
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Giuditta 14

1 Et dixit Iudith ad illos: “ Audite me, fratres, et acci pientes caputhoc suspendite illud super propugnaculum muri nostri.1 Then Judith said to all the people: “Hear me, brothers. Suspend this head over our walls.
2 Et, cum aurorailluxerit, et exierit sol super terram, accipite unusquisque vasa bellica vestraet exietis omnis vir potens extra civitatem et dabitis initium adversus eostamquam descendentes in campum ad primam custodiam filiorum Assyriae; et nondescendetis.2 And, as soon as the sun rises, let everyone take up his weapons and go out to attack, not going down all the way, but only to seem as if making an assault.
3 Et accipientes illi arma sua ibunt in castra sua et suscitabuntduces virtutis Assyriae concurrentque ad tabernaculum Holofernis et noninvenient illum, et incidet in illos timor, et fugient a facie vestra.3 Then the scouts will have to hurry to awaken their leader for the fight.
4 Etsubsecuti vos et omnes, qui incolunt omnem finem Israel, prosternite illos inviis illorum.
4 And when their commanders rush into the tabernacle of Holofernes, and they find his headless body wallowing in his blood, fear will fall over them.
5 Ante autem quam faciatis ista, vocate mihi Achior Ammoniten, ut vidensrecognoscat eum, qui vituperavit domum Israel et ipsum quasi in mortem misit adnos ”.5 And when you realize that they are fleeing, go after them in security, for the Lord will crush them under your feet.”
6 Et vocaverunt Achior de domo Oziae, qui, ut venit et vidit caputHolofernis in manu viri unius in ecclesia populi, cecidit in faciem, etresolutus est spiritus ipsius.6 Then Achior, seeing the power that the God of Israel had wrought, left behind the rituals of the Gentiles. He believed in God, and he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and he was placed among the people of Israel, and so were all the succession of his kindred, even until this present day.
7 Ut autem resuscitaverunt eum, procidit ad pedesIudith et adoravit faciem ipsius et dixit: “ Benedicta tu in omni tabernaculoIudae et in omni gente, quicumque audientes nomen tuum turbabuntur.7 And soon, at the rising of day, they suspended the head of Holofernes above the walls, and every man took up his weapons, and they went out with a great uproar and howling.
8 Et nuncannuntia mihi, quaecumque fecisti in diebus istis ”. Et rettulit illi Iudithin medio populi omnia, quaecumque fecerat, ex qua die exivit usque in diem, qualoquebatur illis.8 When the scouts saw this, they rushed to the tent of Holofernes.
9 Ut autem desiit loqui, exsultavit omnis populus voce magnaet dedit vocem iucunditatis in civitate sua.9 Moreover, those who were in the tent came and made a loud noise before the entrance to the bedchamber, hoping to awaken him by an attempt at skillful noise-making, not by intruding on him, so that Holofernes might be roused from sleep.
10 Videns autem Achior omnia,quaecumque fecit Deus Israel, credidit Deo valde et circumcidit carnem praeputiisui, et appositus est ad do mum Israel usque in diem hanc.10 For no one dared to knock, or to open and enter, the bedchamber of the powerful leader of the Assyrians.
11 Postquam autemaurora orta est, suspenderunt caput Holofernis super murum; et accepit omnis virarma sua, et exierunt secundum cohortes ad ascensiones montis.11 But when his commanders and tribunes had arrived, with all the chiefs of the army of the king of the Assyrians, they said to the chamberlains:
12 Filii autemAssyriae, ut viderunt illos, miserunt ad praepositos suos, et illi venerunt adduces et ad tribunos et ad omnes principes suos.12 “Enter and awaken him, for the mice have come out of their holes, intending to challenge us to fight.”
13 Et venerunt ad tabernaculumHolofernis et dixerunt Bagoae, qui erat super omnia eius: “ Suscita dominumnostrum, quoniam ausi sunt Iudaei descendere ad nos in bellum, ut pereant usquead finem ”.13 Then Vagao, entering his bedchamber, stood before the curtain, and he made a clapping noise with his hands. For he suspected that he was sleeping with Judith.
14 Introivitque Bagoas et pulsavit cortinam; suspicabatur enimillum cum Iudith dormire.14 But when, with attentiveness, he perceived no motion of anyone reclining, he approached the curtain. And lifting it up, he saw the dead body of Holofernes, without a head, lying on the ground, soaked in his own blood. He cried out with a loud voice and weeping, and he tore his garments.
15 Cum autem nemo responderet, aperiens cortinamintravit in cubiculum et invenit illum in scabello proiectum, mortuum, nudum, etcaput illius sublatum ab eo.15 And he entered the tent of Judith and did not find her. And he ran out to the people,
16 Et exclamavit voce magna cum fletu et gemitu etclamore magno et scidit vestimenta sua.16 and he said: “One Hebrew woman has caused confusion in the house of Nebuchadnezzar the king. For behold, Holofernes lies on the ground, and his head is not with him.”
17 Et intravit in tabernaculum, ubiIudith fuerat hospitata, et non invenit eam. Et exsilivit ad populum etclamavit:17 Now when the leaders of the army of the Assyrians had heard this, they all tore their garments, and an intolerable fear and trembling fell over them, and their minds were greatly disturbed.
18 “Inique gesserunt servi! Fecit confusionem una mulier Hebraeorumin domum regis Nabuchodonosor, quoniam ecce Holofernes in terra, et caput ipsiusnon est in illo! ”.18 And there was an unprecedented outcry in the midst of their camp.
19 Ut autem audierunt verba haec, principes virtutisAssyriae sciderunt tunicas suas, et conturbata est anima eorum valde, et factusest clamor et ululatus magnus in medio castrorum.