
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Vangelo secondo Luca (لوقا) 19

1 ثم دخل واجتاز في اريحا.1 And entering in, he walked through Jericho.
2 واذا رجل اسمه زكّا وهو رئيس للعشارين وكان غنيا.2 And behold, there was a man named Zacheus, who was the chief of the publicans, and he was rich.
3 وطلب ان يرى يسوع من هو ولم يقدر من الجمع لانه كان قصير القامة.3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was, and he could not for the crowd, because he was low of stature.
4 فركض متقدما وصعد الى جميزة لكي يراه. لانه كان مزمعا ان يمرّ من هناك.4 And running before, he climbed up into a sycamore tree, that he might see him; for he was to pass that way.
5 فلما جاء يسوع الى المكان نظر الى فوق فرآه وقال له يا زكّا اسرع وانزل لانه ينبغي ان امكث اليوم في بيتك.5 And when Jesus was come to the place, looking up, he saw him, and said to him: Zacheus, make haste and come down; for this day I must abide in thy house.
6 فاسرع ونزل وقبله فرحا.6 And he made haste and came down; and received him with joy.
7 فلما رأى الجميع ذلك تذمروا قائلين انه دخل ليبيت عند رجل خاطئ.7 And when all saw it, they murmured, saying, that he was gone to be a guest with a man that was a sinner.
8 فوقف زكا وقال للرب ها انا يا رب اعطي نصف اموالي للمساكين وان كنت قد وشيت باحد ارد اربعة اضعاف.8 But Zacheus standing, said to the Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have wronged any man of any thing, I restore him fourfold.
9 فقال له يسوع اليوم حصل خلاص لهذا البيت اذ هو ايضا ابن ابراهيم.9 Jesus said to him: This day is salvation come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham.
10 لان ابن الانسان قد جاء لكي يطلب ويخلّص ما قد هلك10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
11 واذ كانوا يسمعون هذا عاد فقال مثلا لانه كان قريبا من اورشليم وكانوا يظنون ان ملكوت الله عتيد ان يظهر في الحال.11 As they were hearing these things, he added and spoke a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately be manifested.
12 فقال. انسان شريف الجنس ذهب الى كورة بعيدة ليأخذ لنفسه ملكا ويرجع.12 He said therefore: A certain nobleman went into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.
13 فدعا عشرة عبيد له واعطاهم عشرة أمناء وقال لهم تاجروا حتى آتي.13 And calling his ten servants, he gave them ten pounds, and said to them: Trade till I come.
14 واما اهل مدينته فكانوا يبغضونه فارسلوا وراءه سفارة قائلين لا نريد ان هذا يملك علينا.14 But his citizens hated him: and they sent an embassage after him, saying: We will not have this man to reign over us.
15 ولما رجع بعد ما اخذ الملك امر ان يدعى اليه اولئك العبيد الذين اعطاهم الفضة ليعرف بما تاجر كل واحد.15 And it came to pass, that he returned, having received the kingdom: and he commanded his servants to be called, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.
16 فجاء الاول قائلا يا سيد مناك ربح عشرة أمناء.16 And the first came, saying: Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds.
17 فقال له نعما ايها العبد الصالح. لانك كنت امينا في القليل فليكن لك سلطان على عشر مدن.17 And he said to him: Well done, thou good servant, because thou hast been faithful in a little, thou shalt have power over ten cities.
18 ثم جاء الثاني قائلا يا سيد مناك عمل خمسة امناء.18 And the second came, saying: Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds.
19 فقال لهذا ايضا وكن انت على خمس مدن.19 And he said to him: Be thou also over five cities.
20 ثم جاء آخر قائلا يا سيد هوذا مناك الذي كان عندي موضوعا في منديل.20 And another came, saying: Lord, behold here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin;
21 لاني كنت اخاف منك اذ انت انسان صارم تأخذ ما لم تضع وتحصد ما لم تزرع.21 For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up what thou didst not lay down, and thou reapest that which thou didst not sow.
22 فقال له من فمك ادينك ايها العبد الشرير. عرفت اني انسان صارم آخذ ما لم اضع واحصد ما لم ازرع.22 He saith to him: Out of thy own mouth I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up what I laid not down, and reaping that which I did not sow:
23 فلماذا لم تضع فضتي على مائدة الصيارفة فكنت متى جئت استوفيها مع ربا.23 And why then didst thou not give my money into the bank, that at my coming, I might have exacted it with usury?
24 ثم قال للحاضرين خذوا منه المنا واعطوه للذي عنده العشرة الامناء.24 And he said to them that stood by: Take the pound away from him, and give it to him that hath ten pounds.
25 فقالوا له يا سيد عنده عشرة أمناء.25 And they said to him: Lord, he hath ten pounds.
26 لاني اقول لكم ان كل من له يعطى. ومن ليس له فالذي عنده يؤخذ منه.26 But I say to you, that to every one that hath shall be given, and he shall abound: and from him that hath not, even that which he hath, shall be taken from him.
27 اما اعدائي اولئك الذين لم يريدوا ان املك عليهم فأتوا بهم الى هنا واذبحوهم قدامي27 But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me.
28 ولما قال هذا تقدم صاعدا الى اورشليم.28 And having said these things, he went before, going up to Jerusalem.
29 واذ قرب من بيت فاجي وبيت عنيا عند الجبل الذي يدعى جبل الزيتون ارسل اثنين من تلاميذه29 And it came to pass, when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethania, unto the mount called Olivet, he sent two of his disciples,
30 قائلا. اذهبا الى القرية التي امامكما وحين تدخلانها تجدان جحشا مربوطا لم يجلس عليه احد من الناس قط. فحلاه وأتيا به.30 Saying: Go into the town which is over against you, at your entering into which you shall find the colt of an ass tied, on which no man ever hath sitten: loose him, and bring him hither.
31 وان سألكما احد لماذا تحلانه فقولا له هكذا ان الرب محتاج اليه.31 And if any man shall ask you: Why do you loose him? you shall say thus unto him: Because the Lord hath need of his service.
32 فمضى المرسلان ووجدا كما قال لهما.32 And they that were sent, went their way, and found the colt standing, as he had said unto them.
33 وفيما هما يحلان الجحش قال لهما اصحابه لماذا تحلان الجحش.33 And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said to them: Why loose you the colt?
34 فقالا الرب محتاج اليه.34 But they said: Because the Lord hath need of him.
35 وأتيا به الى يسوع وطرحا ثيابهما على الجحش واركبا يسوع.35 And they brought him to Jesus. And casting their garments on the colt, they set Jesus thereon.
36 وفيما هو سائر فرشوا ثيابهم في الطريق.36 And as he went, they spread their clothes underneath in the way.
37 ولما قرب عند منحدر جبل الزيتون ابتدأ كل جمهور التلاميذ يفرحون ويسبحون الله بصوت عظيم لاجل جميع القوات التي نظروا.37 And when he was now coming near the descent of mount Olivet, the whole multitude of his disciples began with joy to praise God with a loud voice, for all the mighty works they had seen,
38 قائلين مبارك الملك الآتي باسم الرب. سلام في السماء ومجد في الاعالي.38 Saying: Blessed be the king who cometh in the name of the Lord, peace in heaven, and glory on high!
39 واما بعض الفريسيين من الجمع فقالوا له يا معلّم انتهر تلاميذك.39 And some of the Pharisees, from amongst the multitude, said to him: Master, rebuke thy disciples.
40 فاجاب وقال لهم اقول لكم انه ان سكت هؤلاء فالحجارة تصرخ40 To whom he said: I say to you, that if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out.
41 وفيما هو يقترب نظر الى المدينة وبكى عليها41 And when he drew near, seeing the city, he wept over it, saying:
42 قائلا انك لو علمت انت ايضا حتى في يومك هذا ما هو لسلامك. ولكن الآن قد أخفي عن عينيك.42 If thou also hadst known, and that in this thy day, the things that are to thy peace; but now they are hidden from thy eyes.
43 فانه ستأتي ايام ويحيط بك اعداؤك بمترسة ويحدقون بك ويحاصرونك من كل جهة.43 For the days shall come upon thee, and thy enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and straiten thee on every side,
44 ويهدمونك وبنيك فيك ولا يتركون فيك حجرا على حجر لانك لم تعرفي زمان افتقادك44 And beat thee flat to the ground, and thy children who are in thee: and they shall not leave in thee a stone upon a stone: because thou hast not known the time of thy visitation.
45 ولما دخل الهيكل ابتدأ يخرج الذين كانوا يبيعون ويشترون فيه45 And entering into the temple, he began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought.
46 قائلا لهم مكتوب ان بيتي بيت الصلاة. وانتم جعلتموه مغارة لصوص46 Saying to them: It is written: My house is the house of prayer. But you have made it a den of thieves.
47 وكان يعلّم كل يوم في الهيكل وكان رؤساء الكهنة والكتبة مع وجوه الشعب يطلبون ان يهلكوه.47 And he was teaching daily in the temple. And the chief priests and the scribes and the rulers of the people sought to destroy him:
48 ولم يجدوا ما يفعلون لان الشعب كله كان متعلقا به يسمع منه48 And they found not what to do to him: for all the people were very attentive to hear him.