
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Deuteronomio (تثنية) 25

1 اذا كانت خصومة بين اناس وتقدموا الى القضاء ليقضي القضاة بينهم فليبرروا البار ويحكموا على المذنب.1 "When men have a dispute and bring it to court, and a decision is handed down to them acquitting the innocent party and condemning the guilty party,
2 فان كان المذنب مستوجب الضرب يطرحه القاضي ويجلدونه امامه على قدر ذنبه بالعدد.2 if the latter deserves stripes, the judge shall have him lie down and in his presence receive the number of stripes his guilt deserves.
3 اربعين يجلده لا يزد لئلا اذا زاد في جلده على هذه ضربات كثيرة يحتقر اخوك في عينيك.3 Forty stripes may be given him, but no more; lest, if he were beaten with more stripes than these, your kinsman should be looked upon as disgraced because of the severity of the beating.
4 لا تكمّ الثور في دراسه4 "You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out grain.
5 اذا سكن اخوة معا ومات واحد منهم وليس له ابن فلا تصر امرأة الميت الى خارج لرجل اجنبي. اخو زوجها يدخل عليها ويتخذها لنفسه زوجة ويقوم لها بواجب اخي الزوج.5 "When brothers live together and one of them dies without a son, the widow of the deceased shall not marry anyone outside the family; but her husband's brother shall go to her and perform the duty of a brother-in-law by marrying her.
6 والبكر الذي تلده يقوم باسم اخيه الميت لئلا يمحى اسمه من اسرائيل6 The first-born son she bears shall continue the line of the deceased brother, that his name may not be blotted out from Israel.
7 وان لم يرضى الرجل ان يأخذ امرأة اخيه تصعد امرأة اخيه الى الباب الى الشيوخ وتقول قد ابى اخو زوجي ان يقيم لاخيه اسما في اسرائيل. لم يشأ ان يقوم لي بواجب اخي الزوج.7 If, however, a man does not care to marry his brother's wife, she shall go up to the elders at the gate and declare, 'My brother-in-law does not intend to perform his duty toward me and refuses to perpetuate his brother's name in Israel.'
8 فيدعوه شيوخ مدينته ويتكلمون معه فان اصرّ وقال لا ارضى ان اتخذها8 Thereupon the elders of his city shall summon him and admonish him. If he persists in saying, 'I am not willing to marry her,'
9 تتقدم امرأة اخيه اليه امام اعين الشيوخ وتخلع نعله من رجله وتبصق في وجهه وتصرح وتقول هكذا يفعل بالرجل الذي لا يبني بيت اخيه.9 his sister-in-law, in the presence of the elders, shall go up to him and strip his sandal from his foot and spit in his face, saying publicly, 'This is how one should be treated who will not build up his brother's family!'
10 فيدعى اسمه في اسرائيل بيت مخلوع النعل10 And his lineage shall be spoken of in Israel as 'the family of the man stripped of his sandal.'
11 اذا تخاصم رجلان بعضهما بعضا رجل واخوه وتقدمت امرأة احدهما لكي تخلّص رجلها من يد ضاربه ومدّت يدها وامسكت بعورته11 "When two men are fighting and the wife of one intervenes to save her husband from the blows of his opponent, if she stretches out her hand and seizes the latter by his private parts,
12 فاقطع يدها ولا تشفق عينك12 you shall chop off her hand without pity.
13 لا يكن لك في كيسك اوزان مختلفة كبيرة وصغيرة.13 "You shall not keep two differing weights in your bag, one large and the other small;
14 لا يكن لك في بيتك مكاييل مختلفة كبيرة وصغيرة.14 nor shall you keep two different measures in your house, one large and the other small.
15 وزن صحيح وحق يكون لك ومكيال صحيح وحق يكون لك لكي تطول ايامك على الارض التي يعطيك الرب الهك.15 But use a true and just weight, and a true and just measure, that you may have a long life on the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you.
16 لان كل من عمل ذلك كل من عمل غشا مكروه لدى الرب الهك16 Everyone who is dishonest in any of these matters is an abomination to the LORD, your God.
17 اذكر ما فعله بك عماليق في الطريق عند خروجك من مصر.17 "Bear in mind what Amalek did to you on the journey after you left Egypt,
18 كيف لاقاك في الطريق وقطع من مؤخرك كل المستضعفين وراءك وانت كليل ومتعب ولم يخف الله.18 how without fear of any god he harassed you along the way, weak and weary as you were, and cut off at the rear all those who lagged behind.
19 فمتى اراحك الرب الهك من جميع اعدائك حولك في الارض التي يعطيك الرب الهك نصيبا لكي تمتلكها تمحو ذكر عماليق من تحت السماء. لا تنسى19 Therefore, when the LORD, your God, gives you rest from all your enemies round about in the land which he is giving you to occupy as your heritage, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under the heavens. Do not forget!