
Sabato, 27 aprile 2024 - Santa Zita ( Letture di oggi)

Matthew 9

1 He got back in the boat, crossed the water and came to his home town.1 فدخل السفينة واجتاز وجاء الى مدينته.
2 And suddenly some people brought him a paralytic stretched out on a bed. Seeing their faith, Jesussaid to the paralytic, 'Take comfort, my child, your sins are forgiven.'2 واذا مفلوج يقدمونه اليه مطروحا على فراش. فلما رأى يسوع ايمانهم قال للمفلوج ثق يا بني. مغفورة لك خطاياك.
3 And now some scribes said to themselves, 'This man is being blasphemous.'3 واذا قوم من الكتبة قد قالوا في انفسهم هذا يجدّف.
4 Knowing what was in their minds Jesus said, 'Why do you have such wicked thoughts in your hearts?4 فعلم يسوع افكارهم فقال لماذا تفكرون بالشر في قلوبكم.
5 Now, which of these is easier: to say, "Your sins are forgiven," or to say, "Get up and walk"?5 ايما ايسر ان يقال مغفورة لك خطاياك. ام ان يقال قم وامش.
6 But to prove to you that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins,' -- then he said to theparalytic-'get up, pick up your bed and go off home.'6 ولكن لكي تعلموا ان لابن الانسان سلطانا على الارض ان يغفر الخطايا. حينئذ قال للمفلوج. قم احمل فراشك واذهب الى بيتك.
7 And the man got up and went home.7 فقام ومضى الى بيته.
8 A feeling of awe came over the crowd when they saw this, and they praised God for having given suchauthority to human beings.8 فلما رأى الجموع تعجبوا ومجدوا الله الذي اعطى الناس سلطانا مثل هذا
9 As Jesus was walking on from there he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office, and he saidto him, 'Fol ow me.' And he got up and followed him.9 وفيما يسوع مجتاز من هناك رأى انسانا جالسا عند مكان الجباية اسمه متى. فقال له اتبعني. فقام وتبعه.
10 Now while he was at table in the house it happened that a number of tax col ectors and sinners cameto sit at the table with Jesus and his disciples.10 وبينما هو متكئ في البيت اذا عشارون وخطاة كثيرون قد جاءوا واتكأوا مع يسوع وتلاميذه.
11 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, 'Why does your master eat with tax col ectorsand sinners?'11 فلما نظر الفريسيون قالوا لتلاميذه لماذا ياكل معلمكم مع العشارين والخطاة.
12 When he heard this he replied, 'It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick.12 فلما سمع يسوع قال لهم لا يحتاج الاصحاء الى طبيب بل المرضى.
13 Go and learn the meaning of the words: Mercy is what pleases me, not sacrifice. And indeed I came tocal not the upright, but sinners.'13 فاذهبوا وتعلّموا ما هو. اني اريد رحمة لا ذبيحة. لاني لم آت لادعو ابرارا بل خطاة الى التوبة
14 Then John's disciples came to him and said, 'Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but yourdisciples do not?'14 حينئذ اتى اليه تلاميذ يوحنا قائلين لماذا نصوم نحن والفريسيون كثيرا واما تلاميذك فلا يصومون.
15 Jesus replied, 'Surely the bridegroom's attendants cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is stil withthem? But the time will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they wil fast.15 فقال لهم يسوع هل يستطيع بنو العرس ان ينوحوا ما دام العريس معهم. ولكن ستأتي ايام حين يرفع العريس عنهم فحينئذ يصومون.
16 No one puts a piece of unshrunken cloth onto an old cloak, because the patch pul s away from thecloak and the tear gets worse.16 ليس احد يجعل رقعة من قطعة جديدة على ثوب عتيق. لان الملء ياخذ من الثوب فيصير الخرق اردأ.
17 Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the skins burst, the wine runs out, and theskins are lost. No; they put new wine in fresh skins and both are preserved.'17 ولا يجعلون خمرا جديدة في زقاق عتيقة. لئلا تنشقّ الزقاق فالخمر تنصب والزقاق تتلف. بل يجعلون خمرا جديدة في زقاق جديدة فتحفظ جميعا
18 While he was speaking to them, suddenly one of the officials came up, who bowed low in front of himand said, 'My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and her life will be saved.'18 وفيما هو يكلمهم بهذا اذا رئيس قد جاء فسجد له قائلا ان ابنتي الآن ماتت. لكن تعال وضع يدك عليها فتحيا.
19 Jesus rose and, with his disciples, fol owed him.19 فقام يسوع وتبعه هو وتلاميذه.
20 Then suddenly from behind him came a woman, who had been suffering from a haemorrhage fortwelve years, and she touched the fringe of his cloak,20 واذا امرأة نازفة دم منذ اثنتي عشرة سنة قد جاءت من ورائه ومسّت هدب ثوبه.
21 for she was thinking, 'If only I can touch his cloak I shall be saved.'21 لانها قالت في نفسها ان مسست ثوبه فقط شفيت.
22 Jesus turned round and saw her; and he said to her, 'Courage, my daughter, your faith has saved you.'And from that moment the woman was saved.22 فالتفت يسوع وابصرها فقال ثقي يا ابنة. ايمانك قد شفاك فشفيت المرأة من تلك الساعة.
23 When Jesus reached the official's house and saw the flute-players, with the crowd making acommotion, he said,23 ولما جاء يسوع الى بيت الرئيس ونظر المزمرين والجمع يضجون
24 'Get out of here; the little girl is not dead; she is asleep.' And they ridiculed him.24 قال لهم تنحوا. فان الصبية لم تمت لكنها نائمة. فضحكوا عليه.
25 But when the people had been turned out he went inside and took her by the hand; and she stood up.25 فلما اخرج الجمع دخل وامسك بيدها. فقامت الصبية.
26 And the news of this spread al round the countryside.26 فخرج ذلك الخبر الى تلك الارض كلها
27 As Jesus went on his way two blind men fol owed him shouting, 'Take pity on us, son of David.'27 وفيما يسوع مجتاز من هناك تبعه اعميان يصرخان ويقولان ارحمنا يا ابن داود.
28 And when Jesus reached the house the blind men came up to him and he said to them, 'Do youbelieve I can do this?' They said, 'Lord, we do.'28 ولما جاء الى البيت تقدم اليه الاعميان. فقال لهما يسوع أتؤمنان اني اقدر ان افعل هذا. قالا له نعم يا سيد.
29 Then he touched their eyes saying, 'According to your faith, let it be done to you.'29 حينئذ لمس اعينهما قائلا بحسب ايمانكما ليكن لكما.
30 And their sight returned. Then Jesus sternly warned them, 'Take care that no one learns about this.'30 فانفتحت اعينهما. فانتهرهما يسوع قائلا انظرا لا يعلم احد.
31 But when they had gone away, they talked about him al over the countryside.31 ولكنهما خرجا واشاعاه في تلك الارض كلها
32 They had only just left when suddenly a man was brought to him, a dumb demoniac.32 وفيما هما خارجان اذا انسان اخرس مجنون قدموه اليه.
33 And when the devil was driven out, the dumb man spoke and the people were amazed and said,'Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.'33 فلما اخرج الشيطان تكلم الاخرس. فتعجب الجموع قائلين لم يظهر قط مثل هذا في اسرائيل.
34 But the Pharisees said, 'It is through the prince of devils that he drives out devils.'34 اما الفريسيون فقالوا برئيس الشياطين يخرج الشياطين
35 Jesus made a tour through al the towns and vil ages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming thegood news of the kingdom and curing al kinds of disease and al kinds of il ness.35 وكان يسوع يطوف المدن كلها والقرى يعلّم في مجامعها. ويكرز ببشارة الملكوت. ويشفي كل مرض وكل ضعف في الشعب.
36 And when he saw the crowds he felt sorry for them because they were harassed and dejected, likesheep without a shepherd.36 ولما رأى الجموع تحنن عليهم اذ كانوا منزعجين ومنطرحين كغنم لا راعي لها.
37 Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of theharvest to send out labourers to his harvest.'37 حينئذ قال لتلاميذه الحصاد كثير ولكن الفعلة قليلون.
38 فاطلبوا من رب الحصاد ان يرسل فعلة الى حصاده