
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Prima lettera ai Corinzi (1 كورنثوس) 15

1 واعرّفكم ايها الاخوة بالانجيل الذي بشرتكم به وقبلتموه وتقومون فيه1 And so I make known to you, brothers, the Gospel that I preached to you, which you also received, and on which you stand.
2 وبه ايضا تخلصون ان كنتم تذكرون اي كلام بشرتكم به الا اذا كنتم قد آمنتم عبثا.2 By the Gospel, too, you are being saved, if you hold to the understanding that I preached to you, lest you believe in vain.
3 فانني سلمت اليكم في الاول ما قبلته انا ايضا ان المسيح مات من اجل خطايانا حسب الكتب.3 For I handed on to you, first of all, what I also received: that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures;
4 وانه دفن وانه قام في اليوم الثالث حسب الكتب.4 and that he was buried; and that he rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures;
5 وانه ظهر لصفا ثم للاثني عشر.5 and that he was seen by Cephas, and after that by the eleven.
6 وبعد ذلك ظهر دفعة واحدة لاكثر من خمس مئة اخ اكثرهم باق الى الآن ولكن بعضهم قد رقدوا.6 Next he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even to the present time, although some have fallen asleep.
7 وبعد ذلك ظهر ليعقوب ثم للرسل اجمعين.7 Next, he was seen by James, then by all the Apostles.
8 وآخر الكل كانه للسقط ظهر لي انا.8 And last of all, he was seen also by me, as if I were someone born at the wrong time.
9 لاني اصغر الرسل انا الذي لست اهلا لان أدعى رسولا لاني اضطهدت كنيسة الله.9 For I am the least of the Apostles. I am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God.
10 ولكن بنعمة الله انا ما انا ونعمته المعطاة لي لم تكن باطلة بل انا تعبت اكثر منهم جميعهم. ولكن لا انا بل نعمة الله التي معي.10 But, by the grace of God, I am what I am. And his grace in me has not been empty, since I have labored more abundantly than all of them. Yet it is not I, but the grace of God within me.
11 فسواء انا ام اولئك هكذا نكرز وهكذا آمنتم11 For whether it is I or they: so we preach, and so you have believed.
12 ولكن ان كان المسيح يكرز به انه قام من الاموات فكيف يقول قوم بينكم ان ليس قيامة اموات.12 Now if Christ is preached, that he rose again from the dead, how is it that some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
13 فان لم تكن قيامة اموات فلا يكون المسيح قد قام.13 For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not risen.
14 وان لم يكن المسيح قد قام فباطلة كرازتنا وباطل ايضا ايمانكم.14 And if Christ has not risen, then our preaching is useless, and your faith is also useless.
15 ونوجد نحن ايضا شهود زور للّه لاننا شهدنا من جهة الله انه اقام المسيح وهو لم يقمه ان كان الموتى لا يقومون.15 Then, too, we would be found to be false witnesses of God, because we would have given testimony against God, saying that he had raised up Christ, when he had not raised him up, if, indeed, the dead do not rise again.
16 لانه ان كان الموتى لا يقومون فلا يكون المسيح قد قام.16 For if the dead do not rise again, then neither has Christ risen again.
17 وان لم يكن المسيح قد قام فباطل ايمانكم. انتم بعد في خطاياكم.17 But if Christ has not risen, then your faith is vain; for you would still be in your sins.
18 اذا الذين رقدوا في المسيح ايضا هلكوا.18 Then, too, those who have fallen asleep in Christ would have perished.
19 ان كان لنا في هذه الحياة فقط رجاء في المسيح فاننا اشقى جميع الناس.19 If we have hope in Christ for this life only, then we are more miserable than all men.
20 ولكن الآن قد قام المسيح من الاموات وصار باكورة الراقدين.20 But now Christ has risen again from the dead, as the first-fruits of those who sleep.
21 فانه اذ الموت بانسان بانسان ايضا قيامة الاموات.21 For certainly, death came through a man. And so, the resurrection of the dead came through a man
22 لانه كما في آدم يموت الجميع هكذا في المسيح سيحيا الجميع.22 And just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be brought to life,
23 ولكن كل واحد في رتبته. المسيح باكورة ثم الذين للمسيح في مجيئه.23 but each one in his proper order: Christ, as the first-fruits, and next, those who are of Christ, who have believed in his advent.
24 وبعد ذلك النهاية متى سلم الملك للّه الآب متى ابطل كل رياسة وكل سلطان وكل قوة.24 Afterwards is the end, when he will have handed over the kingdom to God the Father, when he will have emptied all principality, and authority, and power.
25 لانه يجب ان يملك حتى يضع جميع الاعداء تحت قدميه.25 For it is necessary for him to reign, until he has set all his enemies under his feet.
26 آخر عدو يبطل هو الموت.26 Lastly, the enemy called death shall be destroyed. For he has subjected all things under his feet. And although he says,
27 لانه اخضع كل شيء تحت قدميه. ولكن حينما يقول ان كل شيء قد أخضع فواضح انه غير الذي اخضع له الكل.27 “All things have been subjected to him,” without doubt he does not include the One who has subjected all things to him.
28 ومتى اخضع له الكل فحينئذ الابن نفسه ايضا سيخضع للذي اخضع له الكل كي يكون الله الكل في الكل28 And when all things will have been subjected to him, then even the Son himself will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to him, so that God may be all in all.
29 والا فماذا يصنع الذين يعتمدون من اجل الاموات. ان كان الاموات لا يقومون البتة فلماذا يعتمدون من اجل الاموات.29 Otherwise, what will those who are being baptized for the dead do, if the dead do not rise again at all? Why then are they being baptized for them?
30 ولماذا نخاطر نحن كل ساعة.30 Why also do we endure trials every hour?
31 اني بافتخاركم الذي لي في يسوع المسيح ربنا اموت كل يوم.31 Daily I die, by means of your boasting, brothers: you whom I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
32 ان كنت كانسان قد حاربت وحوشا في افسس فما المنفعة لي. ان كان الاموات لا يقومون فلنأكل ونشرب لاننا غدا نموت.32 If, according to man, I fought with the beasts at Ephesus, how would that benefit me, if the dead do not rise again? “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die.”
33 لا تضلوا. فان المعاشرات الرديّة تفسد الاخلاق الجيدة.33 Do not be led astray. Evil communication corrupts good morals.
34 اصحوا للبر ولا تخطئوا لان قوما ليست لهم معرفة بالله. اقول ذلك لتخجيلكم34 Be vigilant, you just ones, and do not be willing to sin. For certain persons have an ignorance of God. I say this to you with respect.
35 لكن يقول قائل كيف يقام الاموات وباي جسم يأتون.35 But someone may say, “How do the dead rise again?” or, “What type of body do they return with?”
36 يا غبي. الذي تزرعه لا يحيا ان لم يمت.36 How foolish! What you sow cannot be brought back to life, unless it first dies.
37 والذي تزرعه لست تزرع الجسم الذي سوف يصير بل حبة مجردة ربما من حنطة او احد البواقي.37 And what you sow is not the body that will be in the future, but a bare grain, such as of wheat, or of some other grain.
38 ولكن الله يعطيها جسما كما اراد ولكل واحد من البزور جسمه.38 For God gives it a body according to his will, and according to each seed’s proper body.
39 ليس كل جسد جسدا واحدا بل للناس جسد واحد وللبهائم جسد آخر. وللسمك آخر وللطير آخر.39 Not all flesh is the same flesh. But one is indeed of men, another truly is of beasts, another is of birds, and another is of fish.
40 واجسام سماوية واجسام ارضية. لكن مجد السماويات شيء ومجد الارضيات آخر.40 Also, there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. But while the one, certainly, has the glory of heaven, the other has the glory of earth.
41 مجد الشمس شيء ومجد القمر آخر ومجد النجوم آخر. لان نجما يمتاز عن نجم في المجد.41 One has the brightness of the sun, another the brightness of the moon, and another the brightness of the stars. For even star differs from star in brightness.
42 هكذا ايضا قيامة الاموات. يزرع في فساد ويقام في عدم فساد.42 So it is also with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown in corruption shall rise to incorruption.
43 يزرع في هوان ويقام في مجد. يزرع في ضعف ويقام في قوة.43 What is sown in dishonor shall rise to glory. What is sown in weakness shall rise to power.
44 يزرع جسما حيوانيا ويقام جسما روحانيا. يوجد جسم حيواني ويوجد جسم روحاني.44 What is sown with an animal body shall rise with a spiritual body. If there is an animal body, there is also a spiritual one.
45 هكذا مكتوب ايضا. صار آدم الانسان الاول نفسا حية وآدم الآخير روحا محييا.45 Just as it was written that the first man, Adam, was made with a living soul, so shall the last Adam be made with a spirit brought back to life.
46 لكن ليس الروحاني اولا بل الحيواني وبعد ذلك الروحاني.46 So what is, at first, not spiritual, but animal, next becomes spiritual.
47 الانسان الاول من الارض ترابي. الانسان الثاني الرب من السماء.47 The first man, being earthly, was of the earth; the second man, being heavenly, will be of heaven.
48 كما هو الترابي هكذا الترابيون ايضا. وكما هو السماوي هكذا السماويون ايضا.48 Such things as are like the earth are earthly; and such things as are like the heavens are heavenly.
49 وكما لبسنا صورة الترابي سنلبس ايضا صورة السماوي.49 And so, just as we have carried the image of what is earthly, let us also carry the image of what is heavenly.
50 فاقول هذا ايها الاخوة ان لحما ودما لا يقدران ان يرثا ملكوت الله. ولا يرث الفساد عدم الفساد50 Now I say this, brothers, because flesh and blood is not able to possess the kingdom of God; neither will what is corrupt possess what is incorrupt.
51 هوذا سرّ اقوله لكم. لا نرقد كلنا ولكننا كلنا نتغيّر51 Behold, I tell you a mystery. Certainly, we shall all rise again, but we shall not all be transformed:
52 في لحظة في طرفة عين عند البوق الاخير. فانه سيبوق فيقام الاموات عديمي فساد ونحن نتغيّر.52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will rise up, incorruptible. And we shall be transformed.
53 لان هذا الفاسد لا بد ان يلبس عدم فساد وهذا المائت يلبس عدم موت.53 Thus, it is necessary for this corruptibility to be clothed with incorruptibility, and for this mortality to be clothed with immortality.
54 ومتى لبس هذا الفاسد عدم فساد ولبس هذا المائت عدم موت فحينئذ تصير الكلمة المكتوبة ابتلع الموت الى غلبة.54 And when this mortality has been clothed with immortality, then the word that was written shall occur: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
55 اين شوكتك يا موت. اين غلبتك يا هاوية.55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”
56 اما شوكة الموت فهي الخطية. وقوة الخطية هي الناموس.56 Now the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
57 ولكن شكرا للّه الذي يعطينا الغلبة بربنا يسوع المسيح.57 But thanks be to God, who has given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 اذا يا اخوتي الاحباء كونوا راسخين غير متزعزعين مكثرين في عمل الرب كل حين عالمين ان تعبكم ليس باطلا في الرب58 And so, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and unmovable, abounding always in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not useless in the Lord.