
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΣΟΦΙΑ ΣΕΙΡΑΧ - Siracide - Sirach 43

1 γαυριαμα υψους στερεωμα καθαριοτητος ειδος ουρανου εν οραματι δοξης1 The clear vault of the sky shines forth like heaven itself, a vision of glory.
2 ηλιος εν οπτασια διαγγελλων εν εξοδω σκευος θαυμαστον εργον υψιστου2 The orb of the sun, resplendent at its rising: what a wonderful work of the Most High!
3 εν μεσημβρια αυτου αναξηραινει χωραν και εναντιον καυματος αυτου τις υποστησεται3 At noon it seethes the surface of the earth, and who can bear its fiery heat?
4 καμινον φυσων εν εργοις καυματος τριπλασιως ηλιος εκκαιων ορη ατμιδας πυρωδεις εκφυσων και εκλαμπων ακτινας αμαυροι οφθαλμους4 Like a blazing furnace of solid metal, it sets the mountains aflame with its rays; By its fiery darts the land is consumed; the eyes are dazzled by its light.
5 μεγας κυριος ο ποιησας αυτον και εν λογοις αυτου κατεσπευσεν πορειαν5 Great indeed is the LORD who made it, at whose orders it urges on its steeds.
6 και η σεληνη εν πασιν εις καιρον αυτης αναδειξιν χρονων και σημειον αιωνος6 The moon, too, that marks the changing times, governing the seasons, their lasting sign,
7 απο σεληνης σημειον εορτης φωστηρ μειουμενος επι συντελειας7 By which we know the feast days and fixed dates, this light-giver which wanes in its course:
8 μην κατα το ονομα αυτης εστιν αυξανομενος θαυμαστως εν αλλοιωσει σκευος παρεμβολων εν υψει εν στερεωματι ουρανου εκλαμπων8 As its name says, each month it renews itself; how wondrous in this change!
9 καλλος ουρανου δοξα αστρων κοσμος φωτιζων εν υψιστοις κυριου9 The beauty, the glory, of the heavens are the stars that adorn with their sparkling the heights of God,
10 εν λογοις αγιου στησονται κατα κριμα και ου μη εκλυθωσιν εν φυλακαις αυτων10 At whose command they keep their place and never relax in their vigils. A weapon against the flood waters stored on high, lighting up the firmament by its brilliance,
11 ιδε τοξον και ευλογησον τον ποιησαντα αυτο σφοδρα ωραιον εν τω αυγασματι αυτου11 Behold the rainbow! Then bless its Maker, for majestic indeed is its splendor;
12 εγυρωσεν ουρανον εν κυκλωσει δοξης χειρες υψιστου ετανυσαν αυτο12 It spans the heavens with its glory, this bow bent by the mighty hand of God.
13 προσταγματι αυτου κατεσπευσεν χιονα και ταχυνει αστραπας κριματος αυτου13 His rebuke marks out the path for the lightning, and speeds the arrows of his judgment to their goal.
14 δια τουτο ηνεωχθησαν θησαυροι και εξεπτησαν νεφελαι ως πετεινα14 At it the storehouse is opened, and like vultures the clouds hurry forth.
15 εν μεγαλειω αυτου ισχυσεν νεφελας και διεθρυβησαν λιθοι χαλαζης15 In his majesty he gives the storm its power and breaks off the hailstones.
16 και εν οπτασια αυτου σαλευθησεται ορη εν θεληματι αυτου πνευσεται νοτος16 The thunder of his voice makes the earth writhe; before his might the mountains quake.
17 φωνη βροντης αυτου ωνειδισεν γην και καταιγις βορεου και συστροφη πνευματος17 A word from him drives on the south wind, the angry north wind, the hurricane and the storm.
18 ως πετεινα καθιπταμενα πασσει χιονα και ως ακρις καταλυουσα η καταβασις αυτης καλλος λευκοτητος αυτης εκθαυμασει οφθαλμος και επι του υετου αυτης εκστησεται καρδια18 He sprinkles the snow like fluttering birds; it comes to settle like swarms of locusts.
19 και παχνην ως αλα επι γης χεει και παγεισα γινεται σκολοπων ακρα19 Its shining whiteness blinds the eyes, the mind is baffled by its steady fall.
20 ψυχρος ανεμος βορεης πνευσει και παγησεται κρυσταλλος εφ' υδατος επι πασαν συναγωγην υδατος καταλυσει και ως θωρακα ενδυσεται το υδωρ20 He scatters frost like so much salt; it shines like blossoms on the thornbush.
21 καταφαγεται ορη και ερημον εκκαυσει και αποσβεσει χλοην ως πυρ21 Cold northern blasts he sends that turn the ponds to lumps of ice. He freezes over every body of water, and clothes each pool with a coat of mail.
22 ιασις παντων κατα σπουδην ομιχλη δροσος απαντωσα απο καυσωνος ιλαρωσει22 When the mountain growth is scorched with heat, and the flowering plains as though by flames,
23 λογισμω αυτου εκοπασεν αβυσσον και εφυτευσεν εν αυτη νησους23 The dripping clouds restore them all, and the scattered dew enriches the parched land.
24 οι πλεοντες την θαλασσαν διηγουνται τον κινδυνον αυτης και ακοαις ωτιων ημων θαυμαζομεν24 His is the plan that calms the deep, and plants the islands in the sea.
25 και εκει τα παραδοξα και θαυμασια εργα ποικιλια παντος ζωου κτισις κητων25 Those who go down to the sea tell part of its story, and when we hear them we are thunderstruck;
26 δι' αυτον ευοδοι αγγελος αυτου και εν λογω αυτου συγκειται τα παντα26 In it are his creatures, stupendous, amazing, all kinds of life, and the monsters of the deep.
27 πολλα ερουμεν και ου μη αφικωμεθα και συντελεια λογων το παν εστιν αυτος27 For him each messenger succeeds, and at his bidding accomplishes his will.
28 δοξαζοντες που ισχυσομεν αυτος γαρ ο μεγας παρα παντα τα εργα αυτου28 More than this we need not add; let the last word be, he is all in all!
29 φοβερος κυριος και σφοδρα μεγας και θαυμαστη η δυναστεια αυτου29 Let us praise him the more, since we cannot fathom him, for greater is he than all his works;
30 δοξαζοντες κυριον υψωσατε καθ' οσον αν δυνησθε υπερεξει γαρ και ετι και υψουντες αυτον πληθυνατε εν ισχυι μη κοπιατε ου γαρ μη αφικησθε30 Awful indeed is the LORD'S majesty, and wonderful is his power.
31 τις εορακεν αυτον και εκδιηγησεται και τις μεγαλυνει αυτον καθως εστιν31 Lift up your voices to glorify the LORD, though he is still beyond your power to praise;
32 πολλα αποκρυφα εστιν μειζονα τουτων ολιγα γαρ εωρακαμεν των εργων αυτου32 Extol him with renewed strength, and weary not, though you cannot reach the end:
33 παντα γαρ εποιησεν ο κυριος και τοις ευσεβεσιν εδωκεν σοφιαν33 For who can see him and describe him? or who can praise him as he is?
34 Beyond these, many things lie hid; only a few of his works have we seen.
35 It is the LORD who has made all things, and to those who fear him he gives wisdom.