
Mercoledi, 23 ottobre 2024 - San Giovanni da Capestrano ( Letture di oggi)

1 John 1


1Something which has existed since the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with ourown eyes, which we have watched and touched with our own hands, the Word of life -- this is our theme.2That life was made visible; we saw it and are giving our testimony, declaring to you the eternal life,which was present to the Father and has been revealed to us.3We are declaring to you what we have seen and heard, so that you too may share our life. Our life isshared with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.4We are writing this to you so that our joy may be complete.5This is what we have heard from him and are declaring to you: God is light, and there is no darkness inhim at al .6If we say that we share in God's life while we are living in darkness, we are lying, because we are notliving the truth.7But if we live in light, as he is in light, we have a share in another's life, and the blood of Jesus, his Son,cleanses us from all sin.8If we say, 'We have no sin,' we are deceiving ourselves, and truth has no place in us;9if we acknowledge our sins, he is trustworthy and upright, so that he will forgive our sins and wilcleanse us from all evil.10If we say, 'We have never sinned,' we make him a liar, and his word has no place in us.