
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Premier livre des Rois 13

1 Sur l'ordre de Yahvé, un homme de Dieu arriva de Juda à Béthel, au moment où Jéroboam se tenaitprès de l'autel pour offrir le sacrifice,1 And behold, by the word of the Lord, a man of God went from Judah to Bethel, when Jeroboam was standing over the altar, and burning incense.
2 et, par ordre de Yahvé, il lança contre l'autel cette proclamation: "Autel, autel! ainsi parle Yahvé:Voici qu'il naîtra à la maison de David un fils nommé Josias, il immolera sur toi les prêtres des hauts lieux quiont offert sur toi des sacrifices, et il brûlera sur toi des ossements humains."2 And by the word of the Lord, he cried out against the altar. And he said: “O altar, O altar! Thus says the Lord: ‘Behold, a son will be born to the house of David, Josiah by name. And upon you, he will immolate the priests of the high places, who now burn incense upon you. And upon you, he will burn up the bones of men.’ ”
3 Il donna en même temps un signe: "Tel est le signe que Yahvé a parlé: Voici que l'autel va se fendreet que se répandra la cendre qui est sur lui."3 And he gave a sign on the same day, saying: “This will be the sign that the Lord has spoken. Behold, the altar shall be torn apart, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.”
4 Quand le roi entendit ce que l'homme de Dieu disait contre l'autel de Béthel, il étendit la main horsde l'autel, en disant: "Saisissez-le!" mais la main qu'il avait tendue contre l'homme sécha, en sorte qu'il nepouvait plus la ramener à lui,4 And when the king had heard the word of the man of God, which he had cried out against the altar at Bethel, he extended his hand from the altar, saying, “Apprehend him!” But his hand, which he had extended against him, withered. And he was unable to draw it back to himself.
5 l'autel se fendit et les cendres coulèrent de l'autel, selon le signe qu'avait donné l'homme de Dieu,par ordre de Yahvé.5 Also, the altar was torn apart, and the ashes were poured out from the altar, in accord with the sign that the man of God had predicted by the word of the Lord.
6 Le roi reprit et dit à l'homme de Dieu: "Apaise, je t'en supplie, Yahvé ton Dieu, afin que ma mainpuisse revenir à moi." L'homme de Dieu apaisa Yahvé, la main du roi revint à lui et fut comme auparavant.6 And the king said to the man of God, “Entreat the face of the Lord your God, and pray for me, so that my hand may be restored to me.” And the man of God prayed before the face of the Lord, and the hand of the king was restored to him, and it became as it had been before.
7 Le roi dit à l'homme de Dieu: "Viens avec moi à la maison pour te réconforter, et je te ferai uncadeau."7 Then the king said to the man of God: “Come home with me, so that you may dine. And I will give you gifts.”
8 Mais l'homme de Dieu dit au roi: "Quand tu me donnerais la moitié de ta maison, je n'irais pas avectoi. Je ne mangerai ni ne boirai rien en ce lieu,8 And the man of God responded to the king: “Even if you will give me one half part of your house, I will not go with you, nor eat bread, nor drink water in this place.
9 car j'ai reçu ce commandement de Yahvé: Tu ne mangeras ni ne boiras rien et tu ne reviendras paspar le même chemin."9 For so it was commanded to me by the word of the Lord, ordering: ‘You shall not eat bread, and you shall not drink water, nor shall you return by the way that you came.’ ”
10 Et il s'en alla par un autre chemin, sans reprendre le chemin par où il était venu à Béthel.10 Then he departed by another way, and he did not return along the way that he had traveled to Bethel.
11 Or habitait à Béthel un vieux prophète, et ses fils vinrent lui raconter tout ce qu'avait fait, ce jour-là, l'homme de Dieu à Béthel; les paroles qu'il avait dites au roi, ils les racontèrent aussi à leur père.11 Now a certain elderly prophet was living in Bethel. His sons went to him, and they described to him all the works which the man of God had accomplished on that day in Bethel. And they described to their father the words that he had spoken to the king.
12 Celui-ci leur demanda: "Quel chemin a-t-il pris?" Et ses fils lui montrèrent le chemin qu'avait prisl'homme de Dieu qui était venu de Juda.12 And their father said to them, “By which way did he depart?” His sons showed him the way by which the man of God, who had come from Judah, had departed.
13 Il dit à ses fils: "Sellez-moi l'âne"; ils lui sellèrent l'âne et il l'enfourcha.13 And he said to his sons, “Saddle the donkey for me.” And when they had saddled it, he climbed on,
14 Il poursuivit l'homme de Dieu et le trouva assis sous le térébinthe; il lui demanda: "Es-tu l'hommede Dieu venu de Juda?" Et il répondit: "Oui."14 and he went away after the man of God. And he found him sitting under a terebinth tree. And he said to him, “Are you the man of God who came from Judah?” And he responded, “I am.”
15 Le prophète lui dit: "Viens avec moi à la maison pour manger quelque chose."15 And he said to him, “Come home with me, so that you may eat bread.”
16 Mais il répondit: "Je ne dois pas revenir avec toi, ni rien manger ou rien boire ici,16 But he said: “I am not able to turn back, nor to go with you. Neither will I eat bread, or drink water in this place.
17 car j'ai reçu cet ordre de Yahvé: Tu ne mangeras ni ne boiras rien là-bas, et tu ne retourneras paspar le chemin où tu seras allé."17 For the Lord has spoken to me, by the word of the Lord, saying, “You shall not eat bread, and you shall not drink water in that place, nor shall you return by the way that you arrived.”
18 Alors l'autre lui dit: "Moi aussi je suis un prophète comme toi, et un ange m'a dit ceci, par ordre deYahvé: Ramène-le avec toi à la maison pour qu'il mange et qu'il boive"; il lui mentait.18 And he said to him: “I, too, am a prophet like you. And an Angel spoke to me, by the word of the Lord, saying, ‘Lead him back with you to your house, so that he may eat bread, and drink water.’ ” And so he deceived him.
19 L'homme de Dieu revint donc avec lui, il mangea dans sa maison et il but.19 And he led him back with him. Then he ate bread and drank water in his house.
20 Or, comme ils étaient assis à table, une parole de Yahvé arriva au prophète qui l'avait ramené20 And while they were sitting at table, the word of the Lord came to the prophet who had led him back.
21 et celui-ci interpella l'homme de Dieu venu de Juda: "Ainsi parle Yahvé. Parce que tu as été rebelleà l'ordre de Yahvé et n'as pas observé le commandement que t'avait fait Yahvé ton Dieu,21 And he cried out to the man of God who had arrived from Judah, saying: “Thus says the Lord: Because you were not obedient to the mouth of the Lord, and you did not keep the commandment that the Lord your God instructed to you,
22 que tu es revenu, que tu as mangé et bu au lieu où il t'avait dit de ne pas manger ni boire, toncadavre n'entrera pas dans le sépulcre de tes pères."22 and you turned back, and ate bread, and drank water in the place where he commanded you that you should not eat bread, nor drink water: your dead body shall not be carried back to the sepulcher of your fathers.”
23 Après qu'il eut mangé et bu, le prophète lui sella l'âne, il s'en retourna et partit.23 And when he had eaten and had drunk, he saddled his donkey for the prophet whom he had led back.
24 Un lion le trouva sur le chemin et le tua; son cadavre resta étendu sur le chemin, l'âne se tenait prèsde lui, le lion aussi se tenait près du cadavre.24 And when he had departed, a lion found him along the way, and it killed him, and his dead body was left upon the road. Now the donkey was standing beside him. And the lion was standing beside the dead body.
25 Des gens passèrent, qui virent le cadavre étendu sur le chemin et le lion se tenant près du cadavre,et ils vinrent le dire à la ville où habitait le vieux prophète.25 And behold, men who were passing by saw the dead body lying in the road, with the lion standing beside the body. And they went and made it widely known in the city where that elderly prophet was living.
26 Quand le prophète qui lui avait fait rebrousser chemin apprit cela, il dit: "C'est l'homme de Dieuqui a été rebelle à l'ordre de Yahvé! Et Yahvé l'a livré au lion, qui l'a abattu et tué, selon la parole que Yahvé luiavait dite!"26 And when that prophet, who had led him back from the way, had heard it, he said: “It is the man of God, who was disobedient to the mouth of the Lord. And the Lord has delivered him to the lion. And it has torn him apart and killed him, in accord with the word of the Lord, which he spoke to him.”
27 Il dit à ses fils: "Sellez-moi l'âne", et ils le sellèrent.27 And he said to his sons, “Saddle a donkey for me.” And when they had saddled it,
28 Il partit et trouva son cadavre étendu sur le chemin, l'âne et le lion se tenant à côté du cadavre; lelion n'avait pas dévoré le cadavre ni brisé l'échine de l'âne.28 and he had departed, he found the dead body lying on the road, with the donkey and the lion standing beside the dead body. The lion did not eat from the dead body, nor did it harm the donkey.
29 Il releva le cadavre de l'homme de Dieu et le mit sur l'âne, et il le ramena à la ville où il habitaitpour faire le deuil et l'ensevelir.29 Then the prophet took the dead body of the man of God, and he placed it upon the donkey, and returning, he brought it into the city of the elderly prophet, so that he might mourn for him.
30 Il déposa le cadavre dans son propre sépulcre et on fit le deuil sur lui: "Hélas, mon frère!"30 And he placed his dead body in his own sepulcher. And they mourned for him, saying: “Alas! Alas! My brother!”
31 Après qu'il l'eut enseveli, il parla ainsi à ses fils: "Après ma mort, vous m'ensevelirez dans lemême sépulcre que l'homme de Dieu; déposez mes os à côté des siens.31 And when they had mourned over him, he said to his sons: “When I will have died, bury me in the sepulcher in which the man of God was buried. Place my bones beside his bones.
32 Car elle s'accomplira vraiment la parole qu'il a prononcée par ordre de Yahvé contre l'autel deBéthel, et contre tous les sanctuaires des hauts lieux qui sont dans les villes de Samarie."32 For certainly, the word will arrived, which he predicted by the word of the Lord, against the altar, which is in Bethel, and against all the shrines of the high places, which are in the cities of Samaria.”
33 Après cet événement, Jéroboam ne se convertit pas de sa mauvaise conduite, mais il continuad'instituer prêtres des hauts lieux des gens pris du commun: à qui le voulait il donnait l'investiture pour devenirprêtre des hauts lieux.33 After these words, Jeroboam did not turn back from his very evil way. Instead, to the contrary, he made priests for the high places out of the least of the people. Whosoever was willing, he filled his hand, and he became a priest of the high places.
34 Cette conduite fit tomber dans le péché la maison de Jéroboam et motiva sa ruine et sonextermination de la face de la terre.34 And for this reason, the house of Jeroboam sinned, and was uprooted, and was wiped from the face of the earth.