
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Psalms 26

1 A Psalm of David, before he was sealed. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?1 De David.

Júzgame, Señor,

porque he procedido con integridad.

Yo he confiado en el Señor,

sin desviarme jamás.

2 Meanwhile, the guilty draw near to me, so as to eat my flesh. Those who trouble me, my enemies, have themselves been weakened and have fallen.2 Examíname, Señor, y pruébame,

sondea hasta lo más íntimo de mi ser;

3 If entrenched armies were to stand together against me, my heart would not fear. If a battle were to rise up against me, I would have hope in this.3 porque tu amor está siempre ante mis ojos,

y yo camino en tu verdad.

4 One thing I have asked of the Lord, this I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, so that I may behold the delight of the Lord, and may visit his temple.4 No me reúno con la gente falsa

ni me doy con los hipócritas;

5 For he has hidden me in his tabernacle. In the day of evils, he has protected me in the hidden place of his tabernacle.5 odio la compañía de los malhechores

y no me uno a los malvados.

6 He has exalted me upon the rock, and now he has exalted my head above my enemies. I have circled around and offered a sacrifice of loud exclamation in his tabernacle. I will sing, and I will compose a psalm, to the Lord.6 Por eso lavo mis manos en señal de inocencia

y doy vueltas alrededor de tu altar,

7 Hear my voice, O Lord, with which I have cried out to you. Have mercy on me, and hear me.7 proclamando tu alabanza en alta voz

y narrando tus maravillas.

8 My heart has spoken to you; my face has sought you. I yearn for your face, O Lord.8 Yo amo la Casa donde habitas,

el lugar donde reside tu gloria.

9 Do not turn your face away from me. In your wrath, do not turn aside from your servant. Be my helper. Do not abandon me, and do not despise me, O God, my Saviour.9 No me incluyas entre los pecadores

ni entre los hombres sanguinarios:

10 For my father and my mother have left me behind, but the Lord has taken me up.10 ellos tienen las manos llenas de infamia,

y su derecha está repleta de sobornos.

11 O Lord, establish a law for me in your way, and direct me in the right path, because of my enemies.11 Yo, en cambio, procedo íntegramente:

líbrame y concédeme tu gracia.

12 Do not surrender me to the souls of those who trouble me. For unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and iniquity has lied to itself.12 Mis pies están firmes sobre el camino llano,

y en la asamblea bendeciré al Señor.
13 I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord, act manfully; and let your heart be strengthened, and remain with the Lord.