
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Números 31

1 O Senhor disse a Moisés:1 The LORD said to Moses,
2 "Vinga os filhos de Israel do mal que lhes fizeram os madianitas; depois disso serás reunido aos teus."2 "Avenge the Israelites on the Midianites, and then you shall be taken to your people."
3 Moisés disse então ao povo: "Armem-se para a guerra alguns homens dentre vós: eles atacarão Madiã, para executarem sobre ele a vingança do Senhor.3 So Moses told the people, "Select men from your midst and arm them for war, to attack the Midianites and execute the LORD'S vengeance on them.
4 Poreis em linha de combate mil homens de cada uma das tribos de Israel."4 From each of the tribes of Israel you shall send a band of one thousand men to war."
5 Reuniram-se, pois, dentre as famílias de Israel, mil homens por tribo, ou seja, doze mil homens de pé, prontos para o combate.5 From the clans of Israel, therefore, a thousand men of each tribe were levied, so that there were twelve thousand men armed for war.
6 Moisés enviou-os ao combate; mil homens de cada tribo, com Finéias, filho do sacerdote Eleazar, que levou também os objetos sagrados e as trombetas para tocar.6 Moses sent them out on the campaign, a thousand from each tribe, with Phinehas, son of Eleazar, the priest for the campaign, who had with him the sacred vessels and the trumpets for sounding the alarm.
7 Atacaram os madianitas, como o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés, e mataram todos os varões.7 They waged war against the Midianites, as the LORD had commanded Moses, and killed every male among them.
8 Mataram também os reis de Madiã: Evi, Recém, Sur, Hur e Rebe, cinco reis de Madiã, e passaram ao fio da espada Balaão, filho de Beor.8 Besides those slain in battle, they killed the five Midianite kings: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba; and they also executed Balaam, son of Beor, with the sword.
9 Levaram prisioneiras as mulheres dos madianitas com seus filhos, e pilharam todo o seu gado, seus rebanhos e todos os seus bens.9 But the Israelites kept the women of the Midianites with their little ones as captives, and all their herds and flocks and wealth as spoil,
10 Incendiaram todas as cidades que habitavam e todos os seus acampamentos.10 while they set on fire all the towns where they had settled and all their encampments.
11 Levaram consigo todo o espólio e todos os despojos, animais e pessoas,11 Then they took all the booty, with the people and beasts they had captured, and brought the captives, together with the spoils and booty,
12 e conduziram-nos a Moisés, ao sacerdote Eleazar e à assembléia dos israelitas no acampamento que se encontrava nas planícies de Moab, perto do Jordão, em face de Jericó.12 to Moses and the priest Eleazar and to the Israelite community at their camp on the plains of Moab, along the Jericho stretch of the Jordan.
13 Moisés, o sacerdote Eleazar e todos os chefes da assembléia saíram-lhes ao encontro fora do acampamento.13 When Moses and the priest Eleazar, with all the princes of the community, went outside the camp to meet them,
14 E Moisés, irado contra os generais do exército, os chefes de milhares e os chefes de centenas que voltavam da batalha, disse-lhes:14 Moses became angry with the officers of the army, the clan and company commanders, who were returning from combat.
15 "O que é isso? Deixastes com vida todas essas mulheres?15 "So you have spared all the women!" he exclaimed.
16 Mas são justamente elas que, instigadas por Balaão, levaram os israelitas a serem infiéis ao Senhor na questão de Fogor, a qual foi também a causa do flagelo que feriu a assembléia do Senhor!16 "Why, they are the very ones who on Balaam's advice prompted the unfaithfulness of the Israelites toward the LORD in the Peor affair, which began the slaughter of the LORD'S community.
17 Ide! Matai todos os filhos varões e todas as mulheres que tiverem tido comércio com um homem;17 Slay, therefore, every male child and every woman who has had intercourse with a man.
18 mas deixai vivas todas as jovens que não o fizeram.18 But you may spare and keep for yourselves all girls who had no intercourse with a man.
19 E vós, acampai durante sete dias fora do acampamento. Todos os que tiverem matado um homem ou tocado em um morto, purificar-se-ão ao terceiro e ao sétimo dia, eles e seus prisioneiros.19 "Moreover, you shall stay outside the camp for seven days, and those of you who have slain anyone or touched anyone slain in battle shall purify yourselves on the third and on the seventh day. This applies both to you and to your captives.
20 Purificai também toda veste, todo objeto de pele, todo tecido de pêlo de cabra e todo utensílio de madeira."20 You shall also purify every article of cloth, leather, goats' hair, or wood."
21 O sacerdote Eleazar disse então aos guerreiros que tinham combatido: "Eis o preceito da lei que o Senhor impôs a Moisés:21 Eleazar the priest told the soldiers who had returned from combat: "This is what the law, as prescribed by the LORD to Moses, ordains:
22 o ouro, a prata, o bronze, o ferro, o estanho, o chumbo, tudo o que pode passar pelas chamas22 Whatever can stand fire, such as gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin and lead,
23 será purificado no fogo; mas será também purificado pela água lustral. Tudo o que não suporta o fogo será purificado com a água.23 you shall put into the fire, that it may become clean; however, it must also be purified with lustral water. But whatever cannot stand fire you shall put into the water.
24 Lavareis vossas vestes no sétimo dia, para serdes puros; depois disso, voltareis ao acampamento."24 On the seventh day you shall wash your clothes, and then you will again be clean. After that you may enter the camp."
25 O Senhor disse a Moisés:25 The LORD said to Moses:
26 "Fazei o inventário de todo o espólio que foi tomado, homens e animais, tu, o sacerdote Eleazar e os chefes de família da assembléia.26 "With the help of the priest Eleazar and of the heads of the ancestral houses, count up all the human captives and the beasts that have been taken;
27 Repartirás em seguida a presa em partes iguais entre os que pelejaram, e entre todo o resto da assembléia.27 then divide them evenly, giving half to those who took active part in the war by going out to combat, and half to the rest of the community.
28 Da parte daqueles que pelejaram e foram à guerra, separarás um tributo para o Senhor, um de cada quinhentos homens, gado, jumentos ou ovelhas.28 You shall levy a tax for the LORD on the warriors who went out to combat: one out of every five hundred persons, oxen, asses and sheep
29 Toma-o da sua metade para entregar ao sacerdote Eleazar, como oferta ao Senhor.29 in their half of the spoil you shall turn over to the priest Eleazar as a contribution to the LORD.
30 Da metade que toca aos israelitas, tomarás um de cada cinqüenta, homens, bois, jumentos, ovelhas e qualquer outro animal, e darás aos levitas, que têm a guarda da casa do Senhor."30 From the Israelites' half you shall take one out of every fifty persons, and the same from the different beasts, oxen, asses and sheep, and give them to the Levites, who have charge of the LORD'S Dwelling."
31 Moisés e o sacerdote Eleazar fizeram como o Senhor tinha ordenado.31 So Moses and the priest Eleazar did this, as the LORD had commanded Moses.
32 Os despojos, o conjunto do espólio que tinha feito o exército era de seiscentos e setenta e cinco mil ovelhas,32 This booty, what was left of the loot which the soldiers had taken, amounted to six hundred and seventy-five thousand sheep,
33 setenta e dois mil bois33 seventy-two thousand oxen,
34 e sessenta e um mil jumentos.34 sixty-one thousand asses,
35 Havia também trinta e duas mil jovens que não tinham coabitado com homem algum.35 and thirty-two thousand girls who were still virgins.
36 Foi dada a metade àqueles que tinham ido ao combate, isto é, trezentas e trinta e sete mil e quinhentas ovelhas,36 The half that fell to those who had gone out to combat was: three hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep,
37 das quais seiscentas e setenta e cinco para o tributo do Senhor;37 of which six hundred and seventy-five fell as tax to the LORD;
38 trinta e seis mil bois, dos quais setenta e dois para o tributo do Senhor;38 thirty-six thousand oxen, of which seventy-two fell as tax to the LORD;
39 trinta mil e quinhentos jumentos, dos quais sessenta e um para o tributo do Senhor;39 thirty thousand five hundred asses, of which sixty-one fell as tax to the LORD;
40 dezesseis mil pessoas, das quais trinta e duas para o tributo do Senhor.40 and sixteen thousand persons, of whom thirty-two fell as tax to the LORD.
41 Moisés entregou ao sacerdote Eleazar o tributo tomado para o Senhor, como o Senhor lhe tinha ordenado.41 The taxes contributed to the LORD, Moses gave to the priest Eleazar, as the LORD had commanded him.
42 Restava a metade destinada aos filhos de Israel, que Moisés havia separado da dos guerreiros.42 The half for the other Israelites, which fell to the community when Moses had taken it from the soldiers, was:
43 Esta parte da assembléia compreendia trezentas e trinta e sete mil e quinhentas ovelhas,43 three hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep,
44 trinta e seis mil bois,44 thirty-six thousand oxen,
45 trinta mil e quinhentos jumentos45 thirty thousand five hundred asses,
46 e dezesseis mil pessoas.46 and sixteen thousand persons.
47 Dessa metade dos israelitas Moisés tomou um de cada cinqüenta, homens e animais, e deu-os aos levitas, encarregados do serviço da casa do Senhor, assim como o Senhor lhe tinha ordenado.47 From this, the Israelites' share, Moses, as the LORD had ordered, took one out of every fifty, both of persons and of beasts, and gave them to the Levites, who had charge of the LORD'S Dwelling.
48 Os comandantes das tropas do exército, os chefes de milhares e de centenas48 Then the officers who had been clan and company commanders of the army came up to Moses
49 aproximaram-se então de Moisés e disseram-lhe: "Teus servos fizeram a conta dos guerreiros que estiveram sob o nosso comando: não falta nem um sequer.49 and said to him, "Your servants have counted up the soldiers under our command, and not one is missing.
50 Trazemos, pois, como oferta ao Senhor, tudo o que cada um encontrou de objetos de ouro: correntinhas, braceletes, anéis, brincos e colares, para que se faça expiação por nós diante do Senhor."50 So, to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD, each of us will bring as an offering to the LORD some gold article he has picked up, such as an anklet, a bracelet, a ring, an earring, or a necklace."
51 Moisés e o sacerdote Eleazar receberam deles esse ouro, toda a sorte de objetos artisticamente trabalhados.51 Moses and the priest Eleazar accepted this gold from them, all of it in well-wrought articles.
52 O peso total do ouro, que foi assim separado e oferecido ao Senhor da parte dos chefes de milhares e de centenas, era de dezesseis mil setecentos e cinqüenta siclos.52 The gold that they gave as a contribution to the LORD amounted in all to sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels. This was from the clan and company commanders;
53 Os homens da tropa haviam pilhado cada um para si.53 what the common soldiers had looted each one kept for himself.
54 Moisés e o sacerdote Eleazar, tendo recebido o ouro das mãos dos chefes de milhares e de centenas, levaram-no à tenda de reunião para que servisse de memorial diante do Senhor pelos israelitas.54 Moses, then, and the priest Eleazar accepted the gold from the clan and company commanders, and put it in the meeting tent as a memorial for the Israelites before the LORD.