
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

Salmi 46

1 Magistro chori. Filiorum Core. Secundum " Virgines... ".Canticum.
1 [For the choirmaster Of the sons of Korah For oboe Song] God is both refuge and strength for us, ahelp always ready in trouble;
2 Deus est nobis refugium et virtus,
adiutorium in tribulationibus inventus est nimis.
2 so we shall not be afraid though the earth be in turmoil, though mountains tumble into the depths ofthe sea,
3 Propterea non timebimus, dum turbabitur terra,
et transferentur montes in cor maris.
3 and its waters roar and seethe, and the mountains totter as it heaves. (Yahweh Sabaoth is with us, ourcitadel, the God of Jacob.)Pause
4 Fremant et intumescant aquae eius, conturbentur montes in elatione eius.
4 There is a river whose streams bring joy to God's city, it sanctifies the dwel ing of the Most High.
5 Fluminis rivi laetificant civitatem Dei,
sancta tabernacula Altissimi.
5 God is in the city, it cannot fal ; at break of day God comes to its rescue.
6 Deus in medio eius, non commovebitur;
adiuvabit eam Deus mane diluculo.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms are tumbling, when he raises his voice the earth crumbles away.
7 Fremuerunt gentes, commota sunt regna;
dedit vocem suam, liquefacta est terra.
7 Yahweh Sabaoth is with us, our citadel, the God of Jacob. Pause
8 Dominus virtutum nobiscum,
refugium nobis Deus Iacob.
8 Come, consider the wonders of Yahweh, the astounding deeds he has done on the earth;
9 Venite et videte opera Domini,
quae posuit prodigia super terram.
Auferet bella usque ad finem terrae,
9 he puts an end to wars over the whole wide world, he breaks the bow, he snaps the spear, shields heburns in the fire.
10 arcum conteret et confringet arma
et scuta comburet igne.
10 'Be stil and acknowledge that I am God, supreme over nations, supreme over the world.'
11 Vacate et videte quoniam ego sum Deus:
exaltabor in gentibus et exaltabor in terra.
11 Yahweh Sabaoth is with us, our citadel, the God of Jacob.Pause
12 Dominus virtutum nobiscum,
refugium nobis Deus Iacob.