
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 20

1 How much better is it to reprove, than to become angry, so as not to hinder him who may confess in prayer.1 Hay reprensiones que son inoportunas, y hay silencios que revelan al hombre prudente.
2 The lust of an eunuch will deflower a young maiden;2 Más vale reprender que guardarse el enojo,
3 similar is he who by violence gives an iniquitous judgment.3 y el que confiesa su falta se libra de la desgracia.
4 How good it is, when you are corrected, to show contrition! For in this way, you will escape deliberate sin.4 Como un castrado que ansía desflorar a una joven, así es el que quiere hacer justicia por la fuerza.
5 There is one who, by remaining silent, is found to be wise. And there is another who is hateful and who provokes by speaking out.5 Uno se calla, y es tenido por sabio, y otro se hace odioso por su locuacidad.
6 There is one who, not having the understanding to speak, remains silent. And there is another who remains silent, knowing the proper time.6 Uno se calla porque no tiene qué responder y otro, porque espera la oportunidad.
7 A wise man will remain silent until the proper time. But an unrestrained and imprudent person will not heed the times.7 El sabio guarda silencio hasta el momento oportuno, pero el petulante y necio no se fija en el tiempo.
8 Whoever uses many words will wound his own soul. And whoever unjustly takes authority upon himself will be hated.8 El que habla demasiado se vuelve abominable y el que pretende imponerse se hace odioso.
9 There is advancement in evil for an undisciplined man, and there is a plan which turns to his detriment.9 A veces se saca provecho de la adversidad, y oras veces, la suerte acaba en desgracia.
10 There is a gift which is not helpful, and there is a gift, the repayment for which is double.10 Hay regalos que no te dan provecho, y hay otros, que reditúan el doble.
11 There is a loss for the sake of boasting, and there is one who will lift up his head from lowliness.11 Hay desgracias que provienen de los honores, y hay gente humilde que pudo levantar cabeza.
12 There is one who buys much for a small price, and who pays it back sevenfold.12 Hay quien compra mucho a bajo precio, y después lo paga siete veces más.
13 Anyone wise in words makes himself loved. But the graces of the foolish will be poured away.13 El sabio se hace amar por sus palabras, pero los cumplidos del necio caen en el vacío.
14 A gift from the unwise will not benefit you. For his gaze is divided, sevenfold.14 El regalo del insensato no te aprovechará, porque él espera que le devuelvan mucho más:
15 He will give little, and reproach much. And the opening of his mouth is like a burning flame.15 de poco y echa en cara mucho, abre la boca como un pregonero, presta hoy y mañana exige. ¡Qué detestable es un hombre así!
16 There is one who lends today and demands repayment tomorrow. A man such as this is hateful.16 El necio dice: «No tengo ni un amigo; nadie agradece mis beneficios;
17 A foolish man will not have a friend, and there will be no thanks for his good deeds.17 los que comen mi pan tienen la lengua olvidadiza». ¡Cuántos y cuántas veces se reirán de él!
18 For those who eat his bread have a false tongue. How often and how many are those who will ridicule him!18 Más vale resbalar en el piso que con la lengua; así es como de repente caen los malvados.
19 For what he possesses, he does not distribute with correct understanding. And he acts similarly with what he does not possess.19 Un hombre grosero es como un cuento inoportuno, que siempre está en boca de los mal educados.
20 The slip of a false tongue is like someone who falls upon pavement. Such a fall for the wicked will arrive quickly.20 Nadie aprueba el proverbio dicho por un necio, porque nunca lo dice en el momento oportuno.
21 A disagreeable man is like a pointless fable; it will be continually in the mouth of the undisciplined.21 A algunos la indigencia los preserva del pecado y, cuando descansan, no sienten remordimientos.
22 A parable from the mouth of a fool will be rejected. For he does not speak it at the proper time.22 Hay quien se pierde por timidez, y se pierde por temor a un insensato.
23 There is one who is prevented from sinning by poverty, and in his rest, he will be vexed.23 Hay quien por timidez hace promesas a un amigo y se gana un enemigo inútilmente.
24 There is one who will lose his own soul because of pretense, and he will lose it by an example of imprudence. For by seeking the approval of another, he will destroy himself.24 La mentira es para el hombre una mancha infamante: siempre está en boca de los ignorantes.
25 There is one who, for the sake of what other’s think, makes a promise to a friend, and so he gains him as an enemy for no reason.25 Es preferible un ladrón a un mentiroso inveterado, aunque uno y otro heredarán la perdición.
26 A lie is a wicked disgrace to a man, and yet lies will be continually in the mouths of those without discipline.26 El que se acostumbra a mentir cae en la deshonra y su ignominia lo acompaña constantemente.
27 A thief is better than a man who constantly lies. But both of them will inherit perdition.27 El sabio se abre camino con sus palabras y el hombre prudente agrada a los poderosos.
28 The habits of lying men are without honor. And their shame is with them without ceasing.28 El que cultiva la tierra levanta bien alto su parva, y el que agrada a los grandes se hace perdonar la injusticia.
29 A wise man will benefit himself by his own words, and a prudent man will please the powerful.29 Dones y regalos ciegan a los sabios y son como un bozal que acalla las críticas.
30 Whoever works his land will raise high a stockpile of grain. And whoever works justice will himself be raised high. Yet truly, whoever pleases the powerful will escape unfair treatment.30 Sabiduría escondida y tesoro oculto: ¿de qué sirven una cosa y la otra?
31 Presents and gifts blind the eyes of judges, and silence their mouths, turning them aside from their task of correction.31 Es preferible el hombre que disimula su necedad al que oculta su sabiduría.
32 Wisdom hidden, and treasure unseen: of what use is either of these?
33 He who hides his foolishness is better than a man who conceals his wisdom.