
Domenica, 9 giugno 2024 - Beata Anna Maria Taigi ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbi (امثال) 19

1 الفقير السالك بكماله خير من ملتوي الشفتين وهو جاهل.1 Better is the poor who walks in his simplicity, than the rich who twists his lips and is unwise.
2 ايضا كون النفس بلا معرفة ليس حسنا والمستعجل برجليه يخطأ.2 Where there is no knowledge of the soul, there is no good. And whoever hurries with his feet will stumble.
3 حماقة الرجل تعوّج طريقه وعلى الرب يحنق قلبه.3 The foolishness of a man undermines his steps. And then he seethes in his soul against God.
4 الغنى يكثر الاصحاب والفقير منفصل عن قريبه.4 Riches adds many friends. But from the pauper, even those whom he had become separated.
5 شاهد الزور لا يتبرأ والمتكلم بالاكاذيب لا ينجو.5 A false witness shall not go unpunished. And whoever speaks lies will not escape.
6 كثيرون يستعطفون وجه الشريف وكلّ صاحب لذي العطايا.6 Many honor the character of one who is powerful, and there are friends for a giver of gifts.
7 كل اخوة الفقير يبغضونه. فكم بالحري اصدقاؤه يبتعدون عنه. من يتبع اقوالا فهي له.7 The brothers of the poor man hate him. Moreover, even his friends have withdrawn far from him. Whoever pursues only words shall have nothing.
8 المقتني الحكمة يحب نفسه. الحافظ الفهم يجد خيرا.8 But whoever possesses reason loves his own soul. And one who guards prudence shall discover good things.
9 شاهد الزور لا يتبرأ والمتكلم بالاكاذيب يهلك.9 A false witness shall not go unpunished. And whoever speaks lies will perish.
10 التنعم لا يليق بالجاهل كم بالاولى لا يليق بالعبد ان يتسلط على الرؤساء10 Fine things are not fitting for the foolish, nor is it fitting for a servant to rule over princes.
11 تعقل الانسان يبطئ غضبه وفخره الصفح عن معصية.11 The doctrine of a man is known through patience. And his glory is to pass beyond iniquities.
12 كزمجرة الاسد حنق الملك وكالطل على العشب رضوانه.12 Like the roaring of a lion, so also is the wrath of a king. And his cheerfulness is like the dew upon the grass.
13 الابن الجاهل مصيبة على ابيه ومخاصمات الزوجة كالوكف المتتابع.13 A foolish son is the grief of his father. And an argumentative wife is like a roof that is continually leaking.
14 البيت والثروة ميراث من الآباء. اما الزوجة المتعقلة فمن عند الرب.14 A house and its riches are given by parents. But a prudent wife is particularly from the Lord.
15 الكسل يلقي في السبات والنفس المتراخية تجوع.15 Laziness sends one into a deep sleep, and a dissolute soul will go hungry.
16 حافظ الوصية حافظ نفسه والمتهاون بطرقه يموت.16 Whoever guards a commandment guards his own soul. But whoever neglects his own way will die.
17 من يرحم الفقير يقرض الرب وعن معروفه يجازيه.17 Whoever is merciful to the poor lends to the Lord. And he will repay him for his efforts.
18 ادّب ابنك لان فيه رجاء ولكن على اماتته لا تحمل نفسك.18 Teach your son; do not despair. But do not set your soul toward putting him to death.
19 الشديد الغضب يحمل عقوبة لانك اذا نجيته فبعد تعيد.19 Whoever is impatient will sustain damage. And when it has been taken away, he will set up another.
20 اسمع المشورة واقبل التأديب لكي تكون حكيما في آخرتك.20 Listen to counsel and take up discipline, so that you may be wise in your latter days.
21 في قلب الانسان افكار كثيرة لكن مشورة الرب هي تثبت.21 There are many intentions in the heart of a man. But the will of the Lord shall stand firm.
22 زينة الانسان معروفه والفقير خير من الكذوب22 An indigent man is merciful. And a pauper is better than a deceitful man.
23 مخافة الرب للحياة. يبيت شبعان لا يتعهده شر.23 The fear of the Lord is unto life. And he shall linger in plentitude, without being visited by disaster.
24 الكسلان يخفي يده في الصحفة وايضا الى فمه لا يردها.24 The lazy conceals his hand under his arm, and he will not so much as bring it to his mouth.
25 اضرب المستهزئ فيتذكى الاحمق ووبخ فهيما فيفهم معرفة.25 When the pestilent are scourged, the foolish will become wiser. But if you chastise the wise, he will understand discipline.
26 المخرب اباه والطارد امه هو ابن مخز ومخجل.26 Whoever afflicts his father and flees from his mother is disreputable and unhappy.
27 كف يا ابني عن استماع التعليم للضلالة عن كلام المعرفة.27 Son, do not cease listening to doctrine, and do not be ignorant of the sermons of knowledge.
28 الشاهد اللئيم يستهزئ بالحق وفم الاشرار يبلع الاثم.28 An unjust witness ridicules judgment. And the mouth of the impious devours iniquity.
29 القصاص معد للمستهزئين والضرب لظهر الجهال29 Judgments are prepared for those who ridicule. And striking hammers are prepared for the bodies of the foolish.