
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Deuteronomy 15

1 'At the end of every seven years, you must grant remission.1 في آخر سبع سنين تعمل ابراء.
2 The nature of the remission is as fol ows: any creditor holding a personal pledge obtained from hisfel ow must release him from it; he must not exploit his fel ow or his brother once the latter has appealed toYahweh for remission.2 وهذا هو حكم الابراء. يبرئ كل صاحب دين يده مما اقرض صاحبه. لا يطالب صاحبه ولا اخاه لانه قد نودي بابراء للرب.
3 A foreigner you may exploit, but you must remit whatever claim you have on your brother.3 الاجنبي تطالب واما ما كان لك عند اخيك فتبرئه يدك منه.
4 There must, then, be no poor among you. For Yahweh wil grant you his blessing in the country whichYahweh your God is giving you to possess as your heritage,4 الا ان لم يكن فيك فقير. لان الرب انما يباركك في الارض التي يعطيك الرب الهك نصيبا لتمتلكها.
5 only if you pay careful attention to the voice of Yahweh your God, by keeping and practising al thesecommandments which I am enjoining on you today.5 اذا سمعت صوت الرب الهك لتحفظ وتعمل كل هذه الوصايا التي انا اوصيك اليوم
6 If Yahweh your God blesses you as he has promised, you wil be creditors to many nations butdebtors to none; you wil rule over many nations, and be ruled by none.6 يباركك الرب الهك كما قال لك. فتقرض امما كثيرة وانت لا تقترض وتتسلط على امم كثيرة وهم عليك لا يتسلطون
7 'Is there anyone poor among you, one of your brothers, in any town of yours in the country whichYahweh your God is giving you? Do not harden your heart or close your hand against that poor brother of yours,7 ان كان فيك فقير احد من اخوتك في احد ابوابك في ارضك التي يعطيك الرب الهك فلا تقسّ قلبك ولا تقبض يدك عن اخيك الفقير
8 but be open handed with him and lend him enough for his needs.8 بل افتح يدك له واقرضه مقدار ما يحتاج اليه.
9 Do not allow this mean thought in your heart, "The seventh year, the year of remission, is near," andscowl at your poor brother and give him nothing; he could appeal against you to Yahweh, and you would incurguilt!9 احترز من ان يكون مع قلبك كلام لئيم قائلا قد قربت السنة السابعة سنة الابراء وتسوء عينك باخيك الفقير ولا تعطيه فيصرخ عليك الى الرب فتكون عليك خطية.
10 When you give to him, you must give with an open heart; for this, Yahweh your God wil bless you inal your actions and in al your undertakings.10 اعطه ولا يسؤ قلبك عندما تعطيه لانه بسبب هذا الامر يباركك الرب الهك في كل اعمالك وجميع ما تمتد اليه يدك.
11 Of course, there wil never cease to be poor people in the country, and that is why I am giving youthis command: Always be open handed with your brother, and with anyone in your country who is in need andpoor.11 لانه لا تفقد الفقراء من الارض. لذلك انا اوصيك قائلا افتح يدك لاخيك المسكين والفقير في ارضك
12 'If your fel ow Hebrew, man or woman, sells himself to you, he can serve you for six years. In theseventh year you must set him free,12 اذا بيع لك اخوك العبراني او اختك العبرانية وخدمك ست سنين ففي السنة السابعة تطلقه حرا من عندك.
13 and in setting him free you must not let him go empty handed.13 وحين تطلقه حرا من عندك لا تطلقه فارغا.
14 By way of present, you will load his shoulders with things from your flock, from your threshing-floorand from your winepress; as Yahweh your God has blessed you, so you must give to him.14 تزوده من غنمك ومن بيدرك ومن معصرتك. كما باركك الرب الهك تعطيه.
15 Remember that you were once a slave in Egypt and that Yahweh your God redeemed you; that iswhy I am giving you this order today.15 واذكر انك كنت عبدا في ارض مصر ففداك الرب الهك. لذلك انا اوصيك بهذا الامر اليوم.
16 'But if he says to you, "I do not want to leave you," because he loves you and your household and ishappy with you,16 ولكن اذا قال لك لا اخرج من عندك لانه قد احبك وبيتك اذ كان له خير عندك
17 you must take an awl and drive it through his ear into the door and he will be your servant for ever.You must do the same to a female slave.17 فخذ المخرز واجعله في اذنه وفي الباب فيكون لك عبدا مؤبدا. وهكذا تفعل لأمتك ايضا.
18 'Do not think it hard on you to have to give him his freedom; he is worth twice what a paid servantwould cost you, and has served you for six years. And Yahweh your God wil bless you in everything you do.18 لا يصعب عليك ان تطلقه حرا من عندك لانه ضعفي اجرة الاجير خدمك ست سنين. فيباركك الرب الهك في كل ما تعمل
19 'You must consecrate every first-born male from your herd and flock to Yahweh your God. You mustnot put the first-born of your herd to work, or shear the first-born of your flock.19 كل بكر ذكر يولد من بقرك ومن غنمك تقدسه للرب الهك. لا تشتغل على بكر بقرك ولا تجزّ بكر غنمك.
20 You must eat it, you and your household, each year, in the presence of Yahweh your God, in theplace which Yahweh chooses.20 امام الرب الهك تأكله سنة بسنة في المكان الذي يختاره الرب انت وبيتك.
21 If it has any defect, if it is lame or blind -- any serious defect -- you must not sacrifice it to Yahwehyour God.21 ولكن اذا كان فيه عيب عرج او عمى عيب ما رديء فلا تذبحه للرب الهك.
22 You wil eat it at home, unclean and clean together, as you would gazel e or deer;22 في ابوابك تاكله. النجس والطاهر سواء كالضبي والايل.
23 only, you will not eat its blood, but pour that like water on the ground.'23 واما دمه فلا تأكله. على الارض تسفكه كالماء