
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΣΟΦΙΑ ΣΕΙΡΑΧ - Siracide - Sirach 38

1 τιμα ιατρον προς τας χρειας αυτου τιμαις αυτου και γαρ αυτον εκτισεν κυριος1 Honor the physician because of necessity, and because the Most High created him.
2 παρα γαρ υψιστου εστιν ιασις και παρα βασιλεως λημψεται δομα2 For all healing is from God, and so he will receive gifts from the King.
3 επιστημη ιατρου ανυψωσει κεφαλην αυτου και εναντι μεγιστανων θαυμασθησεται3 The expertise of the physician will lift up his head, and in the sight of great men, he will be praised.
4 κυριος εκτισεν εκ γης φαρμακα και ανηρ φρονιμος ου προσοχθιει αυτοις4 The Most High has created medicines from the earth, and a prudent man will not abhor them.
5 ουκ απο ξυλου εγλυκανθη υδωρ εις το γνωσθηναι την ισχυν αυτου5 Was not bitter water made sweet with wood?
6 και αυτος εδωκεν ανθρωποις επιστημην ενδοξαζεσθαι εν τοις θαυμασιοις αυτου6 The benefits of these things is recognized by men, and the Most High has given this knowledge to men, so that he may be honored in his wonders.
7 εν αυτοις εθεραπευσεν και ηρεν τον πονον αυτου μυρεψος εν τουτοις ποιησει μειγμα7 By these things, he will cure or mitigate their suffering, and the pharmacist will make soothing ointments, and he will form healing medicines, and there will be no end to his works.
8 και ου μη συντελεσθη εργα αυτου και ειρηνη παρ' αυτου εστιν επι προσωπου της γης8 For the peace of God is upon the surface of the earth.
9 τεκνον εν αρρωστηματι σου μη παραβλεπε αλλ' ευξαι κυριω και αυτος ιασεται σε9 Son, in your infirmity, you should not neglect yourself, but pray to the Lord, and he will cure you.
10 αποστησον πλημμελειαν και ευθυνον χειρας και απο πασης αμαρτιας καθαρισον καρδιαν10 Turn away from sin, and direct your hands, and cleanse your heart from every offense.
11 δος ευωδιαν και μνημοσυνον σεμιδαλεως και λιπανον προσφοραν ως μη υπαρχων11 Give a sweet offering, and a memorial of fine flour, and fatten your oblation, but also give a place to the physician.
12 και ιατρω δος τοπον και γαρ αυτον εκτισεν κυριος και μη αποστητω σου και γαρ αυτου χρεια12 For the Lord created him. And so, do not let him depart from you, for his works are necessary.
13 εστιν καιρος οτε και εν χερσιν αυτων ευοδια13 For there is a time when you may fall into their hands.
14 και γαρ αυτοι κυριου δεηθησονται ινα ευοδωση αυτοις αναπαυσιν και ιασιν χαριν εμβιωσεως14 Truly, they will beseech the Lord, so that he may direct their treatments and cures, for the sake of their way of life.
15 ο αμαρτανων εναντι του ποιησαντος αυτον εμπεσοι εις χειρας ιατρου15 He who sins in the sight of the One who made him will fall into the hands of the physician.
16 τεκνον επι νεκρω καταγαγε δακρυα και ως δεινα πασχων εναρξαι θρηνου κατα δε την κρισιν αυτου περιστειλον το σωμα αυτου και μη υπεριδης την ταφην αυτου16 Son, shed tears over the dead, and begin to weep, as if you had suffered dreadfully. And according to judgment, cover his body, and you should not neglect his burial.
17 πικρανον κλαυθμον και θερμανον κοπετον και ποιησον το πενθος κατα την αξιαν αυτου ημεραν μιαν και δυο χαριν διαβολης και παρακληθητι λυπης ενεκα17 And though you will sink down into bitterness, bear his mourning for one day, and then be consoled in your sadness.
18 απο λυπης γαρ εκβαινει θανατος και λυπη καρδιας καμψει ισχυν18 And carry out his mourning, according to his merit, for one or two days because of this loss.
19 εν επαγωγη παραμενει και λυπη και βιος πτωχου κατα καρδιας19 Yet sadness hastens death and overwhelms strength, and the sorrow of the heart bows down the neck.
20 μη δως εις λυπην την καρδιαν σου αποστησον αυτην μνησθεις τα εσχατα20 When one is taken away, sorrow remains. But the resources of a destitute man is found in his heart.
21 μη επιλαθη ου γαρ εστιν επανοδος και τουτον ουκ ωφελησεις και σεαυτον κακωσεις21 You should not give your heart over to sadness, but push it away from you. And remember the very end.
22 μνησθητι το κριμα μου οτι ουτως και το σον εμοι εχθες και σοι σημερον22 Do not be willing to forget this; for there is no turning back. Otherwise, it will not benefit you, and you will cause great harm to yourself.
23 εν αναπαυσει νεκρου καταπαυσον το μνημοσυνον αυτου και παρακληθητι εν αυτω εν εξοδω πνευματος αυτου23 Call to mind my judgment. For so shall it be for you also. Yesterday is mine, and today is yours.
24 σοφια γραμματεως εν ευκαιρια σχολης και ο ελασσουμενος πραξει αυτου σοφισθησεται24 When the deceased is at rest, let his memory rest also. And console him at the departure of his spirit.
25 τι σοφισθησεται ο κρατων αροτρου και καυχωμενος εν δορατι κεντρου βοας ελαυνων και αναστρεφομενος εν εργοις αυτων και η διηγησις αυτου εν υιοις ταυρων25 The wisdom of a scribe is found in his time of leisure. So whoever has less to do will gain wisdom.
26 καρδιαν αυτου δωσει εκδουναι αυλακας και η αγρυπνια αυτου εις χορτασματα δαμαλεων26 With what wisdom will someone be filled who holds the plow, and who boasts of the cattle prod that drives the oxen forward, and who is occupied in these labors, and whose only conversation is about the offspring of bulls?
27 ουτως πας τεκτων και αρχιτεκτων οστις νυκτωρ ως ημερας διαγει οι γλυφοντες γλυμματα σφραγιδων και η επιμονη αυτου αλλοιωσαι ποικιλιαν καρδιαν αυτου δωσει εις ομοιωσαι ζωγραφιαν και η αγρυπνια αυτου τελεσαι εργον27 He will give his mind over to the plowing of furrows, and his vigilance to the fattening of the cows.
28 ουτως χαλκευς καθημενος εγγυς ακμονος και καταμανθανων εργα σιδηρου ατμις πυρος τηξει σαρκας αυτου και εν θερμη καμινου διαμαχησεται φωνη σφυρης κλινει το ους αυτου και κατεναντι ομοιωματος σκευους οι οφθαλμοι αυτου καρδιαν αυτου δωσει εις συντελειαν εργων και η αγρυπνια αυτου κοσμησαι επι συντελειας28 Similarly, every craftsman and artisan, who crafts in the night as well as in the day, who sculpts graven seals, and who, by his diligence, varies the image, will give his mind over to the likeness of the image. And he will complete the work by his vigilance.
29 ουτως κεραμευς καθημενος εν εργω αυτου και συστρεφων εν ποσιν αυτου τροχον ος εν μεριμνη κειται δια παντος επι το εργον αυτου και εναριθμιος πασα η εργασια αυτου29 The blacksmith, sitting by his anvil and considering a work of iron, is similar. The steam from the fire singes his flesh, and he struggles against the heat of the furnace.
30 εν βραχιονι αυτου τυπωσει πηλον και προ ποδων καμψει ισχυν αυτου καρδιαν επιδωσει συντελεσαι το χρισμα και η αγρυπνια αυτου καθαρισαι καμινον30 The voice of the hammer is ever in his ears, and his eye is upon the pattern of the ironwork.
31 παντες ουτοι εις χειρας αυτων ενεπιστευσαν και εκαστος εν τω εργω αυτου σοφιζεται31 He gives his heart to the completion of his work, and his vigilance adorns it to perfection.
32 ανευ αυτων ουκ οικισθησεται πολις και ου παροικησουσιν ουδε περιπατησουσιν32 The potter, sitting at his work and turning the wheel with his feet, is similar. He has settled into a continual concern for his work, and there is a rhythm in all that he does.
33 αλλ' εις βουλην λαου ου ζητηθησονται και εν εκκλησια ουχ υπεραλουνται επι διφρον δικαστου ου καθιουνται και διαθηκην κριματος ου διανοηθησονται33 He forms the clay with his arm, and he bends his strength over his feet.
34 ουδε μη εκφανωσιν παιδειαν και κριμα και εν παραβολαις ουχ ευρεθησονται αλλα κτισμα αιωνος στηρισουσιν και η δεησις αυτων εν εργασια τεχνης34 He will give his heart over to the completion of the glazing, and his vigilance to the cleansing of the furnace.
35 All these persons trust in their own hands, and each one is wise in his own art.
36 Without these persons, a city is not built.
37 But they will neither inhabit nor walk around in the city. And they will not go across to the church.
38 They will not sit upon the seats of judges, and they will not understand a decree of judgment. And they will not make clear discipline and judgment, and they will not be found to understand parables.
39 But they will strengthen the state of the world, and their prayer will be in their artistic works, applying their soul, and searching the law of the Most High.