
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Hebrews 11

1 Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of realities that areunseen.1 واما الايمان فهو الثقة بما يرجى والايقان بامور لا ترى.
2 It is for their faith that our ancestors are acknowledged.2 فانه في هذه شهد للقدماء.
3 It is by faith that we understand that the ages were created by a word from God, so that from theinvisible the visible world came to be.3 بالايمان نفهم ان العالمين أتقنت بكلمة الله حتى لم يتكون ما يرى مما هو ظاهر.
4 It was because of his faith that Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain, and for that he wasacknowledged as upright when God himself made acknowledgement of his offerings. Though he is dead, he stillspeaks by faith.4 بالايمان قدم هابيل للّه ذبيحة افضل من قايين. فبه شهد له انه بار اذ شهد الله لقرابينه. وبه وان مات يتكلم بعد.
5 It was because of his faith that Enoch was taken up and did not experience death: he was no more,because God took him; because before his assumption he was acknowledged to have pleased God.5 بالايمان نقل اخنوخ لكي لا يرى الموت ولم يوجد لان الله نقله. اذ قبل نقله شهد له بانه قد ارضى الله.
6 Now it is impossible to please God without faith, since anyone who comes to him must believe that heexists and rewards those who seek him.6 ولكن بدون ايمان لا يمكن ارضاؤه لانه يجب ان الذي يأتي الى الله يؤمن بانه موجود وانه يجازي الذين يطلبونه.
7 It was through his faith that Noah, when he had been warned by God of something that had neverbeen seen before, took care to build an ark to save his family. His faith was a judgement on the world, and hewas able to claim the uprightness which comes from faith.7 بالايمان نوح لما أوحي اليه عن امور لم ترى بعد خاف فبنى فلكا لخلاص بيته فبه دان العالم وصار وارثا للبر الذي حسب الايمان.
8 It was by faith that Abraham obeyed the cal to set out for a country that was the inheritance given tohim and his descendants, and that he set out without knowing where he was going.8 بالايمان ابراهيم لما دعي اطاع ان يخرج الى المكان الذي كان عتيدا ان يأخذه ميراثا فخرج وهو لا يعلم الى اين يأتي.
9 By faith he sojourned in the Promised Land as though it were not his, living in tents with Isaac andJacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.9 بالايمان تغرب في ارض الموعد كانها غريبة ساكنا في خيام مع اسحق ويعقوب الوارثين معه لهذا الموعد عينه.
10 He looked forward to the wel -founded city, designed and built by God.10 لانه كان ينتظر المدينة التي لها الاساسات التي صانعها وبارئها الله.
11 It was equal y by faith that Sarah, in spite of being past the age, was made able to conceive,because she believed that he who had made the promise was faithful to it.11 بالايمان سارة نفسها ايضا اخذت قدرة على انشاء نسل وبعد وقت السن ولدت اذ حسبت الذي وعد صادقا.
12 Because of this, there came from one man, and one who already had the mark of death on him,descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven and the grains of sand on the seashore which cannot becounted.12 لذلك ولد ايضا من واحد وذلك من ممات مثل نجوم السماء في الكثرة وكالرمل الذي على شاطئ البحر الذي لا يعد
13 Al these died in faith, before receiving any of the things that had been promised, but they saw themin the far distance and welcomed them, recognising that they were only strangers and nomads on earth.13 في الايمان مات هؤلاء اجمعون وهم لم ينالوا المواعيد بل من بعيد نظروها وصدقوها وحيوها واقروا بانهم غرباء ونزلاء على الارض.
14 People who use such terms about themselves make it quite plain that they are in search of ahomeland.14 فان الذين يقولون مثل هذا يظهرون انهم يطلبون وطنا.
15 If they had meant the country they came from, they would have had the opportunity to return to it;15 فلو ذكروا ذلك الذي خرجوا منه لكان لهم فرصة للرجوع.
16 but in fact they were longing for a better homeland, their heavenly homeland. That is why God is notashamed to be cal ed their God, since he has founded the city for them.16 ولكن الآن يبتغون وطنا افضل اي سماويا. لذلك لا يستحي بهم الله ان يدعى الههم لانه اعدّ لهم مدينة
17 It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac. He offered to sacrifice his onlyson even though he had yet to receive what had been promised,17 بالايمان قدم ابراهيم اسحق وهو مجرب. قدم الذي قبل المواعيد وحيده
18 and he had been told: Isaac is the one through whom your name will be carried on.18 الذي قيل له انه باسحق يدعى لك نسل.
19 He was confident that God had the power even to raise the dead; and so, figuratively speaking, hewas given back Isaac from the dead.19 اذ حسب ان الله قادر على الاقامة من الاموات ايضا الذين منهم اخذه ايضا في مثال.
20 It was by faith that this same Isaac gave his blessing to Jacob and Esau for the stil distant future.20 بالايمان اسحق بارك يعقوب وعيسو من جهة امور عتيدة.
21 By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, bowed in reverence, as he leanton his staff.21 بالايمان يعقوب عند موته بارك كل واحد من ابني يوسف وسجد على راس عصاه.
22 It was by faith that, when he was about to die, Joseph mentioned the Exodus of the Israelites andgave instructions about his own remains.22 بالايمان يوسف عند موته ذكر خروج بني اسرائيل واوصى من جهة عظامه.
23 It was by faith that Moses, when he was born, was kept hidden by his parents for three months;because they saw that he was a fine child; they were not afraid of the royal edict.23 بالايمان موسى بعد ما ولد اخفاه ابواه ثلاثة اشهر لانهما رأيا الصبي جميلا ولم يخشيا امر الملك.
24 It was by faith that, when he was grown up, Moses refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh'sdaughter24 بالايمان موسى لما كبر ابى ان يدعى ابن ابنة فرعون
25 and chose to be ill-treated in company with God's people rather than to enjoy the transitory pleasuresof sin.25 مفضلا بالاحرى ان يذل مع شعب الله على ان يكون له تمتع وقتي بالخطية
26 He considered that the humiliations offered to the Anointed were something more precious than althe treasures of Egypt, because he had his eyes fixed on the reward.26 حاسبا عار المسيح غنى اعظم من خزائن مصر لانه كان ينظر الى المجازاة.
27 It was by faith that he left Egypt without fear of the king's anger; he held to his purpose like someonewho could see the Invisible.27 بالايمان ترك مصر غير خائف من غضب الملك لانه تشدد كانه يرى من لا يرى.
28 It was by faith that he kept the Passover and sprinkled the blood to prevent the Destroyer fromtouching any of their first-born sons.28 بالايمان صنع الفصح ورشّ الدم لئلا يمسهم الذي اهلك الابكار.
29 It was by faith they crossed the Red Sea as easily as dry land, while the Egyptians, trying to do thesame, were drowned.29 بالايمان اجتازوا في البحر الاحمر كما في اليابسة الامر الذي لما شرع فيه المصريون غرقوا.
30 It was through faith that the wal s of Jericho fel down when the people had marched round them forseven days.30 بالايمان سقطت اسوار اريحا بعد ما طيف حولها سبعة ايام.
31 It was by faith that Rahab the prostitute welcomed the spies and so was not killed with theunbelievers.31 بالايمان راحاب الزانية لم تهلك مع العصاة اذ قبلت الجاسوسين بسلام
32 What more shal I say? There is not time for me to give an account of Gideon, Barak, Samson,Jephthah, or of David, Samuel and the prophets.32 وماذا اقول ايضا لانه يعوزني الوقت ان اخبرت عن جدعون وباراق وشمشون ويفتاح وداود وصموئيل والانبياء
33 These were men who through faith conquered kingdoms, did what was upright and earned thepromises. They could keep a lion's mouth shut,33 الذين بالايمان قهروا ممالك صنعوا برا نالوا مواعيد سدوا افواه اسود
34 put out blazing fires and emerge unscathed from battle. They were weak people who were givenstrength to be brave in war and drive back foreign invaders.34 اطفأوا قوة النار نجوا من حد السيف تقووا من ضعف صاروا اشداء في الحرب هزموا جيوش غرباء.
35 Some returned to their wives from the dead by resurrection; and others submitted to torture, refusingrelease so that they would rise again to a better life.35 اخذت نساء امواتهن بقيامة. وآخرون عذبوا ولم يقبلوا النجاة لكي ينالوا قيامة افضل.
36 Some had to bear being pil oried and flogged, or even chained up in prison.36 وآخرون تجربوا في هزء وجلد ثم في قيود ايضا وحبس.
37 They were stoned, or sawn in half, or kil ed by the sword; they were homeless, and wore only theskins of sheep and goats; they were in want and hardship, and maltreated.37 رجموا نشروا جربوا ماتوا قتلا بالسيف طافوا في جلود غنم وجلود معزى معتازين مكروبين مذلين.
38 They were too good for the world and they wandered in deserts and mountains and in caves andravines.38 وهم لم يكن العالم مستحقا لهم. تائهين في براري وجبال ومغاير وشقوق الارض.
39 These al won acknowledgement through their faith, but they did not receive what was promised,39 فهؤلاء كلهم مشهودا لهم بالايمان لم ينالوا الموعد
40 since God had made provision for us to have something better, and they were not to reach perfectionexcept with us.40 اذ سبق الله فنظر لنا شيئا افضل لكي لا يكملوا بدوننا