
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Salmos 111

1 ¡Aleluya!

[Alef]Doy gracias al Señor de todo corazón,

[Bet]en la reunión y en la asamblea de los justos.

1 Alleluia. Of the return of Haggai and Zachariah. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. He will prefer his commandments exceedingly.
2 [Guímel] Grandes son las obras del Señor:

[Dálet] los que las aman desean comprenderlas.

2 His offspring will be powerful on the earth. The generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 [He] Su obra es esplendor y majestad,

[Vau] su justicia permanece para siempre.

3 Glory and wealth will be in his house, and his justice shall remain from age to age.
4 [Zain] El hizo portentos memorables,

[Jet] el Señor es bondadoso y compasivo.

4 For the upright, a light has risen up in the darkness. He is merciful and compassionate and just.
5 [Tet] Proveyó de alimento a sus fieles

[Iod] y se acuerda eternamente de su alianza.

5 Pleasing is the man who shows mercy and lends. He will order his words with judgment.
6 [Caf] Manifestó a su pueblo el poder de sus obras,

[Lámed] dándole la herencia de las naciones.

6 For he will not be disturbed in eternity.
7 [Mem] Las obras de sus manos son verdad y justicia;

[Nun] todos sus preceptos son indefectibles:

7 The just one will be an everlasting memorial. He will not fear a report of disasters. His heart is prepared to hope in the Lord.
8 [Sámec] están afianzados para siempre

[Ain] y establecidos con lealtad y rectitud.

8 His heart has been confirmed. He will not be disturbed, until he looks down upon his enemies.
9 [Pe] El envió la redención a su pueblo,

[Sade] promulgó su alianza para siempre:

[Qof] Su Nombre es santo y temible.

9 He has distributed, he has given to the poor. His justice shall remain from age to age. His horn shall be exalted in glory.
10 [Res] El temor del Señor es el comienzo de la sabiduría:

[Sin] son prudentes los que lo practican.

[Tau] Su alabanza por siempre permanece.
10 The sinner will see and become angry. He will gnash his teeth and waste away. The desire of sinners will perish.