
Giovedi, 9 maggio 2024 - Beata Maria Teresa di Gesù (Carolina Gerhardinger) ( Letture di oggi)

Livre de Daniel 14

1 Le roi Astyage mourut et Cyrus le Perse hérita du royaume.1 And so Daniel was living with the king, and he was honored above all his friends.
2 Daniel mangeait à la table du roi, il était encore plus honoré que ses autres Amis.2 Now there was an idol with the Babylonians named Bel. And each day there was expended on him twelve great measures of fine flour, and forty sheep, and six vessels of wine.
3 Il y avait à Babylone une idole nommée Bel; chaque jour on dépensait pour elle 12 mesures de fleur de farine, 40 brebis et 6 petits tonneaux de vin.3 The king likewise worshipped him and went each day to adore him, but Daniel adored his God. And the king said to him, “Why do you not adore Bel?”
4 Le roi aussi l’adorait et chaque jour il allait la vénérer. Mais Daniel adorait son Dieu.4 And answering, he said to him, “Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who created heaven and earth, and who holds power over all flesh.”
5 Le roi lui dit: “Pourquoi n’adores-tu pas Bel?” Daniel répondit: “Parce que je ne vénère pas les idoles faites de main d’homme, mais seulement le Dieu vivant qui a fait le ciel et la terre et qui a pouvoir sur tout être vivant.”5 And the king said to him, “Does not Bel seem to you to be a living god? Do you not see how much he eats and drinks every day?”
6 Le roi lui dit: “Est-ce que Bel n’est pas un dieu vivant? Ne vois-tu pas tout ce qu’il mange et boit chaque jour?”6 Then Daniel said, smiling, “O king, do not make a mistake, for this one is clay on the inside and brass on the outside, and he has never eaten.”
7 Daniel répondit en riant: “Que le roi ne se fasse pas d’illusion, ce dieu est d’argile à l’intérieur et de bronze à l’extérieur, il n’a jamais rien mangé ni bu.”7 And the king, being angry, called for his priests and said to them, “If you do not tell me who it is that has eaten these expenses, you will die.
8 Très en colère, le roi appela ses prêtres et leur dit: “Si vous ne me dites pas qui est celui qui mange cette offrande qui me coûte si cher, vous mourrez, mais si vous me montrez que c’est Bel qui la mange, c’est Daniel qui mourra pour avoir blasphémé contre Bel.”8 But if you can show that Bel has eaten these, Daniel will die, because he has blasphemed against Bel.” And Daniel said to the king, “Let it be according to your word.”
9 Daniel dit au roi: “Faisons comme tu l’as dit.” Or il y avait 70 prêtres de Bel, sans compter les femmes et les enfants.9 Now the priests of Bel were seventy, besides their wives, and little ones, and sons. And the king went with Daniel into the temple of Bel.
10 Le roi alla avec Daniel au temple de Bel.10 And the priests of Bel said, “Behold, we are going out, and you, O king, set out the meats, and mix the wine, and close the door, and seal it with your ring.
11 Les prêtres de Bel lui dirent: “Nous allons sortir maintenant, et toi, seigneur, tu placeras les plats et tu apporteras le vin après l’avoir mélangé; puis tu fermeras la porte et tu poseras ton sceau pour que personne ne puisse l’ouvrir. Demain matin tu viendras et, si tout n’a pas été mangé par Bel, nous mourrons; sinon, ce sera Daniel qui aura menti contre nous.”11 And when you have entered in the morning, if you have not found that Bel has consumed all, we will suffer death, or else Daniel will, who has lied against us.”
12 Ils étaient tranquilles, car ils avaient fait sous la table une entrée dérobée par laquelle ils entraient régulièrement pour manger les offrandes.12 But they had no concern because they had made a secret entrance under the table, and they always went in through it and devoured those things.
13 Ils sortirent donc et le roi fit placer les aliments devant Bel,13 And so it happened, after they had departed, that the king set the foods before Bel, and Daniel commanded his servants, and they brought ashes, and he sifted them throughout the temple in the sight of the king, and, as they left, they shut the door, and after sealing it with the king’s ring, they departed.
14 mais Daniel commanda à ses serviteurs d’apporter de la cendre et il en répandit partout dans le temple en la seule présence du roi. Puis ils sortirent, on ferma la porte, on posa le cachet du roi, et tout le monde s’en alla.14 But the priests entered by night, according to their custom, with their wives, and their sons, and they ate and drank everything.
15 Durant la nuit, les prêtres vinrent, comme ils en avaient l’habitude, avec leurs femmes et leurs enfants; ils mangèrent et burent tout ce qu’il y avait.15 But the king arose at first light, and Daniel with him.
16 Dès le petit matin, le roi et Daniel partirent voir.16 And the king said, “Are the seals unbroken, Daniel?” And he answered, “They are unbroken, O king.”
17 Le roi dit à Daniel: “Les cachets sont-ils intacts?” Il répondit: “Absolument, seigneur.”17 And as soon as he had opened the door, the king stared at the table, and cried out with a loud voice, “Great are you, O Bel, and there is not any deceit with you.”
18 À peine avait-on ouvert les portes que le roi vit la table et cria d’une voix forte: “Ô Bel, tu es grand et l’on ne trouve en toi nul mensonge!”18 And Daniel laughed, and he held back the king, so that he would not enter, and he said, “Look at the pavement, notice whose footsteps these are.”
19 Daniel se mit à rire et, retenant le roi pour qu’il n’aille pas plus loin, il lui dit: “Regarde le pavé et remarque ces traces.”19 And the king said, “I see the footsteps of men, and women, and children.” And the king was angry.
20 Le roi dit: “Je vois des traces, des pas d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants.”20 Then he apprehended the priests, and their wives, and their sons, and they showed him the secret doors through which they entered and consumed the things that were on the table.
21 Alors, très en colère, le roi fit arrêter les prêtres, leurs femmes et leurs enfants, et ils lui montrèrent les portes dérobées par lesquelles ils entraient pour manger ce qui était sur la table.21 Therefore, the king slaughtered them and delivered Bel into the power of Daniel, who overturned him and his temple.
22 Le roi les fit mettre à mort et livra Bel au bon vouloir de Daniel qui détruisit l’idole et son temple.22 And there was a great dragon in that place, and the Babylonians worshipped him.
23 Il y avait également un grand dragon que les Babyloniens vénéraient.23 And the king said to Daniel, “Behold, now you cannot say that this is not a living god; therefore, adore him.”
24 Le roi dit à Daniel: “Tu ne diras pas que celui-ci n’est pas un dieu vivant, adore-le donc.”24 And Daniel said, “I adore the Lord, my God, for he is the living God. But that one is not a living god.
25 Daniel répondit: “J’adore le Seigneur mon Dieu, car lui seul est un Dieu vivant, mais toi, ô roi, donne-moi la permission et je tuerai le dragon sans épée ni bâton.”25 Therefore, you give me the power, O king, and I will execute this dragon without sword or club.” And the king said, “I give it to you.”
26 Le roi lui donna la permission.26 And so Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and cooked them together. And he made lumps and put them into the dragon’s mouth, and the dragon burst open. And he said, “Behold, this is what you worship.”
27 Alors Daniel prit de la poix, de la graisse et des poils, il fit bouillir le tout ensemble et en fit des boulettes qu’il jeta dans la gueule du dragon; le dragon les mangea et creva. Daniel dit alors: “Regardez ce que vous vénérez!”27 When the Babylonians had heard this, they were greatly indignant. And gathering together against the king, they said, “The king has become a Jew. He has destroyed Bel, he has executed the dragon, and he has slaughtered the priests.”
28 En apprenant cela, les Babyloniens furent scandalisés. Révoltés contre le roi ils disaient: “Le roi s’est fait juif! Il a détruit Bel, tué le dragon et massacré les prêtres.”28 And when they came to the king, they said, “Deliver Daniel to us, otherwise we will execute you and your house.”
29 Puis ils montèrent chez le roi et lui dirent: “Livre-nous Daniel! Sinon nous te tuerons, toi et toute ta famille.”29 Thus the king saw that they pressured him vehemently, and so, being compelled by necessity, he delivered Daniel to them.
30 Devant leur violence, le roi céda et leur livra Daniel.30 And they cast him into the den of lions, and he was there for six days.
31 Ils le jetèrent dans la fosse aux lions et il y resta six jours.31 Furthermore, in the den there were seven lions, and they had given to them two carcasses every day, and two sheep, but then they were not given to them, so that they would devour Daniel.
32 Dans la fosse il y avait sept lions; chaque jour on leur donnait deux corps et deux brebis, mais pour qu’ils dévorent Daniel on ne leur donna rien.32 Now there was in Judea a prophet called Habakkuk, and he had cooked a small meal and had broken bread in a bowl, and he was going into the field, to bring it to the harvesters.
33 Le prophète Habaquq était alors en Judée; il avait fait cuire une bouillie et broyé des pains dans une terrine, et il allait aux champs pour porter cette nourriture aux moissonneurs.33 And the angel of the Lord said to Habakkuk, “Carry the meal that you have into Babylon, to Daniel, who is in the lions’ den.”
34 L’ange du Seigneur dit à Habaquq: “Porte le repas que tu as dans les mains à Babylone, à Daniel qui est dans la fosse aux lions.”34 And Habakkuk said, “Lord, I have not seen Babylon, and I do not know the den.”
35 Habaquq répondit: “Seigneur, je n’ai jamais vu Babylone et je ne connais pas la fosse aux lions.”35 And the angel of the Lord seized him by the top of his head, and carried him by the hair of his head, and set him in Babylon, over the den, by the force of his spirit.
36 Alors l’ange du Seigneur le prit par le sommet de la tête et, l’ayant soulevé par les cheveux, il le déposa à Babylone au dessus de la fosse avec l’agilité d’un esprit.36 And Habakkuk shouted, saying, “Daniel, servant of God, take the dinner that God has sent you.”
37 Habaquq cria: “Daniel, Daniel, prends ce repas que Dieu t’envoie!”37 And Daniel said, “You have remembered me, O God, and you have not abandoned those who love you.”
38 Daniel répondit: “Ô Dieu, tu t’es souvenu de moi et tu n’as pas abandonné ceux qui t’aiment!”38 And Daniel arose and ate. And then the angel of the Lord immediately returned Habakkuk to his place.
39 Daniel se leva et mangea, et l’ange du Seigneur reposa Habaquq où il l’avait pris.39 And so, on the seventh day, the king came to morn Daniel. And he came to the den, and gazed in, and behold, Daniel was sitting in the midst of the lions.
40 Le septième jour, le roi arriva pour pleurer Daniel; il s’approcha de la fosse et regarda: Daniel était assis!40 And the king cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Great are you, O Lord, the God of Daniel.” And he pulled him out of the lions’ den.
41 Alors le roi s’écria d’une voix forte: “Tu es grand Seigneur, Dieu de Daniel! Il n’y a pas d’autre Dieu que toi.”41 Furthermore, those who had been the cause of his downfall, he hurled into the den, and they were devoured in a moment before him.
42 Le roi fit sortir Daniel de la fosse et il fit jeter dedans tous ceux qui avaient cherché sa perte; aussitôt ils furent dévorés sous ses yeux.42 Then the king said, “Let all the inhabitants of the whole earth fear the God of Daniel. For he is the Savior, working signs and miracles on earth, who has freed Daniel from the lions’ den.”