولم يضمّهم احد الى بيته للمبيت.
16 Eventual y, an old man came along at nightfal from his work in the fields. He too was from thehighlands of Ephraim, although he was living in Gibeah; the people of the place, however, were Benjaminites.16 واذا برجل شيخ جاء من شغله من الحقل عند المساء. والرجل من جبل افرايم وهو غريب في جبعة ورجال المكان بنيامينيون.
17 Looking up, he saw the travel er in the town square. 'Where are you going?' said the old man, 'Andwhere have you come from?'17 فرفع عينيه ورأى الرجل المسافر في ساحة المدينة فقال الرجل الشيخ الى اين تذهب ومن اين اتيت.
18 'We are on our way', the other replied, 'from Bethlehem in Judah to a place deep in the highlands ofEphraim. That is where I come from. I have been to Bethlehem in Judah and now I am going home, but no onehas offered to take me into his house,18 فقال له نحن عابرون من بيت لحم يهوذا الى عقاب جبل افرايم. انا من هناك وقد ذهبت الى بيت لحم يهوذا وانا ذاهب الى بيت الرب وليس احد يضّمني الى البيت.
19 although we have straw and provender for our donkeys, and I also have bread and wine for myself,and this maidservant and the young man who is travelling with your servant; we are short of nothing.'19 وايضا عندنا تبن وعلف لحميرنا وايضا خبز وخمر لي ولامتك وللغلام الذي مع عبيدك. ليس احتياج الى شيء.
20 'Welcome,' said the old man. 'I shal see that you have al you want. You cannot spend the night inthe square.'20 فقال الرجل الشيخ السلام لك. انما كل احتياجك عليّ ولكن لا تبت في الساحة.
21 So he took him into his house and gave the donkeys provender. The travel ers washed their feet,then ate and drank.21 وجاء به الى بيته وعلف حميرهم فغسلوا ارجلهم وأكلوا وشربوا
22 While they were enjoying themselves, some townsmen, scoundrels, came crowding round the house;they battered on the door and said to the old man, master of the house, 'Send out the man who went into yourhouse, we should like to have intercourse with him!'22 وفيما هم يطيبون قلوبهم اذا برجال المدينة رجال بني بليعال احاطوا بالبيت قارعين الباب وكلموا الرجل صاحب البيت الشيخ قائلين اخرج الرجل الذي دخل بيتك فنعرفه.
23 The master of the house went out to them and said, 'No, brothers, please, do not be so wicked. Sincethis man is now under my roof, do not commit such an infamy.23 فخرج اليهم الرجل صاحب البيت وقال لهم لا يا اخوتي لا تفعلوا شرا. بعدما دخل هذا الرجل بيتي لا تفعلوا هذه القباحة.
24 Here is my daughter; she is a virgin; I shal bring her out to you. Il -treat her, do what you please withher, but do not commit such an infamy against this man.'24 هوذا ابنتي العذراء وسريته دعوني اخرجهما فاذلوهما وافعلوا بهما ما يحسن في اعينكم واما هذا الرجل فلا تعملوا به هذا الامر القبيح.
25 But the men would not listen to him. So the Levite took hold of his concubine and brought her out tothem. They had intercourse with her and ill-treated her al night til morning; when dawn was breaking they let hergo.25 فلم يرد الرجال ان يسمعوا له. فامسك الرجل سريته واخرجها اليهم خارجا فعرفوها وتعللوا بها الليل كله الى الصباح وعند طلوع الفجر اطلقوها.
26 At daybreak the girl came and fel on the threshold of her husband's host, and she stayed there until itwas light.26 فجاءت المرأة عند اقبال الصباح وسقطت عند باب بيت الرجل حيث سيدها هناك الى الضوء.
27 In the morning her husband got up and, opening the door of the house, was going out to continue hisjourney when he saw the woman, his concubine, lying at the door of the house with her hands on the threshold.27 فقام سيدها في الصباح وفتح ابواب البيت وخرج للذهاب في طريقه واذا بالمرأة سريته ساقطة على باب البيت ويداها على العتبة.
28 'Get up,' he said, 'we must leave!' There was no answer. He then loaded her on his donkey andbegan the journey home.28 فقال لها قومي نذهب. فلم يكن مجيب. فأخذها على الحمار وقام الرجل وذهب الى مكانه.
29 Having reached his house, he took his knife, took hold of his concubine and cut her, limb by limb, into twelve pieces; he then sent her throughout the territory of Israel.29 ودخل بيته واخذ السكين وامسك سريته وقطعها مع عظامها الى اثنتي عشرة قطعة وارسلها الى جميع تخوم اسرائيل.
30 He gave instructions to his messengers, 'This is what you are to say to al the Israelites, "Hasanything like this been done since the day when the Israelites came out of Egypt until today? Take this to heart,discuss it; then give your verdict." ' And al who saw it declared, 'Never has such a thing been done or been seensince the Israelites came out of Egypt until today.'30 وكل من رأى قال لم يكن ولم ير مثل هذا من يوم صعود بني اسرائيل من ارض مصر الى هذا اليوم. تبصّروا فيه وتشاوروا وتكلموا