
Martedi, 30 aprile 2024 - San Pio V ( Letture di oggi)

Isaías 14

1 Porque o Senhor terá compaixão de Jacó, e ainda dará a Israel a sua predileção e os restabelecerá na sua terra, os estrangeiros se reunirão a eles e se agregarão à casa de Jacó.1 Her time is drawing near, and her days will not be prolonged. For the Lord will take pity on Jacob, and he will still choose from Israel, and he will cause them to rest upon their own soil. And the new arrival will be joined to them, and he will adhere to the house of Jacob.
2 Os povos virão buscá-los para conduzi-los à sua morada. Possuí-los-á a casa de Israel na terra do Senhor como servos e como servas. Conservarão prisioneiros aqueles que os tinham detido, e dominarão seus opressores.2 And the people will take them, and lead them to their place. And the house of Israel will possess them, in the land of the Lord, as men and women servants. And they will take captive those who had taken them captive. And they will subjugate their oppressors.
3 Quando o Senhor te tiver aliviado de tuas penas, de teus tormentos e da dura servidão a que estiveste sujeito,3 And this shall be in that day: when God will have given you rest from your labor, and from your oppression, and from the difficult servitude under which you served before,
4 cantarás esta sátira contra o rei de Babilônia, e dirás: Como? Não existe mais o tirano! Acabou-se a tormenta!4 you will accept this parable against the king of Babylon, and you will say: “How is it that the oppressor has ceased, along with his tribute?
5 O Senhor despedaçou o bastão dos perversos e o cetro dos opressores.5 The Lord has crushed the staff of the impious, the scepter of despots,
6 Ele feria os povos com fúria, vibrando golpes sem interrupção, e governava as nações com brutalidade, subjugando-as sem piedade.6 which struck the people in wrath with an incurable wound, which subjugated the nations in fury, which persecuted with cruelty.
7 Toda a terra conhece o repouso e a paz, todos exultam em cantos de alegria.7 All the earth has become quiet and still; it has been gladdened and has rejoiced.
8 Até os ciprestes se regozijam de tua queda, dizendo com os cedros do Líbano: Desde que caíste, não sobe até nós o lenhador.8 The evergreens, too, have rejoiced over you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying: ‘Since you have slept, no one has ascended who would cut us down.’
9 Debaixo da terra se agita a morada dos mortos, para receber-te à tua chegada; despertam em tua honra as sombras dos grandes, e todos os senhores da terra, e levantam-se de seus tronos todos os reis das nações.9 Hell below was stirred up to meet you at your advent; it has awakened the giants for you. All the leaders of the earth have risen from their thrones, all the leaders among the nations.”
10 Todos tomam a palavra para dizer-te: Finalmente, eis-te fraco como nós, eis-te semelhante a nós.10 Everyone will respond and will say to you: “Now you are wounded, just as we were; you have become like us.
11 Tua majestade desceu à morada dos mortos, acompanhada do som de tuas harpas. Jazes sobre um leito de vermes e os vermes são a tua coberta.11 Your arrogance has been dragged down to Hell. Your body has fallen dead. The moths will be strewn beneath you, and the worms will be your covering.
12 Então! Caíste dos céus, astro brilhante, filho da aurora! Então! Foste abatido por terra, tu que prostravas as nações!12 How is it that you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who used to rise like the sun? How is it that you have fallen to the earth, you who wounded the peoples?
13 Tu dizias: Escalarei os céus e erigirei meu trono acima das estrelas. Assentar-me-ei no monte da assembléia, no extremo norte.13 And you said in your heart: ‘I will climb up to heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will be enthroned upon the mountain of the covenant, on the northern parts.
14 Subirei sobre as nuvens mais altas e me tornarei igual ao Altíssimo.14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds. I will be like the Most High.’
15 E, entretanto, eis que foste precipitado à morada dos mortos, ao mais profundo abismo.15 Yet truly, you shall be dragged down to Hell, into the depths of the pit.
16 Detêm-se para ver-te melhor, e procuram reconhecer-te: Porventura é aquele que fazia tremer a terra, e abalava os impérios,16 Those who see you, will lean toward you, and will gaze upon you, saying: ‘Could this be the man who disturbed the earth, who shook kingdoms,
17 que fazia do mundo um deserto, e destruía as cidades, e impedia os prisioneiros de voltarem para suas casas?17 who made the world into a desert and destroyed its cities, who would not even open a prison for his prisoners?’ ”
18 Todos os reis das nações, todos repousam com glória, cada um no seu túmulo;18 All the kings of the nations throughout the whole world have slept in glory, each man in his own house.
19 tu, porém, foste atirado para longe de teu sepulcro, como um aborto que causa horror. Os cadáveres dos homens mortos à espada jazem sobre as pedras de uma tumba;19 But you have been rejected from your grave, like a useless polluted plant, and you have been bound up with those who were slain by the sword, and who descended to the bottom of the pit, like a rotting carcass.
20 tal como uma carniça que se calca aos pés, tu não te reunirás a eles no sepulcro, porque arruinaste tua terra, e fizeste perecer o teu povo. Nunca, jamais se falará da raça dos ímpios.20 You will not be associated with them, even in the grave. For you have destroyed your own land; you have slain your own people. The offspring of the wicked ones will not be called upon for eternity.
21 Preparai o massacre dos filhos por causa da iniqüidade dos pais. Que eles não se levantem para conquistar o mundo, e invadir toda a face da terra.21 Prepare his sons for the slaughter, according to the iniquity of their fathers. They will not rise up, nor inherit the earth, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
22 Levantar-me-ei contra eles, declara o Senhor dos exércitos, apagarei o nome e o vestígio de Babilônia, sua raça e sua posteridade, diz o Senhor.22 But I will rise up against them, says the Lord of hosts. And I will perish the name of Babylon and its remnants: both the plant and its progeny, says the Lord.
23 Farei dela o domínio da garça real, um lodaçal. Varrê-la-ei com a vassoura da destruição, - palavra do Senhor dos exércitos.23 And I will appoint it as a possession for the hedgehog, with swamps of water. And I will sweep it out and wear it away with a brush, says the Lord of hosts.
24 Jurou o Senhor dos exércitos: Por certo será feito como eu decidi, e o que resolvi se cumprirá.24 The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying: Surely, just as I have considered it, so shall it be, and in the same manner as I have drawn it through my mind,
25 Esmagarei o assírio em minha terra e o calcarei aos pés nos meus montes. Serão livres de seu jugo, e o seu fardo não lhes pesará nos ombros.25 so shall it occur. So shall I crush the Assyrian in my land, and I will trample him upon my mountains, and his yoke will be taken away from them, and his burden will be removed from their shoulder.
26 Eis a decisão tomada para toda a terra; é assim que eu estendo a mão sobre todas as nações.26 This is the plan that I have decided, concerning the entire earth, and this is the hand which is extended over all the nations.
27 O Senhor dos exércitos decidiu, quem mudará sua sentença? Sua mão está estendida, quem o fará retirá-la?27 For the Lord of hosts has decreed it, and who is able to weaken it? And his hand is extended, so who can avert it?
28 Este oráculo data do ano da morte do rei Acaz:28 In the year in which king Ahaz died, this burden was given:
29 Não te alegres, ó terra dos filisteus, de que tenha sido quebrada a vara que te feria, porque da estirpe da serpente nascerá uma áspide, e seu fruto será um dragão voador.29 You should not rejoice, all you of Philistia, that the rod of him who struck you has been crushed. For from the root of the serpent will go forth a king snake, and his offspring will engulf that which flies.
30 Os humildes poderão pastar nas minhas pastagens, e os pobres dormirão tranqüilos. Eu farei, porém, morrer de fome a tua raça, e matarei tua posteridade.30 And the firstborn of the poor will be pastured, and the poor will rest in faithfulness. And I will cause your root to pass away by famine, and I will put to death your remnant.
31 Lamenta-te, ó porta! Grita, ó cidade! Treme, ó terra inteira dos filisteus! Porque do norte vem uma nuvem de poeira, e batalhões em filas cerradas.31 Wail, O gate! Cry out, O city! All of Philistia has been prostrated. For a smoke will arrive from the north, and there is no one who will escape his army.
32 E que responderá {meu povo} aos mensageiros desta nação? Que o Senhor fundou Sião, e que os humildes de seu povo aí encontrarão o refúgio.32 And what will be the response to this news among the nations? It will be that the Lord has established Zion, and that the poor of his people will hope in him.