
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Giobbe (ايوب) 5

1 ادع الآن. فهل لك من مجيب. والى اي القديسين تلتفت.1 Therefore call, if there are any who will respond to you, and turn to one or another of the saints.
2 لان الغيظ يقتل الغبي والغيرة تميت الاحمق.2 Truly, anger condemns the foolish to death, and envy kills the petty.
3 اني رأيت الغبي يتاصل وبغتة لعنت مربضه.3 I have seen a fool with a strong root, and I have cursed his excellence without hesitation.
4 بنوه بعيدون عن الامن وقد تحطموا في الباب ولا منقذ.4 His sons will be far from prosperity and will be crushed at the gate, and there will be none who can rescue them.
5 الذين يأكل الجوعان حصيدهم ويأخذه حتى من الشوك ويشتف الضمآن ثروتهم.5 Their harvest, the starving will eat. The armed man will rob him, and the thirsty will drink his resources.
6 ان البلية لا تخرج من التراب والشقاوة لا تنبت من الارض6 Nothing on earth occurs without a reason, and sorrow does not rise from the earth.
7 ولكن الانسان مولود للمشقة كما ان الجوارح لارتفاع الجناح7 Man is born to labor, and the bird to fly.
8 لكن كنت اطلب الى الله وعلى الله اجعل امري.8 Therefore, because of this, I will beg the Lord, and place my eloquence before God.
9 الفاعل عظائم لا تفحص وعجائب لا تعد.9 He does great and unfathomable and miraculous things without number.
10 المنزل مطرا على وجه الارض والمرسل المياه على البراري.10 He gives rain over the face of the earth and irrigates all things with the waters.
11 الجاعل المتواضعين في العلى فيرتفع المحزونون الى امن.11 He places the humble on high and encourages the grieving towards health.
12 المبطل افكار المحتالين فلا تجري ايديهم قصدا.12 He dispels the thoughts of the spiteful, lest their hands be able to complete what they had begun.
13 الآخذ الحكماء بحيلتهم فتتهور مشورة الماكرين.13 He catches the wise in their cleverness and dissipates the counsel of the perverse.
14 في النهار يصدمون ظلاما ويتلمّسون في الظهيرة كما في الليل.14 They will encounter darkness in the daytime, and they will grope at midday just as in the night.
15 المنجي البائس من السيف من فمهم ومن يد القوي.15 Thereafter, he will act to save the needy from the sword of their mouth, and the poor from the hand of the violent.
16 فيكون للذليل رجاء وتسد الخطية فاها16 And there will be hope for those in need, for iniquity will diminish its speech.
17 هوذا طوبى لرجل يؤدبه الله. فلا ترفض تأديب القدير.17 Blessed is the man whom God corrects; therefore, do not reject the chastisement of the Lord.
18 لانه هو يجرح ويعصب. يسحق ويداه تشفيان.18 For he wounds and he cures; he strikes and his hands will heal.
19 في ست شدائد ينجيك وفي سبع لا يمسك سوء.19 He will deliver you into six tribulations, and in the seventh, evil will not touch you.
20 في الجوع يفديك من الموت وفي الحرب من حد السيف.20 During famine, he will rescue you from death, and during war, from the hand of the sword.
21 من سوط اللسان تختبأ فلا تخاف من الخراب اذا جاء.21 You will be hidden from the scourge of the tongue, and you will not fear calamity when it arrives.
22 تضحك على الخراب والمحل ولا تخشى وحوش الارض.22 In desolation and in famine, you will laugh, and you will not dread the beasts of the earth.
23 لانه مع حجارة الحقل عهدك ووحوش البرية تسالمك.23 For you are in harmony with the stones of the land, and the beasts of the earth will make peace with you.
24 فتعلم ان خيمتك آمنة وتتعهد مربضك ولا تفقد شيئا.24 And you will know that your home has peace, and, concerning your appearance, you will not sin.
25 وتعلم ان زرعك كثير وذريتك كعشب الارض.25 Likewise, you will know that your offspring will be manifold and your progeny will be like the grass of the earth.
26 تدخل المدفن في شيخوخة كرفع الكدس في اوانه.26 You will enter the grave with abundance, just as a crop of wheat is gathered in its time.
27 ها ان ذا قد بحثنا عنه. كذا هو. فاسمعه واعلم انت لنفسك27 Behold, this is just as we have found it, which you have heard; walk it through your mind.