
Domenica, 16 giugno 2024 - Sant´ Aureliano ( Letture di oggi)

Eclesiástico/Ben Sirá 19

1 Un obrero bebedor nunca se enriquecerá, y el que se descuida en lo pequeño, caerá poco a poco.1 An inebriated worker will not be wealthy. And whoever despises littleness will fall a little at a time.
2 Vino y mujeres extravían a los inteligentes, y el que anda con prostitutas es más temerario aún:2 Wine and women cause wise men to fall away, and then they will complain against those who understand.
3 la podredumbre y los gusanos se adueñarán de él, y el hombre temerario será extirpado.3 And whoever joins himself to fornicators will become wicked. Decay and worms will inherit him, and he will be denounced as the greater example, and his soul will be deducted from the number.
4 El que se confía demasiado pronto, es un espíritu frívolo, y el que peca, se perjudica a sí mismo.4 Whoever is quick to believe has a trivial heart and will be diminished. And whoever offends against his own soul will have even less.
5 El que se complace en el mal será condenado,5 Whoever rejoices in iniquity will be condemned. And whoever hates correction will have less in life. But whoever hates excessive talk extinguishes evil.
6 y el que detesta la locuacidad se libra del mal.6 Whoever sins against his own soul will be punished. And whoever rejoices in malice will be condemned.
7 No repitas jamás lo que has oído, y no perderás nada.7 You should not repeat a wicked and harsh word, and then you will not be diminished.
8 No se lo digas a nadie, sea amigo o enemigo, y a no ser que incurras en pecado, no lo reveles:8 Do not reveal your mind to friend or foe. And if there is a sin within you, do not disclose it.
9 te escucharían, pero se pondrían en guardia contra ti y, llegado el momento, te odiarían.9 For he will listen to you and watch you, and while pretending to defend your sin, he will despise you, and so he will be whenever he is with you.
10 ¿Has oído algo? Que muera contigo; no tengas miedo, no te hará reventar.10 Have you heard a word against your neighbor? Let it die within you, trusting that it will not burst forth from you.
11 El necio sufre cuando guarda un secreto, como la parturienta por su criatura.11 Before the face of a word, a foolish man labors, like a woman groaning as she gives birth to a child.
12 Como una flecha clavada en el muslo es el secreto en el pecho del necio.12 Like an arrow fixed in the flesh of the thigh, so is a word in the heart of a foolish man.
13 Aclara las cosas con tu amigo: a lo mejor no hizo nada, y si lo hizo, para que no lo vuelva a hacer.13 Correct a friend, though perhaps there was a misunderstanding, and he may say, “I did not do it.” Or, if he did do it, correct him, so that he may not do it again.
14 Aclara las cosas con tu prójimo: a lo mejor no dijo nada, y si lo dijo, para que no lo repita.14 Correct your neighbor, for perhaps he did not say it. But if he did say it, correct him, so that he may not say it again.
15 Aclara las cosas con tu amigo: con frecuencia se calumnia, y no debes fiarte de todo lo que se dice.15 Correct your friend. For often a fault has been committed.
16 Se puede cometer un desliz sin querer, ¿y quién no ha pecado con su lengua?16 And do not believe every word. There is one who slips with his word, but not with his heart.
17 Aclara las cosas con tu prójimo antes de amenazarlo, y luego da lugar a la Ley del Altísimo.17 For who is there who has not offended with his words? Correct your neighbor before you reprimand him.
18 [Comienza por temer al Señor, y él te aceptará; si tienes sabiduría, él te amará.]18 And make a place for the fear of the Most High. For all wisdom is fear of God, and it is wise to fear God, and in all wisdom is the orderly disposition of the law.
19 [El conocimiento de los mandamientos del Señor es una instrucción que da vida; los que hacen lo que le agrada recogerán los frutos del árbol de la inmortalidad.]19 But the discipline of wickedness is not wisdom. And there is no prudence in the thoughts of sinners.
20 Toda sabiduría es temor del Señor y toda sabiduría entraña la práctica de la Ley.20 There is a wickedness, and in it there is abomination. And there is a foolish man who has been diminished in wisdom.
21 [El servidor que dice a su señor: «No haré lo que te agrada», incluso si después lo hace, irrita a aquel que lo alimenta.]21 Better is a man who has been diminished in wisdom because his mind is failing, but with the fear of God, than he who abounds in intelligence, but with transgression against the law of the Most High.
22 No es sabiduría saber hacer el mal y no hay prudencia en el consejo de los pecadores.22 There is a certain cleverness, and it is unjust.
23 Hay una astucia que resulta abominable, y el que carece de sabiduría es insensato.23 And there is one who utters a careful word, explaining away the truth. There is one who humbles himself wickedly, for his interior is filled with deceit.
24 Es preferible el poco inteligente que teme al Señor, al muy inteligente que quebranta la Ley.24 And there is one who lowers himself excessively with a great debasement. And there is one who inclines his face downward, and pretends as if he did not see what has not been made known.
25 Hay una astucia sutil, pero injusta, y hay quien usa de artimañas para hacer valer su derecho.25 And if he is prevented from sinning by a lack of ability, and then finds an opportunity for evildoing, he will do evil.
26 Hay un malvado que va encorvado por la tristeza, pero su interior está lleno de falsedad:26 A man is recognized by his appearances. But when you meet an understanding man, he is recognized by his face.
27 se cubre el rostro y aparenta no oír, pero si nadie lo ve, te saca ventaja.27 The clothing of the body, and the laughter of the teeth, and the walk of a man, give a report about him.
28 Si le falta fuerza para pecar, cuando encuentre una ocasión, te perjudicará.28 There is a lying correction in the anger of a contemptuous man. And there is a judgment which does not prove to be good. But there is one who is silent, and the same is prudent.
29 Por la mirada se reconoce a un hombre, y por su aspecto, al hombre sabio.
30 La vestimenta del hombre, su manera de reír y todo su porte revelan lo que él es.