
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 38

1 Honor the physician because of necessity, and because the Most High created him.1 Au médecin rends les honneurs qui lui sont dus, en considération de ses services, car luiaussi, c'est le Seigneur qui l'a créé.
2 For all healing is from God, and so he will receive gifts from the King.2 C'est en effet du Très-Haut que vient la guérison, comme un cadeau qu'on reçoit du roi.
3 The expertise of the physician will lift up his head, and in the sight of great men, he will be praised.3 La science du médecin lui fait porter la tête haute, il fait l'admiration des grands.
4 The Most High has created medicines from the earth, and a prudent man will not abhor them.4 Le Seigneur fait sortir de terre les simples, l'homme sensé ne les méprise pas.
5 Was not bitter water made sweet with wood?5 N'est-ce pas une baguette de bois qui rendit l'eau douce, manifestant ainsi sa vertu?
6 The benefits of these things is recognized by men, and the Most High has given this knowledge to men, so that he may be honored in his wonders.6 C'est lui aussi qui donne aux hommes la science pour qu'ils se glorifient de ses oeuvrespuissantes.
7 By these things, he will cure or mitigate their suffering, and the pharmacist will make soothing ointments, and he will form healing medicines, and there will be no end to his works.7 Il en fait usage pour soigner et soulager; le pharmacien en fait des mixtures.
8 For the peace of God is upon the surface of the earth.8 Et ainsi ses oeuvres n'ont pas de fin et par lui le bien-être se répand sur la terre.
9 Son, in your infirmity, you should not neglect yourself, but pray to the Lord, and he will cure you.9 Mon fils, quand tu es malade ne te révolte pas, mais prie le Seigneur et il te guérira.
10 Turn away from sin, and direct your hands, and cleanse your heart from every offense.10 Renonce à tes fautes, garde tes mains nettes, de tout péché purifie ton coeur.
11 Give a sweet offering, and a memorial of fine flour, and fatten your oblation, but also give a place to the physician.11 Offre de l'encens et un mémorial de fleur de farine et fais de riches offrandes selon tesmoyens.
12 For the Lord created him. And so, do not let him depart from you, for his works are necessary.12 Puis aie recours au médecin, car le Seigneur l'a créé, lui aussi, ne l'écarte pas, car tu asbesoin de lui.
13 For there is a time when you may fall into their hands.13 Il y a des cas où la santé est entre leurs mains.
14 Truly, they will beseech the Lord, so that he may direct their treatments and cures, for the sake of their way of life.14 A leur tour en effet ils prieront le Seigneur qu'il leur accorde la faveur d'un soulagement etla guérison pour te sauver la vie.
15 He who sins in the sight of the One who made him will fall into the hands of the physician.15 Celui qui pèche aux yeux de son Créateur, qu'il tombe au pouvoir du médecin.
16 Son, shed tears over the dead, and begin to weep, as if you had suffered dreadfully. And according to judgment, cover his body, and you should not neglect his burial.16 Mon fils, répands tes larmes pour un mort, pousse des lamentations pour montrer tonchagrin, puis enterre le cadavre selon le cérémonial et ne manque pas d'honorer sa tombe.
17 And though you will sink down into bitterness, bear his mourning for one day, and then be consoled in your sadness.17 Pleure amèrement, frappe-toi la poitrine, observe le deuil comme le mort le mérite un oudeux jours durant, de peur de faire jaser, puis console-toi de ton chagrin.
18 And carry out his mourning, according to his merit, for one or two days because of this loss.18 Car le chagrin mène à la mort, un coeur abattu perd toute vigueur.
19 Yet sadness hastens death and overwhelms strength, and the sorrow of the heart bows down the neck.19 Avec le malheur persiste la peine, une vie de chagrin est insupportable.
20 When one is taken away, sorrow remains. But the resources of a destitute man is found in his heart.20 N'abandonne pas ton coeur au chagrin, repousse-le. Songe à ta propre fin.
21 You should not give your heart over to sadness, but push it away from you. And remember the very end.21 Ne l'oublie pas: il n'y a pas de retour, tu ne servirais de rien au mort et tu te ferais du mal.
22 Do not be willing to forget this; for there is no turning back. Otherwise, it will not benefit you, and you will cause great harm to yourself.22 "Souviens-toi de ma sentence qui sera aussi la tienne: moi hier, toi aujourd'hui!"
23 Call to mind my judgment. For so shall it be for you also. Yesterday is mine, and today is yours.23 Dès qu'un mort repose, laisse reposer sa mémoire, console-toi de lui dès que son esprit estparti.
24 When the deceased is at rest, let his memory rest also. And console him at the departure of his spirit.24 La sagesse du scribe s'acquiert aux heures de loisir et celui qui est libre d'affaires devientsage.
25 The wisdom of a scribe is found in his time of leisure. So whoever has less to do will gain wisdom.25 Comment deviendrait-il sage, celui qui tient la charrue, dont toute la gloire est de brandirl'aiguillon, qui mène des boeufs et ne les quitte pas au travail, et qui ne parle que de bétail?
26 With what wisdom will someone be filled who holds the plow, and who boasts of the cattle prod that drives the oxen forward, and who is occupied in these labors, and whose only conversation is about the offspring of bulls?26 Son coeur est occupé des sillons qu'il trace et ses veilles se passent à engraisser desgénisses.
27 He will give his mind over to the plowing of furrows, and his vigilance to the fattening of the cows.27 Pareillement tous les ouvriers et gens de métier qui travaillent jour et nuit, ceux qui fontprofession de graver des sceaux et qui s'efforcent d'en varier le dessin; ils ont à coeur de bien reproduire lemodèle et veillent pour achever leur ouvrage.
28 Similarly, every craftsman and artisan, who crafts in the night as well as in the day, who sculpts graven seals, and who, by his diligence, varies the image, will give his mind over to the likeness of the image. And he will complete the work by his vigilance.28 Pareillement le forgeron assis près de l'enclume: il considère le fer brut; la vapeur du feului ronge la chair, dans la chaleur du four il se démène; le bruit du marteau l'assourdit, il a les yeux rivés sur sonmodèle; il met tout son coeur à bien faire son travail et il passe ses veilles à le parfaire.
29 The blacksmith, sitting by his anvil and considering a work of iron, is similar. The steam from the fire singes his flesh, and he struggles against the heat of the furnace.29 Pareillement le potier, assis à son travail, de ses pieds faisant aller son tour, sans cessepréoccupé de son ouvrage, tous ses gestes sont comptés;
30 The voice of the hammer is ever in his ears, and his eye is upon the pattern of the ironwork.30 de son bras il pétrit l'argile, de ses pieds il la contraint; il met son coeur à bien appliquer levernis et pendant ses veilles il nettoie le foyer.
31 He gives his heart to the completion of his work, and his vigilance adorns it to perfection.31 Tous ces gens ont mis leur confiance en leurs mains et chacun est habile dans son métier.
32 The potter, sitting at his work and turning the wheel with his feet, is similar. He has settled into a continual concern for his work, and there is a rhythm in all that he does.32 Sans eux nulle cité ne pourrait se construire, on ne pourrait ni s'installer ni voyager.
33 He forms the clay with his arm, and he bends his strength over his feet.33 Mais on ne les rencontre pas au conseil du peuple et à l'assemblée ils n'ont pas un rangélevé. Ils n'occupent pas le siège du juge et ne méditent pas sur la loi.
34 He will give his heart over to the completion of the glazing, and his vigilance to the cleansing of the furnace.34 Ils ne brillent ni par leur culture ni par leur jugement, on ne les rencontre pas parmi lesfaiseurs de maximes. Mais ils assurent une création éternelle, et leur prière a pour objet les affaires de leurmétier.
35 All these persons trust in their own hands, and each one is wise in his own art.
36 Without these persons, a city is not built.
37 But they will neither inhabit nor walk around in the city. And they will not go across to the church.
38 They will not sit upon the seats of judges, and they will not understand a decree of judgment. And they will not make clear discipline and judgment, and they will not be found to understand parables.
39 But they will strengthen the state of the world, and their prayer will be in their artistic works, applying their soul, and searching the law of the Most High.