
Domenica, 16 giugno 2024 - Sant´ Aureliano ( Letture di oggi)

Psalms 52

1 Unto the end. For Mahalath: the thoughts of David. The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”1 Del maestro de coro. Poema. De David.
2 They were corrupted, and they became abominable with iniquities. There is no one who does good.2 Cuando el edomita Doeg vino a avisar a Saúl diciéndole:
«David ha entrado en casa de Ajimélek».
3 God gazed down from heaven on the sons of men, to see if there were any who were considering or seeking God.3 ¿Por qué te glorías del mal,
héroe de infamia?
Todo el día
4 All have gone astray; together they have become useless. There is no one who does good; there is not even one.4 pensando estás en crímenes,
tu lengua es una afilada navaja,
oh artífice de engaño.
5 Will they never learn: all those who work iniquity, who devour my people like a meal of bread?5 El mal al bien prefieres,
la mentira a la justicia; Pausa.
6 They have not called upon God. In that place, they have trembled in fear, where there was no fear. For God has scattered the bones of those who please men. They have been confounded, because God has spurned them.6 amas toda palabra de perdición,
oh lengua engañadora.
7 Who will grant from Zion the salvation of Israel? Jacob will exult, when God will convert the captivity of his people; and Israel will rejoice.7 Por eso Dios te aplastará,
te destruirá por siempre,
te arrancará de tu tienda,
te extirpará de la tierra de los vivos. Pausa.
8 Los justos lo verán y temerán,
se reirán de él:
9 «¡Ese es el hombre que no puso
en Dios su refugio,
mas en su gran riqueza confiaba,
se jactaba de su crimen!»
10 Mas yo, como un olivo verde
en la Casa de Dios,
en el amor de Dios confío
para siempre jamás.
11 Te alabaré eternamente
por lo que has hecho;
esperaré en tu nombre, porque es bueno
con los que te aman