
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Iudith 4

1 Tunc audientes hæc filii Israël qui habitabant in terra Juda, timuerunt valde a facie ejus.1 When the Israelites living in Judaea heard how Holofernes, general-in-chief of Nebuchadnezzar king ofthe Assyrians, had treated the various nations, plundering their temples and destroying them,
2 Tremor et horror invasit sensus eorum, ne hoc faceret Jerusalem et templo Domini, quod fecerat ceteris civitatibus et templis earum.2 they were thoroughly alarmed at his approach and trembled for Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lordtheir God.
3 Et miserunt in omnem Samariam per circuitum usque Jericho, et præoccupaverunt omnes vertices montium :3 They had returned from captivity only a short time before, and the resettlement of the people in Judaeaand the reconsecration of the sacred furnishings, of the altar, and of the Temple, which had been profaned, wereof recent date.
4 et muris circumdederunt vicos suos, et congregaverunt frumenta in præparationem pugnæ.4 They therefore alerted the whole of Samaria, Kona, Beth-Horon, Belmain, Jericho, Choba, Aesora andthe Salem val ey.
5 Sacerdos etiam Eliachim scripsit ad universos qui erant contra Esdrelon, quæ est contra faciem campi magni juxta Dothain, et universos per quos viæ transitus esse poterat,5 They occupied the summits of the highest mountains and fortified the vil ages on them; they laid insupplies for the coming war, as the fields had just been harvested.
6 ut obtinerent ascensus montium, per quos via esse poterat ad Jerusalem, et illic custodirent ubi angustum iter esse poterat inter montes.6 Joakim the high priest, resident in Jerusalem at the time, wrote to the inhabitants of Bethulia and ofBetomesthaim, two towns facing Esdraelon, towards the plain of Dothan.
7 Et fecerunt filii Israël secundum quod constituerat eis sacerdos Domini Eliachim.7 He ordered them to occupy the mountain passes, the only means of access to Judaea, for there it wouldbe easy for them to halt an attacking force, the narrowness of the approach not al owing men to advance morethan two abreast.
8 Et clamavit omnis populus ad Dominum instantia magna, et humiliaverunt animas suas in jejuniis et orationibus, ipsi et mulieres eorum.8 The Israelites carried out the orders of Joakim the high priest and of the people's Council of Elders insession at Jerusalem.
9 Et induerunt se sacerdotes ciliciis, et infantes prostraverunt contra faciem templi Domini, et altare Domini operuerunt cilicio :9 All the men of Israel cried most fervently to God and humbled themselves before him.
10 et clamaverunt ad Dominum Deum Israël unanimiter ne darentur in prædam infantes eorum, et uxores eorum in divisionem, et civitates eorum in exterminium, et sancta eorum in pollutionem, et fierent opprobrium gentibus.10 They, their wives, their children, their cattle, al their resident aliens, hired or slave, wrapped sackclothround their loins.
11 Tunc Eliachim sacerdos Domini magnus circuivit omnem Israël, allocutusque est eos,11 Al the Israelites in Jerusalem, including women and children, lay prostrate in front of the Temple, andwith ashes on their heads stretched out their hands before the Lord.
12 dicens : Scitote quoniam exaudiet Dominus preces vestras, si manentes permanseritis in jejuniis et orationibus in conspectu Domini.12 They draped the altar itself in sackcloth and fervently joined together in begging the God of Israel not tolet their children be carried off, their wives distributed as booty, the towns of their heritage destroyed, the Templeprofaned and desecrated for the heathen to gloat over.
13 Memores estote Moysi servi Domini, qui Amalec confidentem in virtute sua, et in potentia sua, et in exercitu suo, et in clypeis suis, et in curribus suis, et in equitibus suis, non ferro pugnando, sed precibus sanctis orando dejecit :13 The Lord heard them and looked kindly on their distress. The people fasted for many days throughoutJudaea as wel as in Jerusalem before the sanctuary of the Lord Almighty.
14 sic erunt universi hostes Israël, si perseveraveritis in hoc opere quod c?pistis.14 Joakim the high priest and al who stood before the Lord, the Lord's priests and ministers, woresackcloth round their loins as they offered the perpetual burnt offering and the votive and voluntary offerings ofthe people.
15 Ad hanc igitur exhortationem ejus deprecantes Dominum, permanebant in conspectu Domini,15 With ashes on their turbans they earnestly cal ed on the Lord to look kindly on the House of Israel.
16 ita ut etiam hi qui offerebant Domino holocausta, præcincti ciliciis offerrent sacrificia Domino, et erat cinis super capita eorum.
17 Et ex toto corde suo omnes orabant Deum, ut visitaret populum suum Israël.