
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

Osea (هوشع) 2

1 قولوا لاخواتكم عمّي ولاخوتكم رحامة.1 But the Israelites wil become as numerous as the sands of the sea, which cannot be measured orcounted. In the very place where they were told, 'You are not my people,' they wil be told they are 'Children ofthe living God'.
2 حاكموا امكم حاكموا لانها ليست امرأتي وانا لست رجلها لكي تعزل زناها عن وجهها وفسقها من بين ثدييها2 The Judaeans and Israelites will be reunited and wil choose themselves a single head, and will spreadfar beyond their country, for great will be the Day of Jezreel!
3 لئلا اجرّدها عريانة واوقفها كيوم ولادتها واجعلها كقفر واصيرها كارض يابسة واميتها بالعطش.3 Then call your brothers, 'My people', and your sisters, 'You have been pitied'.
4 ولا ارحم اولادها لانهم اولاد زنى4 To court, take your mother to court! For she is no longer my wife nor am I her husband. She must eitherremove her whoring ways from her face and her adulteries from between her breasts,
5 لان امهم قد زنت. التي حبلت بهم صنعت خزيا. لانها قالت اذهب وراء محبيّ الذين يعطون خبزي ومائي صوفي وكتاني زيتي واشربتي.5 or I shal strip her and expose her naked as the day she was born; I shall make her as bare as thedesert, I shall make her as dry as arid country, and let her die of thirst.
6 لذلك هانذا اسيج طريقك بالشوك وابني حائطها حتى لا تجد مسالكها.6 And I shal feel no pity for her children since they are the children of her whorings.
7 فتتبع محبيها ولا تدركهم وتفتش عليهم ولا تجدهم. فتقول اذهب وارجع الى رجلي الاول لانه حينئذ كان خير لي من الآن7 Yes, their mother has played the whore, she who conceived them has disgraced herself by saying, 'Ishall chase after my lovers; they will assure me my keep, my wool, my flax, my oil and my drinks.'
8 وهي لم تعرف اني انا اعطيتها القمح والمسطار والزيت وكثّرت لها فضة وذهبا جعلوه لبعل.8 This is why I shal block her way with thorns, and wal her in to stop her in her tracks;
9 لذلك ارجع وآخذ قمحي في حينه ومسطاري في وقته وانزع صوفي وكتاني اللذين لستر عورتها.9 then if she chases her lovers she wil not catch them, if she looks for them she wil not find them, andthen she wil say, 'I shal go back to my first husband, I was better off then than I am now;'
10 والآن اكشف عورتها امام عيون محبيها ولا ينقذها احد من يدي10 she had never realised before that I was the one who was giving her the grain, new wine and oil,giving her more and more silver and gold which they have spent on Baal!
11 وابطّل كل افراحها اعيادها ورؤوس شهورها وسبوتها وجميع مواسمها.11 This is why I shal take back my grain when it is due and my new wine, when the season for it comes. Ishall withdraw my wool and my flax which were to cover her naked body,
12 واخرّب كرمها وتينها اللذين قالت هما اجرتي التي اعطانيها محبيّ واجعلهما وعرا فيأكلهما حيوان البرية.12 and then display her infamy before her lovers' eyes- no one will take her from me then!
13 واعاقبها على ايام بعليم التي فيها كانت تبخر لهم وتتزين بخزائمها وحليها وتذهب وراء محبيها وتنساني انا يقول الرب13 I shal put an end to al her merrymaking, her festivals, her New Moons and her Sabbaths and al hersolemn feasts.
14 لكن هانذا اتملقها واذهب بها الى البرية والاطفها14 I shal make her vines and fig trees derelict of which she used to say, 'These are the pay my loversgave me.' I shal turn them into a jungle: wild animals wil feed on them.
15 واعطيها كرومها من هناك ووادي عخور بابا للرجاء وهي تغني هناك كايام صباها وكيوم صعودها من ارض مصر.15 I mean to make her pay for the feast-days on which she burnt incense to the Baals, when she trickedherself out in her earrings and necklaces to chase after her lovers, and forget me! -declares Yahweh.
16 ويكون في ذلك اليوم يقول الرب انك تدعينني رجلي ولا تدعينني بعد بعلي.16 But look, I am going to seduce her and lead her into the desert and speak to her heart.
17 وانزع اسماء البعليم من فمها فلا تذكر ايضا باسمائها.17 There I shall give her back her vineyards, and make the Vale of Achor a gateway of hope. There shewil respond as when she was young, as on the day when she came up from Egypt.
18 واقطع لهم عهدا في ذلك اليوم مع حيوان البرية وطيور السماء ودبابات الارض واكسر القوس والسيف والحرب من الارض واجعلهم يضطجعون آمنين.18 When that day comes- declares Yahweh- you wil cal me, 'My husband', no more wil you cal me, 'MyBaal'.
19 واخطبك لنفسي الى الابد واخطبك لنفسي بالعدل والحق والاحسان والمراحم.19 I shal banish the names of the Baals from her lips and their name wil be mentioned no more.
20 اخطبك لنفسي بالامانة فتعرفين الرب.20 When that day comes I shal make a treaty for them with the wild animals, with the birds of heavenand the creeping things of the earth; I shal break the bow and the sword and warfare, and banish them from thecountry, and I wil let them sleep secure.
21 ويكون في ذلك اليوم اني استجيب يقول الرب استجيب السموات وهي تستجيب الارض21 I shal betroth you to myself for ever, I shall betroth you in uprightness and justice, and faithful loveand tenderness.
22 والارض تستجيب القمح والمسطار والزيت وهي تستجيب يزرعيل.22 Yes, I shall betroth you to myself in loyalty and in the knowledge of Yahweh.
23 وازرعها لنفسي في الارض وارحم لورحامة واقول للوعمّي انت شعبي وهو يقول انت الهي23 When that day comes, I shal respond -declares Yahweh- I shal respond to the heavens and they willrespond to the earth
24 and the earth wil respond to the grain, the new wine and oil, and they wil respond to Jezreel.
25 I shal sow her in the country to be mine, I shall take pity on Lo-Ruhamah, I shal tell Lo-Ammi, 'Youare my people,' and he will say, 'You are my God.'