
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Tobit 4

1 Therefore, when Tobit considered that his prayer was heard, so that he might be able to die, he called his son Tobias to him.1 In illa die rememoratus est Thobi pecuniae, quam com mendaverat Gabael inRages Mediae.
2 And he said to him: “My son, hear the words of my mouth, and set them, like a foundation, in your heart.2 Et dixit in corde suo: “ Ecce ego postulavi mortem. Quid nonvoco Thobiam filium meum et indicabo illi de hac pecunia, quam commendavi,antequam moriar? ”.
3 When God will receive my soul, bury my body. And you shall honor your mother, all the days of her life.3 Et vocavit Thobiam filium suum, et venit ad illum; etdixit illi: “ Fili, cum mortuus fuero, sepeli me diligenter et honorem habematri tuae et noli derelinquere illam omnibus diebus vitae suae et fac, quodbonum est in conspectu eius, et noli contristare spiritum eius in ullo.
4 For you are obliged to be mindful of what great perils she suffered because of you in her womb.4 Memoresto eius, fili, quoniam multa pericula vidit propter te in utero. Cum mortuafuerit, sepeli illam iuxta me in uno sepulcro.
5 But when she too will have completed the time of her life, bury her near me.5 Et omnibus diebus tuis, fili,Dominum in mente habe et noli velle peccare et praeterire praecepta illius.Iustitiam fac omnibus diebus vitae tuae et noli ire in vias iniquitatis,
6 Yet, for all the days of your life, have God in your mind. And be careful that you never consent to sin, nor overlook the precepts of the Lord our God.6 quoniam, agente te veritatem, prospera erunt itinera in operibus tuis et inomnibus, qui faciunt iustitiam.
7 Give alms from your substance, and do not turn away your face from any pauper. For so it shall be that neither will the face of the Lord be turned away from you.7 Ex substantia tua, fili, fac eleemosynam etnoli avertere faciem tuam ab ullo paupere, ne a te avertatur facies Dei.
8 In whatever way that you are able, so shall you be merciful.8 Quomodo habueris, fili, secundum multitudinem fac ex ipsis eleemosynam. Si tibifuerit largior substantia, plus ex illa fac eleemosynam. Si exiguum habueris,secundum exiguum ne timueris facere eleemosynam:
9 If you have much, distribute abundantly. If you have little, nevertheless strive to bestow a little freely.9 praemium enim bonum reponistibi in diem necessitatis,
10 For you store up for yourself a good reward for the day of necessity.10 quoniam eleemosyna a morte liberat et non sinitire in tenebras.
11 For almsgiving liberates from every sin and from death, and it will not suffer the soul to go into darkness.11 Munus enim bonum est eleemosyna omnibus, qui faciunt illamcoram Excelso.
12 Almsgiving will be a great act of faith before the most high God, for all those who practice it.12 Attende tibi, fili, ab omni fornicatione. Uxorem primum accipeex semine parentum tuorum et noli sumere uxorem alienam, quae non est ex tribupatris tui, quoniam filii prophetarum sumus: Noe et Abraham et Isaac et Iacobpatres nostri a saeculo. Rememorare, fili, quoniam hi omnes acceperunt uxores exsemine patrum suorum et benedicti sunt in filiis suis, et semen illorumpossidebit hereditatem terrae.
13 Take care to keep yourself, my son, from all fornication, and, except for your wife, never permit yourself to know such an offense.13 Et tu, fili, dilige fratres tuos et noli fastidire in corde tuo a fratribustuis et a filiis et filiabus populi tui, ut accipias uxorem ex illis, quoniam infastidio perditio et inconstantia magna est, et in nugacitate diminutio etexiguitas magna est. Nugacitas enim mater est famis.
14 Never permit arrogance to rule in your mind or in your words. For in it, all perdition had its beginning.14 Merces omnis hominis,quicumque penes te operatus fuerit, non maneat penes te, sed redde ei statim, etmerces tua non minorabitur; si servieris Deo in veritate, reddetur tibi. Attendetibi, fili, in omnibus operibus tuis et esto sapiens in omnibus sermonibus tuis
15 And whoever has done any kind of work for you, immediately pay him his wages, and do not let the wages of your hired hand remain with you at all.15 et, quod oderis, nemini feceris. Noli bibere vinum in ebrietatem, et noncomitetur te ebrietas in via tua.
16 Whatever you would hate to have done to you by another, see that you never do so to another.16 De pane tuo communica esurienti et devestimentis tuis nudis; ex omnibus, quaecumque tibi abundaverint, faceleemosynam, et non invideat oculus tuus, cum facis eleemosynam.
17 Eat your bread with the hungry and the needy, and cover the naked with your own garments.17 Frange panemtuum et effunde vinum tuum super sepulcra iustorum et noli dare peccatoribus.
18 Set out your bread and your wine at the burial of a just man, and do not eat and drink from it with sinners.18 Consilium ab omni sapiente inquire et noli contemnere omne consilium utile.
19 Always seek the counsel of a wise man.19 Omni tempore benedic Dominum et postula ab illo, ut dirigantur viae tuae, etomnes semitae tuae et consilia bene disponantur, quoniam omnes gentes non habentconsilium bonum, sed ipse Dominus dabit ipsis bonum consilium. Quem enimvoluerit, allevat et, quem voluerit, Dominus demergit usque ad inferos deorsum.Et nunc, fili, memor esto praeceptorum meorum, et non deleantur de corde tuo.
20 Bless God at all times. And petition him that he direct your ways and that all your counsels may remain in him.20 Et nunc, fili, indico tibi commendasse me decem talenta argenti Gabael filioGabriae in Rages Mediae.
21 And now, I reveal to you, my son, that I lent ten talents of silver, while you were still a young child, to Gabael, in Rages, a city of the Medes, and I have his written agreement with me.21 Noli vereri, fili, quia pauperem vitam gessimus.Habes multa bona, si timueris Deum et recesseris ab omni peccato et bene egerisin conspectu Domini Dei tui ”.
22 And so, inquire how you may travel to him and receive from him the aforementioned weight of silver, and return to him the written agreement.
23 Do not be afraid, my son. We do indeed lead a poor life, but we will have many good things: if we fear God, and withdraw from all sin, and do what is good.”