
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Giudici (قضاة) 18

1 وفي تلك الايام لم يكن ملك في اسرائيل. وفي تلك الايام كان سبط الدانيين يطلب له ملكا للسكنى. لانه الى ذلك اليوم لم يقع له نصيب في وسط اسباط اسرائيل.1 In those days, there was no king in Israel. And the tribe of Dan sought a possession for themselves, so that they might live in it. For even to that day, they had not received their lot among the other tribes.
2 فارسل بنو دان من عشيرتهم خمسة رجال منهم رجالا بني بأس من صرعة ومن اشتأول لتجسس الارض وفحصها. وقالوا لهم اذهبوا افحصوا الارض. فجاءوا الى جبل افرايم الى بيت ميخا وباتوا هناك.2 Therefore, the sons of Dan sent five very strong men, of their stock and family, from Zorah and Eshtaol, so that they might explore the land and diligently inspect it. And they said to them, “Go, and consider the land.” And after traveling, they arrived at mount Ephraim, and they entered into the house of Micah. There they rested.
3 وبينما هم عند بيت ميخا عرفوا صوت الغلام اللاوي فمالوا الى هناك وقالوا له. من جاء بك الى هنا وماذا انت عامل في هذا المكان ومالك هنا.3 And they recognized the speech of the youth who was a Levite. And while making use of an inn with him, they said to him: “Who brought you here? What are you doing here? For what reason did you want to come here?”
4 فقال لهم كذا وكذا عمل لي ميخا وقد استأجرني فصرت له كاهنا.4 And he answered them, “Micah has offered me one thing and another, and he has paid me wages, so that I may be his priest.”
5 فقالوا له اسأل اذن من الله لنعلم هل ينجح طريقنا الذي نحن سائرون فيه.5 Then they begged him to consult the Lord, so that they might be able to know whether the journey they undertook would be prosperous, and whether the matter would have success.
6 فقال لهم الكاهن اذهبوا بسلام. امام الرب طريقكم الذي تسيرون فيه6 And he responded to them, “Go in peace. The Lord looks with favor on your path, and on the journey that you have undertaken.”
7 فذهب الخمسة الرجال وجاءوا الى لايش ورأوا الشعب الذين فيها ساكنين بطمانينة كعادة الصيدونيين مستريحين مطمئنين وليس في الارض مؤذ بأمر وارث رياسة وهم بعيدون عن الصيدونيين وليس لهم امر مع انسان.7 And so the five men, going on, arrived at Laish. And they saw the people, living in it without any fear, according to the custom of the Sidonians, secure and peaceful, having hardly anyone to oppose them, and with great wealth, and living separately, far from Sidon and from all men.
8 وجاءوا الى اخوتهم الى صرعة واشتأول فقال لهم اخوتهم ما انتم.8 And they returned to their brothers at Zorah and Eshtaol, who questioned them as to what they had done. And they responded:
9 فقالوا قوموا نصعد اليهم لاننا رأينا الارض وهوذا هي جيدة جدا وانتم ساكتون. لا تتكاسلوا عن الذهاب لتدخلوا وتملكوا الارض.9 “Rise up. Let us ascend to them. For we have seen that the land is very wealthy and fruitful. Do not delay; do not refrain. Let us go out and possess it. There will be no difficulty.
10 عند مجيئكم تاتون الى شعب مطمئن والارض واسعة الطرفين. ان الله قد دفعها ليدكم. مكان ليس فيه عوز لشيء مما في الارض10 We shall enter to those who dwell securely, in a very wide region, and the Lord will deliver the place to us, a place in which there is no lack of anything that grows upon the earth.”
11 فارتحل من هناك من عشيرة الدانيين من صرعة ومن اشتأول ست مئة رجل متسلحين بعدة الحرب.11 And so, those of the kindred of Dan set out, that is, six hundred men from Zorah and Eshtaol, girded with the weapons of warfare.
12 وصعدوا وحلّوا في قرية يعاريم في يهوذا. لذلك دعوا ذلك المكان محلّة دان الى هذا اليوم. هوذا هي وراء قرية يعاريم.12 And going up, they stayed at Kiriath-jearim of Judah. And so the place, from that time, received the name the Camp of Dan, and it is behind the back of Kiriath-jearim.
13 وعبروا من هناك الى جبل افرايم وجاءوا الى بيت ميخا.13 From there, they crossed over to mount Ephraim. And when they had arrived at the house of Micah,
14 فاجاب الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس ارض لايش وقالوا لاخوتهم أتعلمون ان في هذه البيوت افودا وترافيم وتمثالا منحوتا وتمثالا مسبوكا. فالآن اعلموا ما تفعلون.14 the five men, who before had been sent to consider the land of Laish, said to the rest of their brothers: “You know that in these houses there is an ephod and theraphim, and a molten idol and a graven image. Consider what it may please you to do.”
15 فمالوا الى هناك وجاءوا الى بيت الغلام اللاوي بيت ميخا وسلموا عليه.15 And when they had turned aside a little, they entered the house of the Levite youth, who was in the house of Micah. And they greeted him with peaceful words.
16 والست مئة الرجل المتسلحون بعدتهم للحرب واقفون عند مدخل الباب. هؤلاء من بني دان.16 Now the six hundred men, who were all armed, were standing before the door.
17 فصعد الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس الارض ودخلوا الى هناك واخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. والكاهن واقف عند مدخل الباب مع الست مئة الرجل المتسلحين بعدة الحرب.17 But those who had entered the house of the youth strove to take away the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten idol. But the priest was standing in front of the door, with the six hundred very strong men waiting not far away.
18 وهؤلاء دخلوا بيت ميخا وأخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. فقال لهم الكاهن ماذا تفعلون.18 And so, those who had entered took away the graven image, the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten idol. And the priest said to them, “What are you doing?”
19 فقالوا له اخرس. ضع يدك على فمك واذهب معنا وكن لنا ابا وكاهنا. أهو خير لك ان تكون كاهنا لبيت رجل واحد ام ان تكون كاهنا لسبط ولعشيرة في اسرائيل.19 And they responded to him: “Be silent and place your finger over your mouth. And come with us, so that we may have you as a father as well as a priest. For which is better for you: to be a priest in the house of one man, or in one tribe and family in Israel?”
20 فطاب قلب الكاهن واخذ الافود والترافيم والتمثال المنحوت ودخل في وسط الشعب.20 And when he had heard this, he agreed to their words. And he took the ephod, and the idols, and the graven image, and he set out with them.
21 ثم انصرفوا وذهبوا ووضعوا الاطفال والماشية والثقل قدامهم.21 And while traveling, they had also sent the children, and the cattle, and all that was valuable to go ahead of them.
22 ولما ابتعدوا عن بيت ميخا اجتمع الرجال الذين في البيوت التي عند بيت ميخا وادركوا بني دان22 And when they were far from the house of Micah, the men who were living in the houses of Micah, crying out together, followed them.
23 وصاحوا الى بني دان فالتفتوا وقالوا لميخا ما لك صرخت.23 And they began to shout behind their backs. And when they had looked back, they said to Micah: “What do you want? Why are you crying out?”
24 فقال. آلهتي التي عملت قد اخذتموها مع الكاهن وذهبتم فماذا لي بعد. وما هذا تقولون لي مالك.24 And he responded: “You have taken away my gods, which I made for myself, and the priest, and all that I have. And do you say, ‘What is it that you want?’ ”
25 فقال له بنو دان لا تسمّع صوتك بيننا لئلا يقع بكم رجال انفسهم مرّة فتنزع نفسك وانفس بيتك.25 And the sons of Dan said to him, “Take care that you no longer speak to us, otherwise men with a mind for violence may overwhelm you, and you yourself would perish with all your house.”
26 وسار بنو دان في طريقهم. ولما رأى ميخا انهم اشدّ منه انصرف ورجع الى بيته26 And so, they continued on the journey that they had begun. But Micah, seeing that they were stronger than he was, returned to his house.
27 واما هم فأخذوا ما صنع ميخا والكاهن الذي كان له وجاءوا الى لايش الى شعب مستريح مطمئن وضربوهم بحد السيف واحرقوا المدينة بالنار.27 Now the six hundred men took the priest, and the things we stated above, and they went to Laish, to a people quiet and secure, and they struck them down with the edge of the sword. And they burned the city with fire.
28 ولم يكن من ينقذ لانها بعيدة عن صيدون ولم يكن لهم امر مع انسان وهي في الوادي الذي لبيت رحوب. فبنوا المدينة وسكنوا بها.28 For no one at all sent reinforcements, because they lived far away from Sidon, and they had no association or business with any man. Now the city was situated in the region of Rehob. And building it up again, they lived in it,
29 ودعوا اسم المدينة دان باسم دان ابيهم الذي ولد لاسرائيل. ولكن اسم المدينة اولا لايش.29 calling the name of the city Dan, according to the name of their father, who had been born of Israel, though before it was called Laish.
30 واقام بنو دان لانفسهم التمثال المنحوت وكان يهوناثان ابن جرشوم بن منسّى هو وبنوه كهنة لسبط الدانيين الى يوم سبي الارض.30 And they established for themselves the graven image. And Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, with his sons, were priests in the tribe of Dan, even until the day of their captivity.
31 ووضعوا لانفسهم تمثال ميخا المنحوت الذي عمله كل الايام التي كان فيها بيت الله في شيلوه31 And the idol of Micah remained with them during the entire time that the house of God was in Shiloh. In those days, there was no king in Israel.