
Lunedi, 29 aprile 2024 - Santa Caterina da Siena ( Letture di oggi)

Livro de Tobias 12

1 Então Tobit chamou seu filho e disse-lhe: Que havemos nós de dar a esse santo homem que te acompanhou?1 Then Tobit called his son to him, and he said to him, “What are we able to give to this holy man, who accompanied you?”
2 Meu pai, respondeu ele, que gratificação lhe havemos de dar? Que presente poderá igualar os seus benefícios?2 Tobias, answering, said to his father: “Father, what wages shall we give him? And what could be worthy of his benefits?
3 Ele levou-me e trouxe-me em boa saúde; foi receber o dinheiro de Gabael; fez-me ter uma mulher e3 He led me and he brought me back safely. He received the money from Gabael. He caused me to have my wife. And he confined the demon away from her. He caused joy to her parents. Myself, he rescued from being devoured by the fish. As for you, he also caused you to see the light of heaven. And so, we have been filled with all good things through him. What could we possibly give to him that would be worthy of these things?
4 Rogo-te, meu pai, que lhe peças se digne aceitar a metade de tudo o que trouxemos.4 But I implore you, my father, to ask him if he would perhaps deign to take for himself half of all the things that have been brought.”
5 Chamaram-no, pois, o pai e o filho, e, tomando-o à parte, rogaram-lhe que aceitasse a metade de tudo o que tinham trazido.5 And calling him, the father especially, and the son, they took him aside. And they began to petition him, so that he would deign to accept ownership of one half part of all things that they had brought.
6 Então ele falou-lhes discretamente: Bendizei o Deus do céu, e dai-lhe glória diante de todo o ser vivente, porque ele usou de misericórdia para convosco.6 Then he said to them privately: “Bless the God of heaven, and confess to him in the sight of all who live, for he has acted in his mercy toward you.
7 Se é bom conservar escondido o segredo do rei, é coisa louvável revelar e publicar as obras de Deus.7 For it is good to conceal the secret of a king, just as it is also honorable to reveal and to confess the works of God.
8 Boa coisa é a oração acompanhada de jejum, e a esmola é preferível aos tesouros de ouro escondidos, 9. porque a esmola livra da morte: ela apaga os pecados e faz encontrar a misericórdia e a vida eterna; 10. aqueles, porém, que praticam a injustiça e o pecado são os seus próprios inimigos.8 Prayer with fasting is good, and almsgiving is better than hiding away gold in storage.
9 For almsgiving delivers from death, and the same is what purges sins and makes one able to find mercy and everlasting life.
10 But those who commit sin and iniquity are enemies to their own soul.
11 Vou descobrir-vos a verdade, sem nada vos ocultar.11 Therefore, I reveal the truth to you, and I will not hide the explanation from you.
12 Quando tu oravas com lágrimas e enterravas os mortos, quando deixavas a tua refeição e ias ocultar os mortos em tua casa durante o dia, para sepultá-los quando viesse a noite, eu apresentava as tuas orações ao Senhor.12 When you prayed with tears, and buried the dead, and left behind your dinner, and hid the dead by day in your house, and buried them by night: I offered your prayer to the Lord.
13 Mas porque eras agradável ao Senhor, foi preciso que a tentação te provasse.13 And because you were acceptable to God, it was necessary for you to be tested by trials.
14 Agora o Senhor enviou-me para curar-te e livrar do demônio Sara, mulher de teu filho.14 And now, the Lord has sent me to cure you, and to free Sarah, your son’s wife, from the demon.
15 Eu sou o anjo Rafael, um dos sete que assistimos na presença do Senhor.15 For I am the Angel Raphael, one of seven, who stand before the Lord.”
16 Ao ouvir estas palavras, eles ficaram fora de si, e, tremendo, prostraram-se com o rosto por terra.16 And when they had heard these things, they were troubled, and being seized with fear, they fell upon the ground on their face.
17 Mas o anjo disse-lhes: A paz seja convosco: não temais.17 And the Angel said to them: “Peace be to you. Fear not.
18 Quando eu estava convosco, eu o estava por vontade de Deus: rendei-lhe graças, pois, com cânticos de louvor.18 For when I was with you, I was there by the will of God. Bless him, and sing to him.
19 Parecia-vos que eu comia e bebia convosco, mas o meu alimento é um manjar invisível, e minha bebida não pode ser vista pelos homens.19 Indeed, I seemed to eat and drink with you, but I make use of an invisible food and drink, which cannot be seen by men.
20 É chegado o tempo de voltar para aquele que me enviou: vós, porém, bendizei a Deus e publicai todas as suas maravilhas.20 Therefore, it is time that I return to him who sent me. But as for you, bless God, and describe all his wonders.”
21 Acabando de dizer estas palavras, desapareceu diante deles, e eles não viram mais nada.21 And when he had said these things, he was taken from their sight, and they were not able to see him any longer.
22 Durante três horas permaneceram prostrados por terra, bendizendo a Deus. Depois levantaram-se e publicaram todas essas maravilhas.22 Then, lying prostrate for three hours upon their face, they blessed God. And rising up, they described all his wonders.