
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Evangelho segundo São Lucas 23

1 Levantou-se a sessão e conduziram Jesus diante de Pilatos,1 And the entire multitude of them, rising up, led him to Pilate.
2 e puseram-se a acusá-lo: Temos encontrado este homem excitando o povo à revolta, proibindo pagar imposto ao imperador e dizendo-se Messias e rei.2 Then they began to accuse him, saying, “We found this one subverting our nation, and prohibiting giving tribute to Caesar, and saying that he is Christ the king.”
3 Pilatos perguntou-lhe: És tu o rei dos judeus? Jesus respondeu: Sim.3 And Pilate questioned him, saying: “You are the king of the Jews?” But in response, he said: “You are saying it.”
4 Declarou Pilatos aos príncipes dos sacerdotes e ao povo: Eu não acho neste homem culpa alguma.4 Then Pilate said to the leaders of the priests and to the crowds, “I find no case against this man.”
5 Mas eles insistiam fortemente: Ele revoluciona o povo ensinando por toda a Judéia, a começar da Galiléia até aqui.5 But they continued more intensely, saying: “He has stirred up the people, teaching throughout all of Judea, beginning from Galilee, even to this place.”
6 A estas palavras, Pilatos perguntou se ele era galileu.6 But Pilate, upon hearing Galilee, asked if the man were of Galilee.
7 E, quando soube que era da jurisdição de Herodes, enviou-o a Herodes, pois justamente naqueles dias se achava em Jerusalém.7 And when he realized that he was under Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him away to Herod, who was himself also at Jerusalem in those days.
8 Herodes alegrou-se muito em ver Jesus, pois de longo tempo desejava vê-lo, por ter ouvido falar dele muitas coisas, e esperava presenciar algum milagre operado por ele.8 Then Herod, upon seeing Jesus, was very glad. For he had been wanting to see him for a long time, because he had heard so many things about him, and he was hoping to see some kind of sign wrought by him.
9 Dirigiu-lhe muitas perguntas, mas Jesus nada respondeu.9 Then he questioned him with many words. But he gave him no response at all.
10 Ali estavam os príncipes dos sacerdotes e os escribas, acusando-o com violência.10 And the leaders of the priests, and the scribes, stood firm in persistently accusing him.
11 Herodes, com a sua guarda, tratou-o com desprezo, escarneceu dele, mandou revesti-lo de uma túnica branca e reenviou-o a Pilatos.11 Then Herod, with his soldiers, scorned him. And he ridiculed him, clothing him in a white garment. And he sent him back to Pilate.
12 Naquele mesmo dia, Pilatos e Herodes fizeram as pazes, pois antes eram inimigos um do outro.12 And Herod and Pilate became friends on that day. For previously they were enemies to one another.
13 Pilatos convocou então os príncipes dos sacerdotes, os magistrados e o povo, e disse-lhes:13 And Pilate, calling together the leaders of the priests, and the magistrates, and the people,
14 Apresentastes-me este homem como agitador do povo, mas, interrogando-o eu diante de vós, não o achei culpado de nenhum dos crimes de que o acusais.14 said to them: “You have brought before me this man, as one who disturbs the people. And behold, having questioned him before you, I find no case against this man, in those things about which you accuse him.
15 Nem tampouco Herodes, pois no-lo devolveu. Portanto, ele nada fez que mereça a morte.15 And neither did Herod. For I sent you all to him, and behold, nothing deserving of death was recorded about him.
16 Por isso, soltá-lo-ei depois de o castigar.16 Therefore, I will chastise him and release him.”
17 {Acontecia que em cada festa ele era obrigado a soltar-lhes um preso.}17 Now he was required to release one person for them on the feast day.
18 Todo o povo gritou a uma voz: À morte com este, e solta-nos Barrabás.18 But the entire crowd exclaimed together, saying: “Take this one, and release to us Barabbas!”
19 {Este homem fora lançado ao cárcere devido a uma revolta levantada na cidade, por causa de um homicídio.}19 Now he had been cast into prison because of a certain sedition that occurred in the city and for murder.
20 Pilatos, porém, querendo soltar Jesus, falou-lhes de novo,20 Then Pilate spoke to them again, wanting to release Jesus.
21 mas eles vociferavam: Crucifica-o! Crucifica-o!21 But they shouted in response, saying: “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
22 Pela terceira vez, Pilatos ainda interveio: Mas que mal fez ele, então? Não achei nele nada que mereça a morte; irei, portanto, castigá-lo e, depois, o soltarei.22 Then he said to them a third time: “Why? What evil has he done? I find no case against him for death. Therefore, I will chastise him and release him.”
23 Mas eles instavam, reclamando em altas vozes que fosse crucificado, e os seus clamores recrudesciam.23 But they persisted, with loud voices, in demanding that he be crucified. And their voices increased in intensity.
24 Pilatos pronunciou então a sentença que lhes satisfazia o desejo.24 And so Pilate issued a judgment granting their petition.
25 Soltou-lhes aquele que eles reclamavam e que havia sido lançado ao cárcere por causa do homicídio e da revolta, e entregou Jesus à vontade deles.25 Then he released for them the one who had been cast into prison for murder and sedition, whom they were requesting. Yet truly, Jesus he handed over to their will.
26 Enquanto o conduziam, detiveram um certo Simão de Cirene, que voltava do campo, e impuseram-lhe a cruz para que a carregasse atrás de Jesus.26 And as they were leading him away, they apprehended a certain one, Simon of Cyrene, as he was returning from the countryside. And they imposed the cross on him to carry after Jesus.
27 Seguia-o uma grande multidão de povo e de mulheres, que batiam no peito e o lamentavam.27 Then a great crowd of people followed him, with women who were mourning and lamenting him.
28 Voltando-se para elas, Jesus disse: Filhas de Jerusalém, não choreis sobre mim, mas chorai sobre vós mesmas e sobre vossos filhos.28 But Jesus, turning to them, said: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep over me. Instead, weep over yourselves and over your children.
29 Porque virão dias em que se dirá: Felizes as estéreis, os ventres que não geraram e os peitos que não amamentaram!29 For behold, the days will arrive in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not borne, and the breasts that have not nursed.’
30 Então dirão aos montes: Caí sobre nós! E aos outeiros: Cobri-nos!30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall over us,’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’
31 Porque, se eles fazem isto ao lenho verde, que acontecerá ao seco?31 For if they do these things with green wood, what will be done with the dry?”
32 Eram conduzidos ao mesmo tempo dois malfeitores para serem mortos com Jesus.32 Now they also led out two other criminals with him, in order to execute them.
33 Chegados que foram ao lugar chamado Calvário, ali o crucificaram, como também os ladrões, um à direita e outro à esquerda.33 And when they arrived at the place that is called Calvary, they crucified him there, with the robbers, one to the right and the other to the left.
34 E Jesus dizia: Pai, perdoa-lhes; porque não sabem o que fazem. Eles dividiram as suas vestes e as sortearam.34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do.” And truly, dividing his garments, they cast lots.
35 A multidão conservava-se lá e observava. Os príncipes dos sacerdotes escarneciam de Jesus, dizendo: Salvou a outros, que se salve a si próprio, se é o Cristo, o escolhido de Deus!35 And people were standing near, watching. And the leaders among them derided him, saying: “He saved others. Let him save himself, if this one is the Christ, the elect of God.”
36 Do mesmo modo zombavam dele os soldados. Aproximavam-se dele, ofereciam-lhe vinagre e diziam:36 And the soldiers also ridiculed him, approaching him and offering him vinegar,
37 Se és o rei dos judeus, salva-te a ti mesmo.37 and saying, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”
38 Por cima de sua cabeça pendia esta inscrição: Este é o rei dos judeus.38 Now there was also an inscription written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
39 Um dos malfeitores, ali crucificados, blasfemava contra ele: Se és o Cristo, salva-te a ti mesmo e salva-nos a nós!39 And one of those robbers who were hanging blasphemed him, saying, “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us.”
40 Mas o outro o repreendeu: Nem sequer temes a Deus, tu que sofres no mesmo suplício?40 But the other responded by rebuking him, saying: “Do you have no fear of God, since you are under the same condemnation?
41 Para nós isto é justo: recebemos o que mereceram os nossos crimes, mas este não fez mal algum.41 And indeed, it is just for us. For we are receiving what our deeds deserve. But truly, this one has done nothing wrong.”
42 E acrescentou: Jesus, lembra-te de mim, quando tiveres entrado no teu Reino!42 And he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
43 Jesus respondeu-lhe: Em verdade te digo: hoje estarás comigo no paraíso.43 And Jesus said to him, “Amen I say to you, this day you shall be with me in Paradise.”
44 Era quase à hora sexta e em toda a terra houve trevas até a hora nona.44 Now it was nearly the sixth hour, and a darkness occurred over the entire earth, until the ninth hour.
45 Escureceu-se o sol e o véu do templo rasgou-se pelo meio.45 And the sun was obscured. And the veil of the temple was torn down the middle.
46 Jesus deu então um grande brado e disse: Pai, nas tuas mãos entrego o meu espírito. E, dizendo isso, expirou.46 And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” And upon saying this, he expired.
47 Vendo o centurião o que acontecia, deu glória a Deus e disse: Na verdade, este homem era um justo.47 Now, the centurion, seeing what had happened, glorified God, saying, “Truly, this man was the Just One.”
48 E toda a multidão dos que assistiam a este espetáculo e viam o que se passava, voltou batendo no peito.48 And the entire crowd of those who came together to see this spectacle also saw what had happened, and they returned, striking their breasts.
49 Os amigos de Jesus, como também as mulheres que o tinham seguido desde a Galiléia, conservavam-se a certa distância, e observavam estas coisas.49 Now all those who knew him, and the women who had followed him from Galilee, were standing at a distance, watching these things.
50 Havia um homem, por nome José, membro do conselho, homem reto e justo.50 And behold, there was a man named Joseph, who was a councilman, a good and just man,
51 Ele não havia concordado com a decisão dos outros nem com os atos deles. Originário de Arimatéia, cidade da Judéia, esperava ele o Reino de Deus.51 (for he had not consented to their decision or their actions). He was from Arimathea, a city of Judea. And he was himself also anticipating the kingdom of God.
52 Foi ter com Pilatos e lhe pediu o corpo de Jesus.52 This man approached Pilate and petitioned for the body of Jesus.
53 Ele o desceu da cruz, envolveu-o num pano de linho e colocou-o num sepulcro, escavado na rocha, onde ainda ninguém havia sido depositado.53 And taking him down, he wrapped him in a fine linen cloth, and he placed him in a tomb hewn from rock, in which no one had ever been placed.
54 Era o dia da Preparação e já ia principiar o sábado.54 And it was the day of Preparation, and the Sabbath was drawing near.
55 As mulheres, que tinham vindo com Jesus da Galiléia, acompanharam José. Elas viram o túmulo e o modo como o corpo de Jesus ali fora depositado.55 Now the women who had come with him from Galilee, by following, saw the tomb and the manner in which his body was placed.
56 Elas voltaram e prepararam aromas e bálsamos. No dia de sábado, observaram o preceito do repouso.56 And upon returning, they prepared aromatic spices and ointments. But on the Sabbath, indeed, they rested, according to the commandment.