
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Livre de la Genèse 39

1 Joseph avait donc été emmené en Egypte. Potiphar, eunuque de Pharaon et commandant desgardes, un Egyptien, l'acheta aux Ismaélites qui l'avaient emmené là-bas.1 Meanwhile, Joseph was led into Egypt. And Putiphar, a eunuch of Pharaoh, a leader of the army, an Egyptian man, purchased him from the hand of the Ishmaelites, by whom he was brought.
2 Or Yahvé assista Joseph, à qui tout réussit, et il resta dans la maison de son maître, l'Egyptien.2 And the Lord was with him, and he was a man who prospered in everything that he did. And he lived in the house of his lord,
3 Comme son maître voyait que Yahvé l'assistait et faisait réussir entre ses mains tout ce qu'ilentreprenait,3 who knew very well that the Lord was with him, and that all the things that were done by him were directed by his hand.
4 Joseph trouva grâce à ses yeux: il fut attaché au service du maître, qui l'institua son majordome etlui confia tout ce qui lui appartenait.4 And Joseph found favor in the sight of his lord, and he ministered to him. And, having been placed in charge of everything by him, he governed the house that was entrusted to him and all the things that had been delivered to him.
5 Et, à partir du moment où il l'eut préposé à sa maison et à ce qui lui appartenait, Yahvé bénit lamaison de l'Egyptien, en considération de Joseph: la bénédiction de Yahvé atteignit tout ce qu'il possédait à lamaison et aux champs.5 And the Lord blessed the house of the Egyptian, because of Joseph, and he multiplied all his substance, as much in the buildings, as in the fields.
6 Alors, il abandonna entre les mains de Joseph tout ce qu'il avait et, avec lui, il ne se préoccupa plusde rien, sauf de la nourriture qu'il prenait. Joseph avait une belle prestance et un beau visage.6 Neither did he know anything other than the bread that he ate. Now Joseph was beautiful in form, and stately in appearance.
7 Il arriva, après ces événements, que la femme de son maître jeta les yeux sur Joseph et dit: "Coucheavec moi!"7 And so, after many days, his mistress cast her eyes on Joseph, and she said, “Sleep with me.”
8 Mais il refusa et dit à la femme de son maître: "Avec moi, mon maître ne se préoccupe pas de cequi se passe à la maison et il m'a confié tout ce qui lui appartient.8 And without consenting at all to the wicked act, he said to her: “Behold, my lord has delivered all things to me, and he does not know what he has in his own house.
9 Lui-même n'est pas plus puissant que moi dans cette maison: il ne m'a rien interdit que toi, parceque tu es sa femme. Comment pourrais-je accomplir un aussi grand mal et pécher contre Dieu?"9 Neither is there anything which is not in my power, or that he has not delivered to me, except you, for you are his wife. How then can I do this evil act and sin against my God?”
10 Bien qu'elle parlât à Joseph chaque jour, il ne consentit pas à coucher à son côté, à se donner àelle.10 With such words as these, throughout each day, the woman was pestering the young man, and he was refusing the adultery.
11 Or, un certain jour, Joseph vint à la maison pour faire son service et il n'y avait là, dans la maison,aucun des domestiques.11 Then it happened, on a certain day, that Joseph entered the house, and he was doing something, without any witnesses.
12 La femme le saisit par son vêtement en disant: "Couche avec moi!" mais il abandonna le vêtemententre ses mains, prit la fuite et sortit.12 And she, grasping the hem of his garment, said, “Sleep with me.” But he, leaving behind the cloak in her hand, fled and went outside.
13 Voyant qu'il avait laissé le vêtement entre ses mains et qu'il s'était enfui dehors,13 And when the woman saw the garment in her hands and herself being treated with disrespect,
14 elle appela ses domestiques et leur dit: "Voyez cela! Il nous a amené un Hébreu pour badiner avecnous! Il m'a approchée pour coucher avec moi, mais j'ai poussé un grand cri,14 she called to herself the men of her house, and she said to them: “Lo, he has brought in a Hebrew man to abuse us. He entered toward me, in order to join with me; and when I had shouted out,
15 et en entendant que j'élevais la voix et que j'appelais il a laissé son vêtement près de moi, il a prisla fuite et il est sorti."15 and he had heard my voice, he left behind the cloak that I held, and he fled outside.”
16 Elle déposa le vêtement à côté d'elle en attendant que le maître vint à la maison.16 As a proof, therefore, of her fidelity, she retained the cloak, and she showed it to her husband, when he returned home.
17 Alors, elle lui dit les mêmes paroles: "L'esclave hébreu que tu nous as amené m'a approchée pourbadiner avec moi17 And she said: “The Hebrew servant, whom you have brought in to me, approached me to abuse me.
18 et, quand j'ai élevé la voix et appelé, il a laissé son vêtement près de moi et il s'est enfui dehors."18 And when he had heard me cry out, he left behind the cloak that I held, and he fled outside.”
19 Lorsque le mari entendit ce que lui disait sa femme: "Voilà de quelle manière ton esclave a agienvers moi", sa colère s'enflamma.19 His lord, upon hearing these things, and having excessive trust in the words of his mate, was very angry.
20 Le maître de Joseph le fit saisir et mettre en geôle, là où étaient détenus les prisonniers du roi.Ainsi, il demeura en geôle.20 And he delivered Joseph into prison, where the prisoners of the king were kept, and he was enclosed in that place.
21 Mais Yahvé assista Joseph, il étendit sur lui sa bonté et lui fit trouver grâce aux yeux du geôlierchef.21 But the Lord was with Joseph, and, having mercy on him, he gave him favor in the sight of the leader of the prison,
22 Le geôlier chef confia à Joseph tous les détenus qui étaient en geôle; tout ce qui s'y faisait sefaisait par lui.22 who delivered into his hand all the prisoners who were held in custody. And whatever was done, was under him.
23 Le geôlier chef ne s'occupait en rien de ce qui lui était confié, parce que Yahvé l'assistait et faisaitréussir ce qu'il entreprenait.23 Neither did he himself know anything, having entrusted all things to him. For the Lord was with him, and he directed everything that he did.