
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Giudici (قضاة) 18

1 وفي تلك الايام لم يكن ملك في اسرائيل. وفي تلك الايام كان سبط الدانيين يطلب له ملكا للسكنى. لانه الى ذلك اليوم لم يقع له نصيب في وسط اسباط اسرائيل.1 In those days there was no king in Israel. Now in those days the tribe of Dan was in search of aterritory to live in, for until then no territory had fallen to them among the tribes of Israel.
2 فارسل بنو دان من عشيرتهم خمسة رجال منهم رجالا بني بأس من صرعة ومن اشتأول لتجسس الارض وفحصها. وقالوا لهم اذهبوا افحصوا الارض. فجاءوا الى جبل افرايم الى بيت ميخا وباتوا هناك.2 From their clan the Danites sent five brave men from Zorah and Eshtaol to reconnoitre the country andexplore it. They said to them, 'Go and explore the country.' The five men came to the highlands of Ephraim, asfar as Micah's house, and spent the night there.
3 وبينما هم عند بيت ميخا عرفوا صوت الغلام اللاوي فمالوا الى هناك وقالوا له. من جاء بك الى هنا وماذا انت عامل في هذا المكان ومالك هنا.3 When they were near Micah's house, they recognised the voice of the young Levite and, going nearer,said to him, 'Who brought you here? What are you doing here? What is keeping you here?'
4 فقال لهم كذا وكذا عمل لي ميخا وقد استأجرني فصرت له كاهنا.4 He replied, 'Micah has made certain arrangements with me. He pays me a wage and I act as hispriest.'
5 فقالوا له اسأل اذن من الله لنعلم هل ينجح طريقنا الذي نحن سائرون فيه.5 They replied, 'Then consult God, so that we may know whether the journey we are on wil lead tosuccess.'
6 فقال لهم الكاهن اذهبوا بسلام. امام الرب طريقكم الذي تسيرون فيه6 The priest replied, 'Go in peace; Yahweh is watching over your journey.'
7 فذهب الخمسة الرجال وجاءوا الى لايش ورأوا الشعب الذين فيها ساكنين بطمانينة كعادة الصيدونيين مستريحين مطمئنين وليس في الارض مؤذ بأمر وارث رياسة وهم بعيدون عن الصيدونيين وليس لهم امر مع انسان.7 The five men then left and, arriving at Laish, saw that the people living there had an untroubledexistence, according to the customs of the Sidonians, peaceful and trusting, that there was no lack or shortageof any sort in the territory, that they were a long way away from the Sidonians and that they had no contact withthe Aramaeans.
8 وجاءوا الى اخوتهم الى صرعة واشتأول فقال لهم اخوتهم ما انتم.8 They then went back to their brothers at Zorah and Eshtaol and, when the latter asked them, 'Whathave you to report?'
9 فقالوا قوموا نصعد اليهم لاننا رأينا الارض وهوذا هي جيدة جدا وانتم ساكتون. لا تتكاسلوا عن الذهاب لتدخلوا وتملكوا الارض.9 they said, 'Up! we must go against them, since we have looked at the country and it is excellent,though you take no action! Waste no time in setting out and taking possession of the country.
10 عند مجيئكم تاتون الى شعب مطمئن والارض واسعة الطرفين. ان الله قد دفعها ليدكم. مكان ليس فيه عوز لشيء مما في الارض10 When you get there, you wil find a trusting people. The country is wide, and God has put it at yourmercy. It is a place where there is no lack of anything on earth.'
11 فارتحل من هناك من عشيرة الدانيين من صرعة ومن اشتأول ست مئة رجل متسلحين بعدة الحرب.11 From these places, consequently, from the clan of Danites at Zorah and Eshtaol, six hundred men setout equipped for war.
12 وصعدوا وحلّوا في قرية يعاريم في يهوذا. لذلك دعوا ذلك المكان محلّة دان الى هذا اليوم. هوذا هي وراء قرية يعاريم.12 They went up and camped at Kiriath-Jearim in Judah; and for this reason the place is stil cal ed theCamp of Dan today. It lies to the west of Kiriath-Jearim.
13 وعبروا من هناك الى جبل افرايم وجاءوا الى بيت ميخا.13 From there they entered the highlands of Ephraim and came to Micah's house.
14 فاجاب الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس ارض لايش وقالوا لاخوتهم أتعلمون ان في هذه البيوت افودا وترافيم وتمثالا منحوتا وتمثالا مسبوكا. فالآن اعلموا ما تفعلون.14 The five men who had been to reconnoitre the country then spoke to their brothers. 'Do you know',they said, 'that in these houses there is an ephod, some domestic images, a carved statue and an idol cast inmetal? So now work out what you have got to do!'
15 فمالوا الى هناك وجاءوا الى بيت الغلام اللاوي بيت ميخا وسلموا عليه.15 So, turning off the road, they went to the young Levite's dwelling, to Micah's house, and greeted himpeaceful y.
16 والست مئة الرجل المتسلحون بعدتهم للحرب واقفون عند مدخل الباب. هؤلاء من بني دان.16 While the six hundred men of the Danites, equipped for war, stood at the threshold of the gate,
17 فصعد الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس الارض ودخلوا الى هناك واخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. والكاهن واقف عند مدخل الباب مع الست مئة الرجل المتسلحين بعدة الحرب.17 the five who had been to reconnoitre the country went on into the house and took the carved statue,the ephod, the domestic images and the idol cast in metal; meanwhile the priest remained at the threshold of thegate with the six hundred men equipped for war.
18 وهؤلاء دخلوا بيت ميخا وأخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. فقال لهم الكاهن ماذا تفعلون.18 These men, having entered Micah's house, took the carved statue, the ephod, the domestic imagesand the idol cast in metal. The priest, however, said, 'What are you doing?'
19 فقالوا له اخرس. ضع يدك على فمك واذهب معنا وكن لنا ابا وكاهنا. أهو خير لك ان تكون كاهنا لبيت رجل واحد ام ان تكون كاهنا لسبط ولعشيرة في اسرائيل.19 'Be quiet,' they replied. 'Put your hand over your mouth and come with us, and become our father andpriest. Are you better off as domestic priest to one man, or as priest to a tribe and clan in Israel?'
20 فطاب قلب الكاهن واخذ الافود والترافيم والتمثال المنحوت ودخل في وسط الشعب.20 The priest was delighted; he took the ephod, the domestic images and the carved statue, and wentoff among the people.
21 ثم انصرفوا وذهبوا ووضعوا الاطفال والماشية والثقل قدامهم.21 Resuming their original line of march, they set off, having put the women, children, livestock andbaggage out in front.
22 ولما ابتعدوا عن بيت ميخا اجتمع الرجال الذين في البيوت التي عند بيت ميخا وادركوا بني دان22 They had gone some distance from Micah's house, when the people living in the houses near Micah'shouse raised the alarm and set off in pursuit of the Danites.
23 وصاحوا الى بني دان فالتفتوا وقالوا لميخا ما لك صرخت.23 As they shouted after the Danites, the latter, turning about, said to Micah, 'What is the matter withyou, that you are shouting like this?'
24 فقال. آلهتي التي عملت قد اخذتموها مع الكاهن وذهبتم فماذا لي بعد. وما هذا تقولون لي مالك.24 He replied, 'You have taken away my god, which I have had made, and the priest as wel . You aregoing away, and what have I got left? And now you ask me, "What is the matter?" '
25 فقال له بنو دان لا تسمّع صوتك بيننا لئلا يقع بكم رجال انفسهم مرّة فتنزع نفسك وانفس بيتك.25 The Danites said, 'Let us hear no more from you, or quick-tempered men may set about you, and thismight cost you your life and the lives of your family!'
26 وسار بنو دان في طريقهم. ولما رأى ميخا انهم اشدّ منه انصرف ورجع الى بيته26 So the Danites went on their way; and Micah, seeing that they were the stronger, turned and wenthome.
27 واما هم فأخذوا ما صنع ميخا والكاهن الذي كان له وجاءوا الى لايش الى شعب مستريح مطمئن وضربوهم بحد السيف واحرقوا المدينة بالنار.27 So, having taken the god made by Micah, and the priest who had been his, the Danites marched onLaish, on a peaceful and trusting people. They put it to the sword and they burned down the town.
28 ولم يكن من ينقذ لانها بعيدة عن صيدون ولم يكن لهم امر مع انسان وهي في الوادي الذي لبيت رحوب. فبنوا المدينة وسكنوا بها.28 There was no one to come to the rescue, since it was a long way from Sidon and had no contact withthe Aramaeans. It lay in the valley running towards Beth-Rehob. They rebuilt the town and settled in it
29 ودعوا اسم المدينة دان باسم دان ابيهم الذي ولد لاسرائيل. ولكن اسم المدينة اولا لايش.29 and cal ed it Dan, from the name of Dan their ancestor who had been born to Israel; original y,however, the town had been called Laish.
30 واقام بنو دان لانفسهم التمثال المنحوت وكان يهوناثان ابن جرشوم بن منسّى هو وبنوه كهنة لسبط الدانيين الى يوم سبي الارض.30 The Danites erected the carved statue for themselves. Jonathan son of Gershom, son of Moses, andhis sons after him were priests for the tribe of Dan til the day when the inhabitants of the country were carriedaway into exile.
31 ووضعوا لانفسهم تمثال ميخا المنحوت الذي عمله كل الايام التي كان فيها بيت الله في شيلوه31 The carved statue made by Micah they instal ed for their own use, and there it stayed as long as thehouse of God remained at Shiloh.