
Martedi, 30 aprile 2024 - San Pio V ( Letture di oggi)

1 Thessalonians 2

1 You know yourselves, my brothers, that our visit to you has not been pointless.1 لانكم انتم ايها الاخوة تعلمون دخولنا اليكم انه لم يكن باطلا
2 Although, as you know, we had received rough treatment and insults at Philippi, God gave us thecourage to speak his gospel to you fearlessly, in spite of great opposition.2 بل بعدما تألمنا قبلا وبغي علينا كما تعلمون في فيلبي جاهرنا في الهنا ان نكلمكم بانجيل الله في جهاد كثير.
3 Our encouragement to you does not come from any delusion or impure motives or trickery.3 لان وعظنا ليس عن ضلال ولا عن دنس ولا بمكر
4 No, God has approved us to be entrusted with the gospel, and this is how we preach, seeking to pleasenot human beings but God who tests our hearts.4 بل كما استحسنّا من الله ان نؤتمن على الانجيل هكذا نتكلم لا كاننا نرضي الناس بل الله الذي يختبر قلوبنا.
5 Indeed, we have never acted with the thought of flattering anyone, as you know, nor as an excuse forgreed, God is our witness;5 فاننا لم نكن قط في كلام تملق كما تعلمون ولا في علة طمع. الله شاهد.
6 nor have we ever looked for honour from human beings, either from you or anybody else,6 ولا طلبنا مجدا من الناس لا منكم ولا من غيركم مع اننا قادرون ان نكون في وقار كرسل المسيح.
7 when we could have imposed ourselves on you with full weight, as apostles of Christ. Instead, we livedunassumingly among you. Like a mother feeding and looking after her children,7 بل كنا مترفقين في وسطكم كما تربي المرضعة اولادها
8 we felt so devoted to you, that we would have been happy to share with you not only the gospel of God,but also our own lives, so dear had you become.8 هكذا اذ كنا حانّين اليكم كنا نرضى ان نعطيكم لا انجيل الله فقط بل انفسنا ايضا لانكم صرتم محبوبين الينا.
9 You remember, brothers, with what unsparing energy we used to work, slaving night and day so as notto be a burden on any one of you while we were proclaiming the gospel of God to you.9 فانكم تذكرون ايها الاخوة تعبنا وكدّنا. اذ كنا نكرز لكم بانجيل الله ونحن عاملون ليلا ونهارا كي لا نثقل على احد منكم.
10 You are witnesses, and so is God, that our treatment of you, since you believed, has been impeccablyfair and upright.10 انتم شهود والله كيف بطهارة وببر وبلا لوم كنا بينكم انتم المؤمنين.
11 As you know, we treated every one of you as a father treats his children,11 كما تعلمون كيف كنا نعظ كل واحد منكم كالاب لاولاده ونشجعكم
12 urging you, encouraging you and appealing to you to live a life worthy of God, who cal s you into hiskingdom and his glory.12 ونشهدكم لكي تسلكوا كما يحق لله الذي دعاكم الى ملكوته ومجده
13 Another reason why we continual y thank God for you is that as soon as you heard the word that webrought you as God's message, you welcomed it for what it really is, not the word of any human being, but God'sword, a power that is working among you believers.13 من اجل ذلك نحن ايضا نشكر الله بلا انقطاع لانكم اذ تسلمتم منا كلمة خبر من الله قبلتموها لا ككلمة اناس بل كما هي بالحقيقة ككلمة الله التي تعمل ايضا فيكم انتم المؤمنين.
14 For you, my brothers, have model ed yourselves on the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are inJudaea, in that you have suffered the same treatment from your own countrymen as they have had from theJews,14 فانكم ايها الاخوة صرتم متمثلين بكنائس الله التي هي في اليهودية في المسيح يسوع لانكم تألمتم انتم ايضا من اهل عشيرتكم تلك الآلام عينها كما هم ايضا من اليهود
15 who put the Lord Jesus to death, and the prophets too, and persecuted us also. Their conduct doesnot please God, and makes them the enemies of the whole human race,15 الذين قتلوا الرب يسوع وانبياءهم واضطهدونا نحن. وهم غير مرضين للّه واضداد لجميع الناس
16 because they are hindering us from preaching to gentiles to save them. Thus al the time they arereaching the ful extent of their iniquity, but retribution has final y overtaken them.16 يمنعوننا عن ان نكلم الامم لكي يخلصوا حتى يتمموا خطاياهم كل حين. ولكن قد ادركهم الغضب الى النهاية.
17 Although we had been deprived of you for only a short time in body but never in affection, brothers, wehad an especially strong desire and longing to see you face to face again,17 واما نحن ايها الاخوة فاذ قد فقدناكم زمان ساعة بالوجه لا بالقلب اجتهدنا اكثر باشتهاء كثير ان نرى وجوهكم.
18 and we tried hard to come and visit you; I, Paul, tried more than once, but Satan prevented us.18 لذلك اردنا ان نأتي اليكم انا بولس مرة ومرتين. وانما عاقنا الشيطان.
19 What do you think is our hope and our joy, and what our crown of honour in the presence of our LordJesus when he comes?19 لان من هو رجاؤنا وفرحنا واكليل افتخارنا. ام لستم انتم ايضا امام ربنا يسوع المسيح في مجيئه.
20 You are, for you are our pride and joy.20 لانكم انتم مجدنا وفرحنا