
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Job 19

1 Job respondió, diciendo:1 But Job answered by saying:
2 ¿Hasta cuándo me va a afligir y me van a torturar con sus palabras?2 How long will you afflict my soul and wear me down with words?
3 Ya es la décima vez que me ultrajan, que me maltratan desvergonzadamente.3 So, ten times you confound me and are not ashamed to oppress me.
4 Aunque fuera verdad que cometí un error, mi error me concierne sólo a mí.4 Now, of course, if I have been ignorant, my ignorance will be with me.
5 Ustedes se envalentonan contra mí y me imputan mi ignominia:5 But you have risen up against me, and you accuse me to my disgrace.
6 pero sepan que es Dios el que me agravia y que él me ha envuelto en su red.6 At least now you should understand that God has not afflicted me with a balanced judgment, though he has encompassed me with his scourges.
7 Si grito: «¡Violencia!», no tengo respuesta; si pido auxilio, no se hace justicia.7 Behold, I will cry out, enduring violence, and no one will hear. I will announce loudly, but there is no one who may judge.
8 El cercó mi camino y no puedo pasar; cubrió de tinieblas mi sendero.8 He has hemmed in my path, and I cannot pass; he has added darkness to my difficult path.
9 Me ha despojado de mi honor y quitó la corona de mi cabeza.9 He has plundered me of my glory, and he has stolen the crown from my head.
10 Me demolió por completo, y ya me voy; arrancó, como un árbol, mi esperanza.10 He has destroyed me on every side, and I am lost, and, like an uprooted tree, he has taken away my hope.
11 Encendió su indignación contra mí y me trató como a su enemigo.11 His fury has raged against me, and in this way he has treated me like his enemy.
12 Sus escuadrones llegaron en tropel, se abrieron camino hasta mí y acamparon alrededor de mi carpa.12 His troops have gathered together, and they have made their way to me, and they have besieged my tabernacle all around.
13 Mis hermanos se alejaron de mí y soy un extraño para mis amigos.13 He has put my brothers far from me, and my friends have withdrawn from me like strangers.
14 Desaparecieron mis allegados y familiares, me olvidaron14 My kinsmen have forsaken me, and those who knew me, have forgotten me.
15 los huéspedes de mi casa. Mis servidoras me consideran un extraño, me he convertido en un intruso para ellas.15 The inhabitants of my house and my maidservants treat me just as if I were a stranger, and I have been like an sojourner in their eyes.
16 Llamo a mi servidor, y no responde, aunque se lo pida por favor.16 I called my servant, and he did not respond; I pleaded with him with my own mouth.
17 Mi mujer siente asco de mi aliento, soy repugnante para los hijos de mis entrañas.17 My wife has shuddered at my breath, and I have begged the sons of my loins.
18 Hasta los niños pequeños me desprecian: cuando me levanto, se burlan de mí.18 Even the foolish have looked down on me, and, when I withdrew from them, they spoke ill of me.
19 Mis amigos íntimos me abominan, los que yo amaba se vuelven contra mí.19 Those who were sometime my counselors, treat me like an abomination; and he whom I valued the most has turned against me.
20 Los huesos se me pegan a la piel y se me desprenden los dientes de las envías.20 Since my flesh has been consumed, my bone adheres to my skin, and only my lips have been left around my teeth.
21 ¡Apiádense, apiádense de mí, amigos míos, porque me ha herido la mano de Dios!21 Have mercy on me, have compassion on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord has touched me.
22 ¿Por qué ustedes me persiguen como Dios y no terminan de saciarse con mi carne?22 Why do you pursue me just as God does, and satiate yourselves with my flesh?
23 ¡Ah, si se escribieran mis palabras y se las grabara en el bronce;23 Who will grant to me that my words may be written down? Who will grant to me that they may be inscribed in a book,
24 si con un punzón de hierro y plomo fueran esculpidas en la roca para siempre!24 with an iron pen and a plate of lead, or else be carved in stone?
25 Porque yo sé que mi Redentor vive y que él, el último, se alzará sobre el polvo25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and on the last day I will rise out of the earth.
26 Y después que me arranquen esta piel, yo, con mi propia carne, veré a Dios.26 And I will be enveloped again with my skin, and in my flesh I will see my God.
27 Sí, yo mismo lo veré, lo contemplarán mis ojos, no los de un extraño. ¡Mi corazón se deshace en mi pecho!27 It is he whom I myself will see, and he whom my eyes will behold, and no other. This, my hope, has taken rest in my bosom.
28 Si ustedes dicen: «¿Cómo lo perseguiremos y qué pretexto encontraremos para procesarlo?»,28 Why then do you now say: “Let us pursue him, and let us find a basis to speak against him?”
29 teman que la espada los hiera a ustedes mismos, porque esas son culpas dignas de la espada: y entonces sabrán que hay un juez.29 So then, flee from the face of the sword, for the sword is the avenger of iniquities; but know this: there is to be a judgment.