
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Genesis 42

1 Jacob, seeing that there were supplies to be had in Egypt, said to his sons, 'Why do you keep staringat one another?1 فلما رأى يعقوب انه يوجد قمح في مصر قال يعقوب لبنيه لماذا تنظرون بعضكم الى بعض.
2 I hear', he said, 'that there are supplies in Egypt. Go down and procure some for us there, so that wemay survive and not die.'2 وقال اني قد سمعت انه يوجد قمح في مصر. انزلوا الى هناك واشتروا لنا من هناك لنحيا ولا نموت.
3 So ten of Joseph's brothers went down to procure grain in Egypt.3 فنزل عشرة من اخوة يوسف ليشتروا قمحا من مصر.
4 But Jacob did not send Joseph's brother Benjamin with his brothers. 'Nothing must happen to him,' hethought.4 واما بنيامين اخو يوسف فلم يرسله يعقوب مع اخوته. لانه قال لعلّه تصيبه اذيّة
5 Thus the sons of Israel were among the other people who came to get supplies, there being famine inCanaan.5 فاتى بنو اسرائيل ليشتروا بين الذين اتوا. لان الجوع كان في ارض كنعان.
6 It was Joseph, as the man in authority over the country, who al ocated the rations to the entirepopulation. So Joseph's brothers went and bowed down before him, their faces touching the ground.6 وكان يوسف هو المسلّط على الارض وهو البائع لكل شعب الارض. فأتى اخوة يوسف وسجدوا له بوجوههم الى الارض.
7 As soon as Joseph saw his brothers he recognised them. But he did not make himself known to them,and he spoke harshly to them. 'Where have you come from?' he asked. 'From Canaan to get food,' they replied.7 ولما نظر يوسف اخوته عرفهم. فتنكّر لهم وتكلم معهم بجفاء وقال لهم من اين جئتم. فقالوا من ارض كنعان لنشتري طعاما.
8 Now when Joseph recognised his brothers, but they did not recognise him,8 وعرف يوسف اخوته. واما هم فلم يعرفوه
9 Joseph remembered the dreams he had had about them, and said to them, 'You are spies. You havecome to discover the country's weak points.'9 فتذكر يوسف الاحلام التي حلم عنهم وقال لهم جواسيس انتم. لتروا عورة الارض جئتم.
10 'No, my lord,' they said, 'your servants have come to get food.10 فقالوا له لا يا سيدي. بل عبيدك جاءوا ليشتروا طعاما.
11 We are al sons of the same man. We are honest men, your servants are not spies.'11 نحن جميعنا بنو رجل واحد. نحن أمناء. ليس عبيدك جواسيس.
12 'Oh no,' he replied, 'you have come to discover the country's weak points.'12 فقال لهم كلا بل لتروا عورة الارض جئتم.
13 'Your servants were twelve brothers,' they said, 'sons of the same man in Canaan, but the youngestis at present with our father, and the other one is no more.'13 فقالوا عبيدك اثنا عشر اخا. نحن بنو رجل واحد في ارض كنعان. وهوذا الصغير عند ابينا اليوم والواحد مفقود.
14 To which Joseph retorted, 'It is as I said, you are spies.14 فقال لهم يوسف ذلك ما كلمتكم به قائلا جواسيس انتم.
15 This is the test you are to undergo: as sure as Pharaoh lives you shal not leave unless youryoungest brother comes here.15 بهذا تمتحنون. وحياة فرعون لا تخرجون من هنا الا بمجيء اخيكم الصغير الى هنا.
16 Send one of your number to fetch your brother; you others will remain under arrest, so that yourstatements can be tested to see whether or not you are honest. If not, then as sure as Pharaoh lives you arespies.'16 ارسلوا منكم واحدا ليجيء باخيكم وانتم تحبسون. فيمتحن كلامكم هل عندكم صدق. وإلا فوحياة فرعون انكم لجواسيس.
17 Whereupon, he put them al into custody for three days.17 فجمعهم الى حبس ثلاثة ايام
18 On the third day Joseph said to them, 'Do this and you will live, for I am a man who fears God.18 ثم قال لهم يوسف في اليوم الثالث افعلوا هذا واحيوا. انا خائف الله.
19 If you are honest men, let one of your brothers be detained where you are imprisoned; the rest ofyou, go and take supplies home for your starving families.19 ان كنتم أمناء فليحبس اخ واحد منكم في بيت حبسكم وانطلقوا انتم وخذوا قمحا لمجاعة بيوتكم.
20 But you must bring your youngest brother back to me; in this way, what you have said wil beverified, and you wil not have to die!' And this is what they did.20 واحضروا اخاكم الصغير اليّ. فيتحقّق كلامكم ولا تموتوا. ففعلوا هكذا.
21 And they said to one another, 'Clearly, we are being punished for what we did to our brother. Wesaw his deep misery when he pleaded with us, but we would not listen, and now this misery has come home tous.'21 وقالوا بعضهم لبعض حقّا اننا مذنبون الى اخينا الذي رأينا ضيقة نفسه لما استرحمنا ولم نسمع. لذلك جاءت علينا هذه الضيقة.
22 Reuben retorted to them, 'Did I not tel you not to wrong the boy? But you would not listen. Nowcomes the accounting.'22 فاجابهم رأوبين قائلا ألم اكلمكم قائلا لا تأثموا بالولد وانتم لم تسمعوا. فهوذا دمه يطلب.
23 They did not know that Joseph understood, because there was an interpreter between them.23 وهم لم يعلموا ان يوسف فاهم. لان الترجمان كان بينهم.
24 He turned away from them and wept. When he was able to speak to them again, he chose Simeonout of their number and had him bound while they looked on.24 فتحول عنهم وبكى. ثم رجع اليهم وكلمهم. واخذ منهم شمعون وقيّده امام عيونهم
25 Joseph gave the order to fil their panniers with grain, to put back each man's money in his sack, andto give them provisions for the journey. This was done for them.25 ثم امر يوسف ان تملأ اوعيتهم قمحا وتردّ فضة كل واحد الى عدله وان يعطوا زادا للطريق. ففعل لهم هكذا.
26 Then they loaded their supplies on their donkeys and went away.26 فحملوا قمحهم على حميرهم ومضوا من هناك.
27 But when they camped for the night, one of them opened his sack to give his donkey some fodderand saw his money -- there it was in the mouth of his sack.27 فلما فتح احدهم عدله ليعطي عليقا لحماره في المنزل رأى فضته واذا هي في فم عدله.
28 He said to his brothers, 'My money has been put back; here it is, in my sack!' Their hearts sank, andthey looked at one another in panic, saying, 'What is this that God has done to us?'28 فقال لاخوته ردّت فضتي وها هي في عدلي. فطارت قلوبهم وارتعدوا بعضهم في بعض قائلين ما هذا الذي صنعه الله بنا
29 Returning to their father Jacob in Canaan, they gave him a ful report of what had happened to them,29 فجاءوا الى يعقوب ابيهم الى ارض كنعان واخبروه بكل ما اصابهم قائلين.
30 'The man who is lord of the country spoke harshly to us, accusing us of spying on the country.30 تكلم معنا الرجل سيد الارض بجفاء وحسبنا جواسيس الارض.
31 We told him, "We are honest men, we are not spies.31 فقلنا له نحن أمناء. لسنا جواسيس.
32 We were twelve brothers, sons of the same father. One of us is no more, and the youngest is atpresent with our father in Canaan."32 نحن اثنا عشر اخا بنو ابينا. الواحد مفقود والصغير اليوم عند ابينا في ارض كنعان.
33 But the man who is lord of the country said to us, "This is how I shal know whether you are honest:leave one of your brothers with me. Take supplies for your starving families and be gone,33 فقال لنا الرجل سيد الارض بهذا اعرف انكم أمناء. دعوا اخا واحدا منكم عندي وخذوا لمجاعة بيوتكم وانطلقوا.
34 but bring me back your youngest brother and then I shall know that you are not spies but honestmen. Then I shal give your brother back to you and you wil be free to move about the country." '34 واحضروا اخاكم الصغير اليّ. فاعرف انكم لستم جواسيس بل انكم أمناء. فاعطيكم اخاكم وتتجرون في الارض.
35 As they emptied their sacks, each discovered his bag of money in his sack. On seeing their bags ofmoney they were afraid, and so was their father.35 واذ كانوا يفرغون عدالهم اذا صرّة فضة كل واحد في عدله. فلما رأوا صرر فضتهم هم وابوهم خافوا
36 Then their father Jacob said to them, 'You are robbing me of my children; Joseph is no more;Simeon is no more; and now you want to take Benjamin. I bear the brunt of al this!'36 فقال لهم يعقوب اعدمتموني الاولاد. يوسف مفقود وشمعون مفقود وبنيامين تأخذونه. صار كل هذا عليّ.
37 Then Reuben said to his father, 'You may put my two sons to death if I do not bring him back to you.Put him in my care and I will bring him back to you.'37 وكلّم رأوبين اباه قائلا اقتل ابنيّ ان لم اجيء به اليك. سلّمه بيدي وانا ارده اليك.
38 But he replied, 'My son is not going down with you, for now his brother is dead he is the only one left.If any harm came to him on the journey you are undertaking, you would send my white head down to Sheol withgrief!'38 فقال لا ينزل ابني معكم. لان اخاه قد مات وهو وحده باق. فان اصابته اذيّة في الطريق التي تذهبون فيها تنزلون شيبتي بحزن الى الهاوية