
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Gioele (يوئيل) 3

1 لانه هوذا في تلك الايام وفي ذلك الوقت عندما ارد سبي يهوذا واورشليم1 For, behold, in those days and in that time, when I will have converted the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 اجمع كل الامم وانزلهم الى وادي يهوشافاط واحاكمهم هناك على شعبي وميراثي اسرائيل الذين بدّدوهم بين الامم وقسموا ارضي2 I will gather all the Gentiles, and will lead them into the valley of Jehoshaphat. And there I will dispute with them over my people, and over Israel, my inheritance, for they have scattered them among the nations and have divided my land.
3 والقوا قرعة على شعبي واعطوا الصبي بزانية وباعوا البنت بخمر ليشربوا3 And they have cast lots over my people; and the boy they have placed in the brothel, and the girl they have sold for wine, so that they might drink.
4 وماذا انتنّ لي يا صور وصيدون وجميع دائرة فلسطين. هل تكافئونني عن العمل أم هل تصنعون بي شيئا. سريعا بالعجل ارد عملكم على رؤوسكم.4 Truly, what is there between you and me, Tyre and Sidon and all the distant places of the Philistines? How will you take vengeance on me? And if you were to revenge yourselves against me, I would deliver a repayment to you, quickly and soon, upon your head.
5 لانكم اخذتم فضتي وذهبي وادخلتم نفائسي الجيدة الى هياكلكم.5 For you have carried away my silver and gold. And my desirable and most beautiful, you have taken into your shrines.
6 وبعتم بني يهوذا وبني اورشليم لبني الياوانيين لكي تبعدوهم عن تخومهم.6 And you, sons of Judah and sons of Jerusalem, you have sold the sons of the Greeks, so that you might drive them far from their own territory.
7 هانذا انهضهم من الموضع الذي بعتموهم اليه وارد عملكم على رؤوسكم.7 Behold, I will raise them up from the place into which you have sold them, and I will turn back your retribution on your own head.
8 وابيع بنيكم وبناتكم بيد بني يهوذا ليبيعوهم للسبائيين لأمة بعيدة لان الرب قد تكلم8 And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hands of the sons of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, a distant nation, for the Lord has spoken.
9 نادوا بهذا بين الامم. قدسوا حربا انهضوا الابطال ليتقدم ويصعد كل رجال الحرب.9 Proclaim this among the Gentiles: “Sanctify a war, raise up the strong. Approach, ascend, all men of war.
10 اطبعوا سكّاتكم سيوفا ومناجلكم رماحا. ليقل الضعيف بطل انا.10 Cut your ploughs into swords and your hoes into spears. Let the weak say, ‘For I am strong.’
11 اسرعوا وهلموا يا جميع الامم من كل ناحية واجتمعوا. الى هناك أنزل يا رب ابطالك.11 Break out and advance, all nations of the world, and gather together. There the Lord will cause all your strong ones to meet death.”
12 تنهض وتصعد الامم الى وادي يهوشافاط لاني هناك اجلس لاحاكم جميع الامم من كل ناحية.12 Let them arise and ascend to the valley of Jehoshaphat. For there I will sit, so as to judge all the nations of the world.
13 ارسلوا المنجل لان الحصيد قد نضج. هلموا دوسوا لانه قد امتلأت المعصرة. فاضت الحياض لان شرهم كثير13 Send forth the sickles, because the harvest has matured. Advance and descend, for the press is full, the pressing room is overflowing. For their malice has been increasing.
14 جماهير جماهير في وادي القضاء لان يوم الرب قريب في وادي القضاء.14 Nations, nations in the valley of being cut to pieces: for the day of the Lord fittingly takes place in the valley of being cut to pieces.
15 الشمس والقمر يظلمان والنجوم تحجز لمعانها.15 The sun and the moon have been darkened, and the stars have withdrawn their splendor.
16 والرب من صهيون يزمجر ومن اورشليم يعطي صوته فترجف السماء والارض. ولكن الرب ملجأ لشعبه وحصن لبني اسرائيل.16 And the Lord will roar from Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem. And the heavens and the earth will be moved. And the Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the sons of Israel.
17 فتعرفون اني انا الرب الهكم ساكنا في صهيون جبل قدسي وتكون اورشليم مقدسة ولا يجتاز فيها الاعاجم في ما بعد17 And you will know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling on Zion, my holy mountain. And Jerusalem will be holy, and strangers will not cross through it anymore.
18 ويكون في ذلك اليوم ان الجبال تقطر عصيرا والتلال تفيض لبنا وجميع ينابيع يهوذا تفيض ماء ومن بيت الرب يخرج ينبوع ويسقي وادي السنط.18 And it will happen, in that day, that the mountains will drip sweetness, and the hills will flow with milk. And the waters will pass through all the rivers of Judah. And a fountain will go forth from the house of the Lord, and it will irrigate the desert of thorns.
19 مصر تصير خرابا وادوم تصير قفرا خربا من اجل ظلمهم لبني يهوذا الذين سفكوا دما بريئا في ارضهم.19 Egypt will be in desolation, and Edom will be a wilderness destroyed, because of what they have unfairly done to the sons of Judah, and because they have shed innocent blood in their land.
20 ولكن يهوذا تسكن الى الابد واورشليم الى دور فدور.20 And Judea will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem for generation upon generation.
21 وابرّئ دمهم الذي لم ابرّئه والرب يسكن في صهيون21 And I will cleanse their blood, which I had not cleansed. And the Lord will remain in Zion.