
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Isaiæ 22

1 Onus vallis Visionis. Quidnam quoque tibi est, quia ascendisti
et tu omnis in tecta ?
1 Oracle of the Valley of Vision: What is the matter with you now, that you have gone up, all of you, to the housetops,
2 Clamoris plena, urbs frequens,
civitas exsultans ;
interfecti tui, non interfecti gladio,
nec mortui in bello.
2 O city full of noise and chaos, O wanton town! Your slain are not slain with the sword, nor killed in battle.
3 Cuncti principes tui fugerunt simul
dureque ligati sunt ;
omnes qui inventi sunt vincti sunt pariter ;
procul fugerunt.
3 All your leaders fled away together, fled afar off; All who were in you were captured together, captured without the use of a bow.
4 Propterea dixi : Recedite a me :
amare flebo ;
nolite incumbere ut consolemini me
super vastitate filiæ populi mei ;
4 At this I say: Turn away from me, let me weep bitterly; Do not try to comfort me for the ruin of the daughter of my people.
5 dies enim interfectionis,
et conculcationis, et fletuum,
Domino Deo exercituum,
in valle Visionis,
scrutans murum,
et magnificus super montem.
5 It is a day of panic, rout and confusion, from the Lord, the GOD of hosts, in the Valley of Vision. Walls crash; they cry for help to the mountains.
6 Et Ælam sumpsit pharetram,
currum hominis equitis,
et parietem nudavit clypeus.
6 Elam takes up the quivers, Aram mounts the horses, and Kir uncovers the shields.
7 Et erunt electæ valles tuæ plenæ quadrigarum,
et equites ponent sedes suas in porta.
7 Your choice valleys are filled with chariots, and horses are posted at the gates,
8 Et revelabitur operimentum Judæ,
et videbis in die illa
armamentarium domus saltus.
8 and shelter over Judah is removed. On that day you looked to the weapons in the House of the Forest;
9 Et scissuras civitatis David videbitis,
quia multiplicatæ sunt ;
et congregastis aquas piscinæ inferioris,
9 you saw that the breaches in the City of David were many; you collected the water of the lower pool.
10 et domos Jerusalem numerastis,
et destruxistis domos ad muniendum murum.
10 You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, tearing some down to strengthen the wall;
11 Et lacum fecistis inter duos muros
ad aquam piscinæ veteris ;
et non suspexistis ad eum qui fecerat eam,
et operatorem ejus de longe non vidistis.
11 you made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you did not look to the city's Maker, nor did you consider him who built it long ago.
12 Et vocabit Dominus Deus exercituum
in die illa
ad fletum, et ad planctum,
ad calvitium, et ad cingulum sacci ;
12 On that day the Lord, the GOD of hosts, called on you To weep and mourn, to shave your head and put on sackcloth.
13 et ecce gaudium et lætitia,
occidere vitulos et jugulare arietes,
comedere carnes, et bibere vinum :
comedamus et bibamus,
cras enim moriemur.
13 But look! you feast and celebrate, you slaughter oxen and butcher sheep, You eat meat and drink wine: "Eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!"
14 Et revelata est in auribus meis vox Domini exercituum :
Si dimittetur iniquitas hæc vobis donec moriamini,
dicit Dominus Deus exercituum.
14 This reaches the ears of the LORD of hosts-- You shall not be pardoned this wickedness till you die, says the Lord, the GOD of hosts.
15 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus exercituum :
Vade, ingredere ad eum qui habitat in tabernaculo,
ad Sobnam, præpositum templi, et dices ad eum :
15 Thus says the Lord, the GOD of hosts: Up, go to that official, Shebna, master of the palace,
16 Quid tu hic, aut quasi quis hic ?
quia excidisti tibi hic sepulchrum,
excidisti in excelso memoriale diligenter,
in petra tabernaculum tibi.
16 Who has hewn for himself a sepulcher on a height and carved his tomb in the rock: "What are you doing here, and what people have you here, that here you have hewn for yourself a tomb?"
17 Ecce Dominus asportari te faciet,
sicut asportatur gallus gallinaceus ;
et quasi amictum, sic sublevabit te.
17 The LORD shall hurl you down headlong, mortal man! He shall grip you firmly
18 Coronas coronabit te tribulatione ;
quasi pilam mittet te in terram latam et spatiosam ;
ibi morieris, et ibi erit currus gloriæ tuæ,
ignominia domus domini tui.
18 And roll you up and toss you like a ball into an open land To perish there, you and the chariots you glory in, you disgrace to your master's house!
19 Et expellam te de statione tua,
et de ministerio tuo deponam te.
19 I will thrust you from your office and pull you down from your station.
20 Et erit in die illa :
vocabo servum meum Eliacim, filium Helciæ,
20 On that day I will summon my servant Eliakim, son of Hilkiah;
21 et induam illum tunica tua,
et cingulo tuo confortabo eum,
et potestatem tuam dabo in manu ejus ;
et erit quasi pater habitantibus Jerusalem
et domui Juda.
21 I will clothe him with your robe, and gird him with your sash, and give over to him your authority. He shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.
22 Et dabo clavem domus David
super humerum ejus ;
et aperiet, et non erit qui claudat ;
et claudet, et non erit qui aperiat.
22 I will place the key of the House of David on his shoulder; when he opens, no one shall shut, when he shuts, no one shall open.
23 Et figam illum paxillum in loco fideli,
et erit in solium gloriæ domui patris ejus.
23 I will fix him like a peg in a sure spot, to be a place of honor for his family;
24 Et suspendent super eum omnem gloriam domus patris ejus ;
vasorum diversa genera,
omne vas parvulum,
a vasis craterarum usque ad omne vas musicorum.
24 On him shall hang all the glory of his family: descendants and offspring, all the little dishes, from bowls to jugs.
25 In die illa, dicit Dominus exercituum,
auferetur paxillus qui fixus fuerat in loco fideli,
et frangetur, et cadet,
et peribit quod pependerat in eo,
quia Dominus locutus est.
25 On that day, says the LORD of hosts, the peg fixed in a sure spot shall give way, break off and fall, and the weight that hung on it shall be done away with; for the LORD has spoken.