
Domenica, 28 aprile 2024 - San Luigi Maria Grignion da Montfort ( Letture di oggi)

Acts of the Apostles 22

1 'My brothers, my fathers, listen to what I have to say to you in my defence.'1 «Hermanos y padres, escuchad la defensa que ahora hago ante vosotros».
2 When they realised he was speaking in Hebrew, the silence was even greater than before.2 Al oír que les hablaba en lengua hebrea guardaron más profundo silencio. Y dijo:
3 'I am a Jew', Paul said, 'and was born at Tarsus in Cilicia. I was brought up here in this city. It wasunder Gamaliel that I studied and was taught the exact observance of the Law of our ancestors. In fact, I was asful of duty towards God as you al are today.3 «Yo soy judío, nacido en Tarso de Cilicia, pero educado en esta ciudad, instruido a los pies de Gamaliel en la exacta observancia de la Ley de nuestros padres; estaba lleno de celo por Dios, como lo estáis todos vosotros el día de hoy.
4 I even persecuted this Way to the death and sent women as wel as men to prison in chains4 Yo perseguí a muerte a este Camino, encadenando y arrojando a la cárcel a hombres y mujeres,
5 as the high priest and the whole council of elders can testify. I even received letters from them to thebrothers in Damascus, which I took with me when I set off to bring prisoners back from there to Jerusalem forpunishment.5 como puede atestiguármelo el Sumo Sacerdote y todo el Consejo de ancianos. De ellos recibí también cartas para los hermanos de Damasco y me puse en camino con intención de traer también encadenados a Jerusalén a todos los que allí había, para que fueran castigados.
6 'It happened that I was on that journey and nearly at Damascus when in the middle of the day a brightlight from heaven suddenly shone round me.6 «Pero yendo de camino, estando ya cerca de Damasco, hacia el mediodía, me envolvió de repente una gran luz venida del cielo;
7 I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"7 caí al suelo y oí una voz que me decía: “Saúl, Saúl, ¿por qué me persigues?”
8 I answered, "Who are you, Lord?" and he said to me, "I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you arepersecuting."8 Yo respondí: “¿Quién eres, Señor?” Y él a mí: “Yo soy Jesús Nazoreo, a quien tú persigues.”
9 The people with me saw the light but did not hear the voice which spoke to me.9 Los que estaban vieron la luz, pero no oyeron la voz del que me hablaba.
10 I said, "What am I to do, Lord?" The Lord answered, "Get up and go into Damascus, and there youwil be told what you have been appointed to do."10 Yo dije: “¿Qué he de hacer, Señor?” Y el Señor me respondió: “Levántate y vete a Damasco; allí se te dirá todo lo que está establecido que hagas.”
11 Since the light had been so dazzling that I was blind, I got to Damascus only because my companionsled me by the hand.11 Como yo no veía, a causa del resplandor de aquella luz, conducido de la mano por mis compañeros llegué a Damasco.
12 'Someone called Ananias, a devout fol ower of the Law and highly thought of by al the Jews livingthere,12 «Un tal Ananías, hombre piadoso según la Ley, bien acreditado por todos los judíos que habitaban allí,
13 came to see me; he stood beside me and said, "Brother Saul, receive your sight." Instantly my sightcame back and I was able to see him.13 vino a verme, y presentándose ante mí me dijo: “Saúl, hermano, recobra la vista.” Y en aquel momento le pude ver.
14 Then he said, "The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will, to see the Upright One andhear his own voice speaking,14 El me dijo: “El Dios de nuestros padres te ha destinado para que conozcas su voluntad, veas al Justo y escuches la voz de sus labios,
15 because you are to be his witness before all humanity, testifying to what you have seen and heard.15 pues le has de ser testigo ante todos los hombres de lo que has visto y oído.
16 And now why delay? Hurry and be baptised and wash away your sins, cal ing on his name."16 Y ahora, ¿qué esperas? Levántate, recibe el bautismo y lava tus pecados invocando su nombre.”
17 'It happened that, when I got back to Jerusalem, and was praying in the Temple, I fell into a trance17 «Habiendo vuelto a Jerusalén y estando en oración en el Templo, caí en éxtasis;
18 and then I saw him. "Hurry," he said, "leave Jerusalem at once; they wil not accept the testimony you are giving about me."18 y le vi a él que me decía: “Date prisa y marcha inmediatamente de Jerusalén, pues no recibirán tu testimonio acerca de mí.”
19 "Lord," I answered, "they know that I used to go from synagogue to synagogue, imprisoning andflogging those who believed in you;19 Yo respondí: “Señor, ellos saben que yo andaba por las sinagogas encarcelando y azotando a los que creían en ti;
20 and that when the blood of your witness Stephen was being shed, I, too, was standing by, in fullagreement with his murderers, and in charge of their clothes."20 y cuando se derramó la sangre de tu testigo Esteban, yo también me hallaba presente, y estaba de acuerdo con los que le mataban y guardaba sus vestidos.”
21 Then he said to me, "Go! I am sending you out to the gentiles far away." '21 Y me dijo: “Marcha, porque yo te enviaré lejos, a los gentiles”».
22 So far they had listened to him, but at these words they began to shout, 'Rid the earth of the man! Heis not fit to live!'22 Le estuvieron escuchando hasta estas palabras y entonces alzaron sus voces diciendo: «¡Quita a ése de la tierra!; ¡no es justo que viva!»
23 They were yel ing, waving their cloaks and throwing dust into the air,23 Vociferaban, agitaban sus vestidos y arrojaban polvo al aire.
24 and so the tribune had him brought into the fortress and ordered him to be examined under the lash,to find out the reason for the outcry against him.24 El tribuno mandó llevarlo dentro del cuartel y dijo que lo sometieran a los azotes para averiguar por qué motivo gritaban así contra él.
25 But when they had strapped him down Paul said to the centurion on duty, 'Is it legal for you to flog aman who is a Roman citizen and has not been brought to trial?'25 Cuando le tenían estirado con las correas, dijo Pablo al centurión que estaba allí: «¿Os es lícito azotar a un ciudadano romano sin haberle juzgado?»
26 When he heard this the centurion went and told the tribune; 'Do you realise what you are doing?' hesaid. 'This man is a Roman citizen.'26 Al oír esto el centurión fue donde el tribuno y le dijo: «¿Qué vas a hacer? Este hombre es ciudadano romano».
27 So the tribune came and asked him, 'Tel me, are you a Roman citizen?' Paul answered 'Yes'.27 Acudió el tribuno y le preguntó: «Dime, ¿eres ciudadano romano?» - «Sí», respondió.
28 To this the tribune replied, 'It cost me a large sum to acquire this citizenship.' 'But I was born to it,'said Paul.28 - «Yo, dijo el tribuno, conseguí esta ciudadanía por una fuerte suma». - «Pues yo, contestó Pablo, la tengo por nacimiento».
29 Then those who were about to examine him hurriedly withdrew, and the tribune himself was alarmedwhen he realised that he had put a Roman citizen in chains.29 Al momento se retiraron los que iban a darle tormento. El tribuno temió al darse cuenta que le había encadenado siendo ciudadano romano.
30 The next day, since he wanted to know for sure what charge the Jews were bringing, he freed Pauland gave orders for a meeting of the chief priests and the entire Sanhedrin; then he brought Paul down and sethim in front of them.30 Al día siguiente, queriendo averiguar con certeza de qué le acusaban los judíos, le sacó de la cárcel y mandó que se reunieran los sumos sacerdotes y todo el Sanedrín; hizo bajar a Pablo y le puso ante ellos.