
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 32


1If you are chosen to preside at dinner, be not puffed up, but with the guests be as one of themselves; Take care of them first before you sit down;2when you have fulfilled your duty, then take your place, To share in their joy and win praise for your hospitality.3Being older, you may talk; that is only your right, but temper your wisdom, not to disturb the singing.4When wine is present, do not pour out discourse, and flaunt not your wisdom at the wrong time.5Like a seal of carnelian in a setting of gold is a concert when wine is served.6Like a gold mounting with an emerald seal is string music with delicious wine.7Young man, speak only when necessary, when they have asked you more than once;8Be brief, but say much in those few words, be like the wise man, taciturn.9When among your elders be not forward, and with officials be not too insistent.10Like the lightning that flashes before a storm is the esteem that shines on modesty.11When it is time to leave, tarry not; be off for home! There take your ease,12And there enjoy doing as you wish, but without sin or words of pride.13Above all, give praise to your Creator, who showers his favors upon you.14He who would find God must accept discipline; he who seeks him obtains his request.15He who studies the law masters it, but the hypocrite finds it a trap.16His judgment is sound who fears the LORD; out of obscurity he draws forth a clear plan.17The sinner turns aside reproof and distorts the law to suit his purpose.18The thoughtful man will not neglect direction; the proud and insolent man is deterred by nothing.19Do nothing without counsel, and then you need have no regrets.20Go not on a way that is set with snares, and let not the same thing trip you twice.21Be not too sure even of smooth roads,22be careful on all your paths.23Whatever you do, be on your guard, for in this way you will keep the commandments.24He who keeps the law preserves himself; and he who trusts in the LORD shall not be put to shame.