
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Salmos 21

1 Del maestro de coro. Salmo de David.

1 [For the choirmaster Psalm Of David] Yahweh, the king rejoices in your power; How your saving helpfills him with joy!
2 Señor, el rey se regocija por tu fuerza

¡y cuánto se alegra por tu victoria!

2 You have granted him his heart's desire, not denied him the prayer of his lips.Pause
3 Tú has colmado los deseos de su corazón,

no le has negado lo que pedían sus labios.

3 For you come to meet him with blessings of prosperity, put a crown of pure gold on his head.
4 Porque te anticipas a bendecirlo con el éxito

y pones en su cabeza una corona de oro puro.

4 He has asked for life, you have given it him, length of days for ever and ever.
5 Te pidió larga vida y se la diste:

días que se prolongan para siempre.

5 Great his glory through your saving help; you invest him with splendour and majesty.
6 Su gloria se acrecentó por tu triunfo,

tú lo revistes de esplendor y majestad;

6 You confer on him everlasting blessings, you gladden him with the joy of your presence.
7 le concedes incesantes bendiciones,

lo colmas de alegría en tu presencia.

7 For the king puts his trust in Yahweh; the faithful love of the Most High wil keep him from fal ing.
8 Sí, el rey confía en el Señor

y con la gracia del Altísimo no vacilará.

8 Your hand wil reach all your enemies, your right hand al who hate you.
9 Tu mano alcanzará a todos tus enemigos,

tu derecha vencerá a los que te odian.

9 You will hurl them into a blazing furnace on the day when you appear; Yahweh wil engulf them in his anger, and fire wil devour them.
10 Los convertirás en un horno encendido,

cuando se manifieste tu presencia.

El Señor los consumirá con su enojo,

el fuego los destruirá por completo:

10 You wil purge the earth of their descendants, the human race of their posterity.
11 eliminarás su estirpe de la tierra,

y a sus descendientes de entre los hombres.

11 They have devised evil against you but, plot as they may, they will not succeed,
12 Ellos trataron de hacerte mal,

urdieron intrigas, pero sin resultado:

12 since you will make them turn tail, by shooting your arrows in their faces.
13 porque tú harás que vuelvan la espalda,

apuntándoles a la cara con tus arcos.

13 Rise, Yahweh, in your power! We wil sing and make music in honour of your strength.
14 Levántate, Señor, con tu fuerza,

para que cantemos y celebremos tus proezas!